Where are you from and what country do yo hate the most?

Where are you from and what country do yo hate the most?
Hard mode: Don't name the USA.

country of origin does not matter


Bomb the Indians.





Bomb marocco!!!

I actually hate almostvevery asian. The funny part is that the poorest countrys over there (thailand, the philipines, etc) has the best people in that shitty continent.


US...errr... Saudi Arabia

>spotted the sandnigger

Northern Ireland, In the past it was England but now its Germany/Belgium with their EU open border shit. Where I live is turning into a shithole because of Romanian brothels and polish heroine dealers in a town of about 5000 people

Somwhere in Europe,

And i absolutely fucking hate France
The French and everything associated with the French or France

I cant go hard mode
America fucking sucks ass, they always do and come up with stupid shit which then has a knock on effect with the rest of the world

Born in India, grew up in Australia
>literal shitposter

Fuck Saudi Arabia


Couldn't do it

What, so more of them will come here?



I'm from germany and i say bomb kinder country!

Near germany, I hate belgium, cunts think they invented fries..

Any chink here? What countrybdo you hate the most? You fucking chinks


Kek. For real? They think they invented fries?


even chinks hate chinks

Get rekt. Tube.getthelube.com



They keep sending their obnoxious kids down here to get shitty low paying jobs, but nearly every single one of these street-shitters has the most obnoxious superiority complex i've ever seen in people working as pizza delivery boys at age 30

sorry there is no hard mode.

The one ruled by kikes and filled with niggers

Bomb the fuck out of Somalia. Fucking subhumans.



the UK. Literally everything about it. I am white but would have more in common with Chinese people than british

Australia. Just the worst people.

from USA
Hate Africa

Probably Saudi or Pakistan.


Fuck Saudi Arabia

From Mexico

Hate Mexico

Hungary and gypsies


you do realize thats its mostly serbians and other muslim people who are pouring through Germanys borders and not Polskis

1. Australia
2. New zealand

Watching a bunch of them throw some dirty ass looks at their manager at hertz yesterday at the airport when he told them to move some double parked cars... You move cars for a living and probably share a room and shitter with 10 other blokes. You're not doing so good Sungee.



From US.

Hate Mexico

Fuckng this.

how does it feel to live in a country that most people hate even more so than Mexico ?


Literally any country under Muslim rule and Germany

Libia, they are the one sending the sand-niggers in Europe

Albania. A nation of filthy pikies.

I hate every person who comes from Asia and Africa.



Spot the beaner

Irish ancestry in that Dad. Potato features are a dead giveaway.

I don't know why brazilians hate us so much. We don't care about you at all.

What is a Brazil?


They voted against our president

nope sry user, I am Austrian

you like dags?

Those who have breached the norms of international sovereignty and human rights hate this shining city on a hill for putting a spotlight on their abuses and standing for the rights of innocents who thirst for freedom. The forces of darkness (Putin, Hussein, Iran) fear the US Military above all. Our allies look to the US military for protection

Fuck Britain
tiocfaidh ár lá

>Hard mode: Don't name the USA.
Easy to hate/dislike, but not even close to the worse.

Hard mode would be avoiding third world countries

He probably drags around a tied up disgusting dog, and picks up the turds that drop out of its ass. And its probably the highlight of his entire life because he feels like the dog loves him

When confronted with this reality i just remember that English language is a mandatory class in many countries. The reason for that is the same reason their opinion about where i live is meaningless.

... here we might take Spanish so we don't have to mow our own lawn.

(me)lel, those are the fobs (fresh of the boat), they don't understand the norms here, makes me look bad too

how can you be so fucking selfrighteous ?
"standing for the rights of innocents who thirst for freedom" nice bait m8
The only thing you stand for is for oil

All these fucking posts and not a single Israel. Bomb the shit out of that country. They have caused more human strife in the world than any other country by a fucking mile

So Sweden?

Sorry USA -stop dragging us into your wars fucking warmongers. You brought the sand niggers to our shores.

England - Hate the US.

Overdramatic blowhards pissed at their lack of history.

Nice one vlad. How many rubles do you get paid per post? You aren't fooling anyone.


I hate Malasians. I was there 5 years ago feeding the poor people and some malasian nigger stole my gf's purse

nope, US beats Israel in that regard

>Where are you from
>and what country do yo hate the most?



It's a draw between Turkey and Saudi-Arabia

>Easy to hate/dislike, but not even close to the worse.
Yeah but what's to hatr about a shit country in which life sucks anyway? Let them be miserable. At the same time, American supremacism and arrogance affects us all while they whine to the world about their petty troubles, while also just generally making the world a worse place with their foreign policy.

fun fact: The six million figure was made up in the 1800s. And they tried it after WWI too

>The one ruled by kikes and filled with niggers

USA, Germany, Israel, France, Sweden, ...

Help me out here user, which one is it? And filled with real or sandniggers?


at least they aren't muslims

All but USA.

>Where are you from

>What country do yo hate the most?
none, hate is a strong word
dislike? maybe Israel



Come on now buddy, do you actually believe that?



American here.

Currently hating USA

And without the US support (also from the great Trump) they wouldn't have lasted a week.

Israel is not really something that many ppl worry about. Plus, they're the only country starting to build a wall around and nigger countries, a trend we should all continue with the whole lot.

From UK.

Hate any country all these sand niggers are coming from.

Fun fact the Germans were/are meticulous record keepers. KYS faggot

I come from just south of Canada, North of Mexico.

Bomb the Jews.

Everyone hates the US.

It doesn't matter how hard they try they are still the big dumb, cack-handed, mongoloided brother with Aspergers.

retard nigger faggot not supposed say the A word or the U word

The only one fooling anybody is you yourself buddy
USA leads the poll of "Which country do you feel is the biggest threat to piece"

The only reason the US comes in behind them is they support Israel take away that support and they stop being shitheads to everyone around them. Fuck I hate them.

then why they changed the sign at Auschwitz so many times?


I'm actually curious. How slow is your internet over there? How many people have you decapitaded? Which is your goats name?

>picks israel
>not any sandnigger cuntry
kill yourself, muhamafaggot

Fuck off then, mate.

I've heard it said that nobody is full of self pity than an Argentinian.
Hence the hate.