What does Sup Forums think of my uncut stinky unwashed cock?

What does Sup Forums think of my uncut stinky unwashed cock?

And another.

i think basic hygiene might be worth to learn

What if I have learnt it but I chose to ignore it in that one specific area?

Well, at least you won't muddy the gene pool with that cancerdick. So thanks for that

why would you ignore?

I have a daughter.

Because I like it.

Potatoes don't count as people

Are you retarded? She's 4 years old.

Oh that changes everything. Is she single? Do you have any nudes?

Would you let me to suck it clean ?


oh you


Wash your dick you fucking dweller. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're not uncut.

say no more shlomo, i'll cut my shit right nao to make you some tendies

yes he is you idiot, having foreskin doesn't mean you automatically have phimosis

post more pics cmon OP

that's a fetish in japan. get on it!

what do you like about it?

You filthy smegma collecting jackass. Take a fucking shower, stinky.

Does it smell fishy?