Turning 27 next week and still a kissless virgin

turning 27 next week and still a kissless virgin

pls tell me I'm not alone

Of course you're alone. Forever alone. That is why you're still a kissless virgin at the age of 27.

Pay an escort bro

25, not kissless though

I was forever alone until I wasn't. One thing I will say is that it will probably take a bit more than just sitting and waiting. I'm not saying go out to bars and flirt with random women. I don't think I could do that to save my life. But find somewhere to meet people you might like. I got my first relationship (and secks) from meeting a real female on an online game and getting pretty close before meeting up irl. And she wasn't even one of those annoying fat female nerds that try to be "one of the guys" and post tits on Sup Forums but just a normal woman.

Bonus tip: try not to approach your first relationship as your "one shot". Nothing fucks things up more than coming across as needy.

dude... buy a hooker.

25 next month, kissless but not virgin


please explain

Begins with "R", ends with "ape".

I'm 25 kissless virgin. At this point I just don't care anymore about women. Vidya and animu is all I need to be happy.

would it cost a lot to find a girl/hooker/whatever that will act like she's your girlfriend and won't just make you cum in 10 seconds and go away but stay the whole night
or something like that

Red tape

>be me
>volunteer at park
>make friends with blonde semi-slut
>nut up enough to make a move
> we fuck for 15 min
>hear noise outside
>she looks at clock..."my boyfriends outside waiting on me"
>she leaves, i didn't cum
>>still never kissed anyone

those are called escorts, they stay with you for like 45 min to an hour sometimes longer


mh, I recommend a hooker, but not for kissing!

Sleep with someone once and your confidence isn't so shit
Or find a fugly bitch to work your way up
Keep your chin up

27, never been kissed. Never held hands with a girl I wasn't related to.

Bought a hooker though. Shouldn't have.

Nah, fuck that. Don't find an ugly bitch.

get a aids?

No, it just put me in a bad head space because it really just affirmed to me what a worthless piece of shit I was for paying for what everybody else gets for free. How weak I was that I thought I needed it, and broke down to pay for it.

Sex feels good. It isn't that much better than masturbation. It isn't special. It isn't important.

I just want to hold hands with a girls. I want a girl to say something nice about me. I want to touch another person. Feel a warm person. Hold somebody. Talk to them. I want to feel like a person.

You're 3 months older then me.
You're not alone


23 kissed virgin here

>I want to feel like a person
Right in the feels you dick...

Chicks are nothing but hoes and tricks

Eh... turning 27 next month. Never had a real friend, nevermind a female one.

>inb4 escort
It's not about: nuh, still V plate! I quit careing about it long time ago, i mean how could i care on something "unknown"?
Funny thing, or rather surprising, is that lurking here and there i've noticed I've some more knowledge about sex basis than average jimmies and jennies who fuck since they're 12

Sounds pretty alone to me...

>not sure if normie or basement dweller trying to feel better about himself

>target shot down.bmp
Damn man, it could not have said it better

how can you go that long without sex.. that's like torture

actually Sup Forums is full of virgin losers

its not the same you autists


get really fat so your bodys elevated insulin and liver fat cause you to lose all sex drive

You've clearly not been here long - you're definitely not alone.

Well now I'm erect

post pic op for review op. have faith that Sup Forums will get you laid

Better than no human contact for God knows how long you fool.

Nothing is better than no human contact at all. Being a loner is much better. Plus, onaholes and sexdolls do a better job than women.

>meanwhile in forever alone's manifesto

>how could i care on something "unknown"?
It doesn't take a long before you start losing intrest in it. I just like: how could i live knowing i'll never see people living on saturn? Zero fucks given
When you've been alone for a long time and get older you'll search for relationship more than worring about virginity, sex is not worthless but lose absolute priority


Makes sense. But seriously, since I graduated from school a few years ago, I have never been as angry and annoyed as back then. It's so refreshing not to have to deal with humans on a daily basis. I always hated people trying to open up conversations and all. Though, for w/e reason, I have no issue having to speak with the superiors in the army. Though most of the times it's just getting orders to give orders to soldiers, which I find quite amusing.

Pussy is pussy.

OP needs to build confidance he's nearly 30 ffs.

This. Do it now OP.