Your thoughts Sup Forums?
Your thoughts Sup Forums?
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fucker stood up and took the god damn job he wanted
what a good, hard working american.
I'm not sure if Maybelline is trying to say "Our makeup is so fantastic that even men can be beautiful!" or if they're just virtue signalling about "Look how inclusive we are to our homosexual and transgender brother/sisters!"
If the first, good capitalism. If the second, capitulating to a retarded ideology that will flounder and die in 10 years.
He's probably going to be richer now.
What a faggot
So what is their slogan/jingle now? "Maybe she was born with it, maybe it's Maybelline" won't work now.
Srsly?! What's next fucking boys can have cooties too?!!
I mean men did wear makeup before women so it isn't a surprise its coming back around.
I dunno man, guys are getting more and more desperate and thirsty they are settling for trannies,
at least thats what happened to r9k
Men also married 12 year olds back then, maybe we should bring that back too
>implying that ever left
I don't see a problem with it. Then again I'm not a parent and believe that everyone has the freedom to do as they please.
Jesus lads America's really going down the shitter, the next generation is gonna be full of sissies and faggots
What is even the point of this? What are they even trying to prove
tfw men are even better at being women than women
>Men also married 12 year olds back then
you are on Sup Forums user, if you are trying to frame that as some negative thing in the past then you are shit out of luck.
truly better times
>america is going down the shitter with boys wearing makeup
>forgets G.B. started the trend of Makeup, high heels, wigs, and dresses for men
He's cute
Just a knockoff of the guy who's with covergirl tho
>implying I have a problem with that as well
But I don't want it normalised
why not?
Cause normies ruin everything
im gonna go with the second point. advertising has always just gone with whats popular and this degeneracy has stuck around just long enough to be worth attempting to join in on the fad
Why would i care about some other random fuck who got a job?
>forgets G.B. started the trend of Makeup, high heels, wigs, and dresses for men
different thing. it used to be called drag and you were a social outcast for wearing it.
now its called normal and you are called a hero for wearing it.
And bitches are defending this guy, he looks great but it pains me to see him waste his potential being a faggot.
Cause this random fuk is influencing the next generation, I don't care if men want to become fags the only problem I have is when society tries to not just normalise it but call him a hero and our kids think its ok to end up like that
I'm talking about 1300-1800s
Back when they all wore it to differentiate "royal" or "rich" from poor and street people.
They stunted around cocky wearing that stuff and it made them feel manly. But once women got ahold of it everything changed and now its coming to a full circle. Women are starting to grow hair out again, not use proper hygiene products, wear less makeup, heels, wigs, dresses. And men are going back to that.
ah i see.
gonna add one thing though. men did not wear wigs back then for fashion. it was a necessity as lice was RAMPANT as all fuck.
the rest tho was frilly faggotry... i blame the french...
Women are becoming men, men are becoming women. There is no such thing as gender. We have truely failed as a society
Then don't get influenced and raise your children to not? The raising of society isn't your job and you should stop caring about others lives that don't directly affect yours, because i dont.
Thanks for the knowledge bomb, 50+ GBP.
Wouldn't doubt this is how things will be in 50 years. Or close to it. Maybe it will lead to somewhere good but I highly doubt it.
>Then don't get influenced
Tell that to the white people joining isis
>50+ GBP.
cool, too bad it aint worth shit lel
>are you joining isis?
>good move along, not your problem.
Then I'll take them, you ungrateful normie cunt.
250 more and you get a plate of tendies.
let me ask you this: when you were younger and all your friends were playing pokemon cards and gameboys you wanted to as well right? even though your dad called it stupid and tried to get you not to you still did anyways cause it was cool?
thats this gender bullshit these days. if all the kids friends are demiqueer garbagecan kin split dickers then by god the kid will want to be one too.
Too late, it has already happened
>Doesn't want to stop people from joining isis
You are a traitor to the motherland, kys
Children wont be bringing gigatrans cards into school. Raise your child right. Not your problem. Stop blaming society for peoples inability to raise a child, also, stop caring about other peoples lives (dont ignore that last stop caring part)
I just couldn't care any less, if you ignore an act of terror and don't react...its not an act of terror.
>Children wont be bringing giga trans cards to school
Not yet
Its a completely unmarketable business model with the 50/50ish political standings. They wont.
>Couldn't care less if people die
You have once again proven yourself to be the enemy motherland
I wish i cared, sorry.
One again men have proven to be better than women at everything. Seriously why do we even need women at this point?
>Raise your child right. Not your problem. Stop blaming society for peoples inability to raise a child, also, stop caring about other peoples lives
that's really not how society works though. its all basic social psychology and group dynamics. a person will always try to fit in with the larger demographic of their immediate area.
because of this the problem has the potential to exponentially grow.
I appreciate that your attempting to find solace in ignorance but it wont stop anything
I think its already fuck, everybody is jumping on the gender bandwagon and this is no different. Just more liberal bullshit shoved in everybody face by the liberal media.
marketed to specific places like san fran, miami and L.A. it very well could take off
Its found me happiness, whos the winner here?
Men: now better at makeup than women.
It's nice to see the fags get on board with the patriarchy. Taking one for the team to beat women at yet another thing.
man tend to be better at everything
some of the best cooks are men.
maybe he's born with it.
maybe he should be beaten to death.
What about the kids who aren't old enough to think for themselves? Obviously they'll draw inspiration from this, get gender change surgery, realise they made a mistake, kill themselves
>a false happiness that teeters on the assumption that you will never see anything to dispell your ignorance
>acceptance of how life works, not having to actively block out things and keep up the walls
you tell me? my way seems to take less mental effort
It's great, honestly. Their foundation is crumbling under the weight of their protesting hooves.
>Wouldn't doubt this is how things will be in 50 years.
I understand how life works, i just don't care? Anyway off out, have fun arguing
Stop caring. i see you never had anything in your face.
Thar or you layed down and gave up.
Let me guess you gave up on the idea of kids?
not really, gender isn't something that is taught, it is hardwired.
Meanwhile everywhere else not cucked by PC people aren't like that.
Anglosphere needs to team up and eradicate this problem.
Being women - just another area where men are better than women.
i wonder if they will keep breeding like that when they actually get into countries that are friggin expensive to have kids in
Germany and Austria have massive gibsmedat for children -even if they are not in our countries! (Turks love it)
Doubt it, they breed like this in their own countries. This liberal faggotry is whats gonna destroy us first
Tell that to the 47 genders
i'm not sure what that is a reference to,
but it is a scientifically established fact that gender is something hardwired in the brain before birth.
some? you mean 98% of the best cooks are men
My bad, 31 genders
One more thing men can do better than women.
Hooker lipsmear and "Divine" level eyeliner is pathetic. Well lets get started ruining maybalines image aand sales. Any ideas
>Mfw Sup Forums was ahead of society all along
We don't need women at all, traps are lit
traps that can pull it off,
which is pretty much only asians.
Who gives a flying fuck
Why dont we just work on normalizing other less acceptable things like rape and child molestation. Terrorism and muslim rights to hate and kill. They take it too far so we have to take it past the third galaxy of the virgo supercluster and ruin everything. We used to get things canceled and make people have mental breakdowns. we've spread our spirit of destruction far and wide but now we are losing our land to these....these heathens against the progress of man.
Here we go again
Lets spread this.
Lets spread that men do makeup better than women.
Women get butthurt
Women want us to stop using THEY'RE products
We call sexism
Now men are the opressed and cant be guilty of rape.
Women become men
The cycle of chaos continues
Who gives a fuck
Would bang
Women take over men, 1 women has 4 men slaves, men are not allowed to vote, men are not allowed to drive, men are forced to wear a hijab, they will stay at home and take care of the house. They will give sex whenever the women demands. A time will come when women will rape men
>clean master
Off yourself
Maybe ze/xer/phi/theta/he/she/kin/trans/octogenarian/Klingon/attack helicopter is born that way doesn't roll of the tongue as well does it...
Better send some royalty checks to members of 80's hair bands. They set the trend and this fucker is reaping the rewards. I hope they sue him for trademark theft.
>"I did it before it was cool" detected
Got it
I'm not arguing with you, I'm just pointing out that you're misusing a phrase. If you want to say that gender is from the nurturing phase, you wouldn't say it's hardwired, because that implies that its a nature thing.
Men wear make up all the time, a lot are straight also. Not my thing but I've got no problems with it.
mentally ill cunt needs to spell honored right.
oh my sweet summer child, you dont even know what a man is.