When I see a tv program about spacetravel via Warp/Bending space-time...

When I see a tv program about spacetravel via Warp/Bending space-time?negative energy they are always talking about distance and speed.
Never I see something about what is on your path.
I mean space is not empty and full of shit like rocks, small and big.
You will crash into this at warp speed.

I am a noob so I will not post on a different board. I want some simple answers and not the manual of a hypothetical force shield.

Yeah really.

Maybe wormhole. Manipulation of space. So won't crash into stuff.

In Star Trek this is explained in some episodes. The ships have a navigational deflector / deflector dish installed.

>Never I see something about what is on your path.

I was 8 when I talked about this, and noone took me seriously.

Until the "Gravity" movie happened.

>You will crash into this at warp speed.

Nope, all this stuff don't move at warp speed, the space ship will easily outrun them.
And if they come right at you, space ships have very strong horns, to make that shit move aside.
So no worries, user.

Circled in the pic is the deflector dish, it takes care of protecting the ship from those impacts.

What is in the Gravity movie?

Should I look to download it?


But a deflector dish makes sense realistically?

They always plot their course.
And at least in regards to Star Trek?
They have deflectors and navigation shields.

As much sense realistically as a warp drive

"what is in your path"

that makes sense when you talk star wars "lightspeed", like traditional travelling from point a to point b

but if you talk about warp speed, youre talking about space manipulation
think about it like this: draw 2 points on a sheet of paper, what is the fastest way to get from one point to another? not a straight line drawn across the paper, its folding the paper in half so the two points touch each other. thats the essential idea for wormhole travelling.

since gravity waves have been observed there is a theoretical possibility of this working

In normal travel you move through space at a certain speed (and cannot reach light speed) so you can crash into other stuff that's also in space.

Warp drive is a hypothetical way to get around the limit of light speed. Instead of travelling through space directly, warp drive makes a bubble of space and moves that bubble. The spaceship itself would technically be stationary, but inside a bubble which could go arbitrarily fast.

Because the 'edge' of the bubble isn't an object, but warped space itself, whatever the bubble 'crashed into' would be unaffected, sitting in its own non-bubble patch of space.

it\s fucking star trek nothing makes reality sense

In Star Trek they cover relativistic space travel with the navigational deflector, which basically knocks everything out the way or destroys it. However, the warp drive in Trek doesn't move the ship, it effectively moves space; within the warp bubble, nothing is technically moving so you can't hit anything. Space moves around the ship.

see that little blue circle? its called the deflector dish. it deflects the debris. there were episodes where combat damaged it and the crew was like "SHIT we cant go to warp till its fixed... WAT DO!"

There's also the issue of probability.

Space is absolutely, mindnumbingly huge. Us humans (spiders can fuck off my Sup Forums) cannot possibly comprehend just how extensive this shit is and how empty.

Within our solar system, the ratio to distances between planets to the planet's diameters is about 50000:1, and that's for the inner planets, which are pretty close. And as for the distances between the different solar systems - it's a much, much greater number.

You can safely assume for the most part that space IS empty, because it usually is. Things like micrometeors and solar wind are not found everywhere, and we already have a shielding technology to take care of those.

On an unrelated note - warp concept is shit, wormholes are where it's at.

i meant microasteroids

Wormholes are much more effective in Stellaris, but an Alcubierre style warp drive is more likely to be doable.

warp drive is FTL travel not wormhole physics fucktard
warp is described in startrek as a factor of light to a specific power


anyone else just see into the future a bit?

just me? Can't tell if alternate universe or not...

uhhh... looks like the timelines merged or something, false alarm.

It's pretty mediocre

Each space shuttle or fast vehicle/creature is pre equipped with bonafide Anime brand Plot Armor to prevent unpredictability and actual plot twists from occurring until the author wants them to.

It's fiction. So you can explain it anyway you like.

>phase through it
>never mention it

That being said, one of my favorites is in the Dune novels. Humans have created ships that travel faster than light, however they require someone with the ability to see in to the future to navigate them.

That's why the Spice is so important to the Spacing Guild.

Yeah, but how do they work?

but what if the destroy another ship going warp speed

You're being generous

Magnetic fields

Ignore all the bullshit sci-fi shows. There's only two way to travel through space. The way we do now where everything takes forever and we will NEVER ever leave our galactic group (Milky Way, Andromeda) or fold space to arrive instantly anywhere in the universe.

The latter, according to best guess by experts, would take the energy of suns to do. This isn't going to happen.

No matter what we do, 0.000000000001 of the observable universe we will NEVER get to ever no matter what.

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."

-- Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943

I always thought the fabric of space surrounding the area around the vessel would warp the space within into a single dimensional line able to pass through any matter with ease, at least until deceleration when things start forming back into 3 dimensional space again.