Hi anons
I have an appointment with a therapist in 2 hours. how do i get her to fix my life???
Hi anons
I have an appointment with a therapist in 2 hours. how do i get her to fix my life???
wtf is wrong with you
Yes moar info
social autism, alcoholism
i have a job though
do you want to fix your ilfe or give up
because alcoholism is serious
that shit is a whole different thread worth of advice
i personally am giving up and applying for disability
1. accept your life. You have wonderful life even if you are a bun
2. think of general bigger goal and do smaller steps to ascend to that
3. do till goals are met and you can aim to a bigger goal
worked for me.
I lost my love, lost all my money, had to live with parents at 30 y. started getting depressed a lot.
so I just dropped everything I had and concentrated on few things, completed them, concentrated on next.
developed single goal and went for it irregardless of anything else. got it, developed the next.
I am pretty successful I might say today
If you are a bun, eat yourself
Yes do you want to fix your life or are you okay with this?
i would like a few friends irl
Maybe ask the therapist, doofus
then your alcoholism is getting in the way
you're gonna have to find a different way to calm your shit. like idk. weed. video games. fucking anything.
try going without it
substitute with something safer
there's no happy ending if you can't control how you get when drunk.
rape her
impregnate her with your seed
do the honorable thing and marry her
move in with her and raise the kid right
happy family life from now on
wtf..? are you in the right thread?
>how do I get her to fix my life
You're fucking spare parts. The therapist brings light to all of your problems, and gives you tips how to work through them. YOU have to do the actual work to get through them. They don't just fix them.
wait..isn't this the thread where OP needs advice on how to fix his life with the help of his therapist? if not then i am terribly sorry!
I know my alcoholism gets in front of everything I want. But I like drinking because it doesn't try to screw me, I know what I'm getting out of it. It always works. Dunno about you, OP, but I've been hurt by a lot of shit in life.
ok user i have 5 mins before i have to go, so i make it quick
First - Your therapist is like Your priest, or a lawyer, You tell her everything, even darkest secrets, don't be afraid, she probably heard so much shit, that Your will not be so crazy. Second, You need to want to improve, if You are going to therapy that is a first sign of this, so stick to it. It may be hard, but You can pull that off.
Not being socialised properly is a thing you can overcome, if Your therapist is any good she will handle this with simple tasks.
Alcoholism is a much much worse, depending on Your condition, but still much worse. Be prepare to change Your habits, be prepare to abandon toxic friends. Find Yourself a hobby, and a good one. You waste plenty of time drinking, visiting people who drink, and so one. When You stop doing that, You have to do something with Yourself - here comes the new hobby. Maybe something You liked in the past, but abandoned, think about that. Also, man, You have to have a very strong will to fight it, so be prepared for some ups and downs. Last thing - money. I saw people who drinked whenever they got any cash, and stayed normal when there was none of it. I don't know Your situation, plenty of people function properly with drinking problems, but You have to think about ways of cutting You off from cash to spend on alcohol. Also support form Your close ones is very important, any friend, family member, whoever You got close. Anyway, as mentioned before You will have to change plenty of them, this is a serious problem with people who drink, they tend to have drinking firends, who will sabotage all Your progress. Speak about this with Your therapist.
Man You are in for a big change, so stay focused, don't be afraid to make mistakes, and just think about Your goal. Properly determined You can do everything man.
this seems like a faggot to me
Ask her for a happy ending.
Unzip pants.
Just meme on em
If you think "it doesn't try to screw you", you're an idiot tbh fam
Rape her. Then you won't be a virgin anymore.
I screw me, it does its job. If you're going to blame other shit for your problems, you're the problem.
Fair enough.
So if you want some advice for therapy, it's like talking to a friend when you don't have friends. She's going to try to get you to come to the realizations, rather than tell you the answers. That's the normal logic, anyway.
Rape her.
You'll feel so much better when you walk out of that office.
>my therapist wouldn't allow me to use certain words because she'd get triggered
>generalized the way I am and called me mentally ill
>told me I don't need therapy anymore after I got out of hospital after a suicide attempt.
hostility will absolutely hit the no thank you switch with therapy.