What is kek?

what is kek?
where did it come from?
who invented kek?
what does it stand for??

Other urls found in this thread:


>newfag BUR

Kill every kike (in the world)

Its how we laugh in the one piece universe

Whitebeard - guroguroguroguro
Moria - kishishishishishishi
Perona - horohorohorohoro
Sup Forums - huekekekekekekekekekekekeke

It stands for lurk moar. Couldn't imagine why.

It started with lol.
Someone changed it to lel.
It got misspelled to kek.
Look at the keyboard you ignoramus.

Actually its from vanilla WoW, if an Orc player said "lol", an alliance player would see it un-translated as "kek".

You're all chumps.

It was from a language translator in WoW, lol became kek

that's not true

Correction, it was the UNTRANSLATED speech of when an orc said lol


it was actually l o l, not lol.
they treated letters and syllables differently.

Was invented by an otaku

That changes everything. Call it in boys.

It doesn't, of course - but if we're being accurate about the origin, we might as well be specific.

Doesn't realise that it was put in Warcraft by blizzard because that's how the koreans laughed in chat playing starcraft

origin of that image pls


One of these videos

thank. I shall prosper a week more from these mēms.

There is screenshot potentional

I remember the first thread about Kek

Trips never lie

This is correct. All you other people are disgusting

Actually you're retarded,

StarCraft was released in 2010, six years after wow. The 'kek' became common place almost immediately after wow was released if you remember the community (which I'm sure you don't, because you probably never played either).

That is kekekeke or ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (this character makes the sound "ke").
A Korean would never say kek, because that is an impossible word to make in Korean.

>StarCraft was released in 2010, six years after wow.
Well rused friend.

>Kek is the dark that lets you see the light
>Kek is the chaos that breeds order
>Kek is glory
>Kek is life
>Kek is what powers the internet
>Kek is why you'll always be a faggot

9gag invented it because 9gag is the best


Sage in all fields.