Are you able to beat this guy, Sup Forums?

Are you able to beat this guy, Sup Forums?

I've only ever one once.

Right everytime

if you dont win its because you dont read books and do every shitty video game or comic book character


It is also a great way to find new porn stars.

He's even guessed Leopold Bloom and Raskolnikov when I tried it, this thing is good.

The only time I won is when my character was Sherif Ali from Lawrence of Arabia.

It failed to guess mine. I continued and it failed again the second time around.

this things so easy to beat, all you have to do is use characters from really old video games, i'm talkin like atari days, i've won multiple times this way

>He's even guessed Leopold Bloom and Raskolnikov

you could try picking something obscure, you nimrod

I was thinking of Kim Jong Un and won

aslo with Hyperius the invincible from Borderlands 2

>second question is always "is your character a youtuber"

i win nearly every time just by picking lesser-known historical figures, because this game is played mainly by children who know nothing but popular contemporary entertainment

Took him 3 rounds but he got it eventually. Still a win for me though.

Yeah just go obscure enough and it's easy.

Took 3 rounds for him to guess Midori Kobayashi from Norwegian Wood, couldn't guess the cat form I Am a Cat

Okay, so I used the character Mildred from F451, and I won. Although her name was on a list of characters and the bot thing asked if the character I had in mind was on there.

I guess I won again?

Only been played 175 times.

Fuck, he got me in like 10 questions.

Damn... I even tried myself and it got it.



I went super abscure, with the Falcons 4th string receiver.. he got it.


I wanted him to find the professor from Ape Escape. He wasn't able to do that! my reference.

I won like many time. I think about okusan. And he never guess it right

Only time I ever beat him was with the Sprite character from Secret of Mana, but at the end when he asked me to tell him what the answer was and posted his pool of remaining choices, the Sprite was in there. He only grows stronger the more you play. It takes some pretty obscure shit anymore to actually beat him.


I was thinking about Pepe The Frog and this faggot asked me "is your character a well known racist?" right after asking me if he was green and I said yes.

German youtuber lookslikelink is who I was actually thinking about. This is crap.

>searching for a german youtuber
>on english


I wanted him to find Lorenzo Casamares from the spanish inquisition. No chance of winning for the fucker.

You know what? I gonna try it on the German Akinator page again and then we will see!

Beat him first try.

Scott arfield soccer player for Burnley in the premier league.

Too easy.

Did once with pic related.
Who the fuck doesn't know the world famous paladin Rex Mundi???


I'm pretty sure the website is multilingual, I think the language options only effect the text and not the "database".

did it he doesnt know niggers

There we. Akinator fucked up, even in German. And I'm not looking for a noname kiddo, just in case that question comes up next. lookslikelink is THE german Zelda guy, since almost 10 years I suppose.

You know what? Fuck if I know who the duck that German youtuber is. Or any youtuber.... fucking ass hat.

got me after 70 questions

did on my first try
thought of shantae

i just beat him with kim jong-nam recently assasinated son of kim jong-il


0/10 doesn't know Dillion Harper, would not akinate again

very hard to beat him nowadays, last time i beat this guy was ~7 years ago. i also added the 2 guys which i beat him with.

Oh boy, I was trying to productively approach your statement and all you do is becoming mad. What happened to you today?

It's a learning Expert System.
As lon as you input the honest, correct answer once he concedes defeat, it will only get better and better.

I forget how long this has been running for (maybe 8-10 years?). He was easy to beat back then.

Wow he's good.

take that back, finally got her


not bad.

She got hotter tho


Managed to win against him with John Hunyadi.

No punk don't know Trump.

beat him with Fiona Jarnefeldt from armored core

Ive beat that motherfucker like 4 times man

It took a while and the answers are pre-molesty days, because some answers I put in that were right came up as wrong in the game report

I tried to get it to guess Muhammad

Didn't have a clue.
You'd think it'd be easy to guess a famious dead muslim man from over a thousand years ago who murdered people and was part of an evil group would be easy to guess.

*tries again*

Yep... he's certainly gotten better.

>that hair

Akinator confirmed for 9gag admin

do you think you're fucking funny


I think that was fuck up on your side at describing her.
No way such a popular website doesn't know such a popular character.

Literally just beat him twice.
He cant guess pepe.
He got pretty close both times and i was scared but pepe prevailed as usual

whoever added this guy, thanks
crying tears from laughter because of the questions of akinator about him

probably was

If only there was a photo to show how amazing he was.

I got this for Llewyn Davis (Coen Bros movie)

just won on first try, Polymorph from Red Dwarf

God damn it. He beat me in 7 questions.

he guessed himself

It eventually guessed it
I took a look at why it couldn't guess it.

Apparently it believed Muhammad was a good person who never killed anyone.

Guess its not well informed with history.

What the fuck?

CIA has a name?

he didn't get the Hemingway character i was thinking of although he did get one whos very similar

Yeah, it was always Agent Bill Wilson but they never mentioned it. RIP Bill


I was thinking of Bane but he got it wrong. Almost got it.

i was thinking of the deus vult meme he didn't get it but it was on the list after

He can't get Sarah Vickers.


This guy. lol.

Wtf did I just search? Almost looks like a bunch of cheese pizza.

it is, they're coming for you right now

go on bing, turn the filter off and look for "teen omegle"

omg dnot search this

Nice try, Agent Johnson

did it

do it

do it and fap

your queen commands you.

This thread has derailed into cheese pizzas...

this thing is easy to beat, just pick a random porn star


BTFO you shitty website

Canderous Ordo from KOTOR. Easy.

I tried with deceased Tajik singer Muboraksho, he couldn't possibly guess that

Can't guess Donald Trump. Lmao noob.

fucking top kek

>FBI come to seize computer for possible CP
>Get charged for Illegally downloading thousands of dollars worth of various material
Still probably better then getting charged with the cheese

Dis nigga gud

Using alternative facts, are vve?