New celeb bread <3

New celeb bread

All of the anons spamming Taylor are thinking that they'll eventually brainwash us into loving her, but it's making us hate her even more





She hates you too

She would personally put you in the oven

Just stop with Tay...



She is a carpenter's dream...... flat as a board, and easy to nail.

Can't stop, won't stop ;)


Why not?

bet her pits smell amazing



> Sup Forums trap queen
great taste, bro





God, another hateful thread about Taylor "trap" Swift...
Poor girl. Everybody here makes jokes about her. She is probably the biggest Sup Forums meme ever.




Phat tits















get this talentless nigger bitch out of here.








Fuck off with the shitty shops





What the fuck is that.







People may call her fat but she has a great shaped ass and of course tremendous tits. It more than makes up for the tubbyness




none of those things are true







Dis bitch so thick, she coulda played middle linebacker in high school.




Please stop samefagging and go fuck yourself with your trap pics



Please, get older than 11.

this whore hate me?




a filthy nigger.


#2 Checking in. Confirmed NOT samefag. Run an tell that, homeboy!






Again, NOPE. Time to log off mommy and daddy's computer, Bobby.


go sleep americunt

Ah, Ameri Cunt. Something you will never have the pleasure of fucking or tasting. You dirty, dirty middle eastern muslim trash.



