All pitbulls should be suppressed

All pitbulls should be suppressed.

Prove me wrong

>pro tip: you can't

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I agree, the niggers of the dog world.

Thats one cute pupper

Complete Horseshit,.Dogs, Just like people are products of their environment. If you abuse an animal while raising it then yeah at some point you are gonna your ass chewed off, and deservedly so. There are very few bad dogs but a lot of bad owners

All pitfalls should be impressed


Saying that all pitbulls must be suppressed is like saying all nigger must be suppressed.

Both are in big builds, associated with crimes, and violent.

We created them, it is our responsibility to either care for them or "erase" them.

Except pitpulls aren't part of the environment and do not occur naturally in the wild, they are the product of human selection, and this? This is the result.
Pit's are nigger dogs, deal with it.

>Suppress the pitbull
>Can't hear them as they maul you

Thanks OP

Supress it

he was asking to be proven wrong, not to hear about your womanly feelings

shit bred pits and nig/ghetto owners should be suppressed. I have no problem with pitbulls from a good breeder and owned by capable, responsible masters.

In my opinion owning a dog should be regulated by actual laws, maybe with a license for certain breeds which are proved to be hard to train and handle (dog's aggressiveness is much more influenced by the animal's experience than by its breed)

Where can I get a threaded barrel for my pitbull?

thank you for saying that for me

>cat people

Op slams pit bulls.
Op posts picture of fat "bully" mixed bred dog designed as a pedigree ponzi scheme to extract drug profits from inner city youth (niggers & spics)
Research the breed before baiting you fucking douchebag

There is no good, no true reason for their existence, and you would be a criminally liable fool to leave any pit no mater the training or ownership alone with any child or elderly person. They are prone to fits of unpredictable and and unprovoked violence against any thing at any time, and the fact that you may never see a pitbull used in any sort of official field like law enforcement or property protection stands to this.
The only people who own these dogs are niggers, drug pushers and anyone else stupid enough to either think there 'cool', weak minded enough to think "If i get a mean dog maybe the other kids wont pick on me anymore" or dumbshit skinny white couple that dress them up in bandanna's and say "Look how well our nigger dog behaves in our middle class house, and they call them dangerous haha" - Right before it bite's little any's fucking face off.







i have been chased/attacked by more random pit bulls than i have been chased by bears, and ive seen way more bears in my life.
pit bulls are a shit animal




Pitbulls and Staffies are both pretty nasty dogs imo. They are very loyal to their owners but can be pretty dangerous around outsiders. Plus they are very dangerous in packs and also aren't good with kids.




This. People don't even know what a pitbull is anymore. Which is sad because it's an umbrella terms for several different breeds and any mixes of those breeds, so it takes a little effort to get it wrong.



Dogs do what they do. Very rarely is it the dogs fault. They're easy to control. It's just some stupid niggers and rednecks get these dogs and don't know how to keep them. If I get child and abuse and neglect him he's going to be the same. So what should we do sterlize all niggers?


I agree tbh



I dont mind pits but they're not really the kinda dog I'd chose. Dalmatians are actually more prone to snap at people than pit bulls, same with pretty much all chiuawas, pomeranians, and any little rat dog.

>They are prone to fits of unpredictable and and unprovoked violence against any thing at any time, and the fact that you may never see a pitbull used in any sort of official field like law enforcement or property protection stands to this.
Citation needed. Like, provide actual data.

And just to show that it's all about shifting public image, they used to be THE service dog for the US military, you actual retard.




Don't forget dachshunds. Vicious little fuckers.


Take it from someone who breeds ChowChows, dog can 100% be aggressive by nature. That isn't to say they all will but they can tottaly be prone to it no matter how you raise them.

My problem child right now? Saw 1000+ people a month at fairs and festivals for the first 12 months. Well socialized with people and dogs, and once he hit maturity now he's terrified of men and has had to be broken of multiple aggressive issues he was specifically trained not to have. IE: Food aggressive, people aggressive, toy and bone aggression.

Genetics play a part, environment plays a bigger part. We're all overbreeding anyways, pitbulls and bully breeds in general are just the latest iteration of that. And given that the majority of them are coming from unlicensed, shit breeders in terrible neighborhoods these dogs are picking up on bad habits being instilled into their line on a genetic level. Dog breeding and selective evolution? We're fuckin all over that and it's fucking up a lot of decent breeds.

>In my opinion owning a dog should be regulated by actual laws, maybe with a license for certain breeds which are proved to be hard to train and handle (dog's aggressiveness is much more influenced by the animal's experience than by its breed)
You need a license for your dog here in Canada. Ontario also banned pitbull ownership because of a series of fatalities. I think Quebec is going to ban them too

that's ridiculous, they're dogs.
where would you even attach a suppressor?


not even one b8 pic wtf is wrong with you fags


Smaller dogs can't really do any damage though. So who cares?

s compiled by the Humane Society between the years of 1992 and 2014, Dalmatian attacks are as follows:

Breed ___Attacks doing___Child__Adult ___Deaths__Maimings
________bodily harm____ victims victims
Dalmatian____3 _________ 3 ____ 0_______0________3

Which isn't that terrible, compared to

Akita_______ 70_________ 44 ___22______ 8 _______52
Boxer ______64 _________19 ___ 23 _____ 7 ______31
Bull mastiff__111 ________ 46___ 41______18 ______63
Doberman___23_________12 ___ 9 ______ 8 _______12
G. shepherd__113________65___ 41______15 ______73
Husky _______83________ 51____8 _____ 26 _______27
Pit bull_____3397 _______1355 _1312 ____295 _____2110
Rottweiler___535 ________297 __141______85_____296

These numbers differ from the totals because the totals have been adjusted to avoid duplication in reporting attacks involving multiple dogs of differing breeds.



>these dogs are picking up on bad habits being instilled into their line on a genetic level.
I disagree, even white trash and niggers are breeding for looks like size and muscles and big stupid heads, not for aggression.


>In my opinion owning a dog should be regulated by actual laws

Dude there are a ton of fucking dog laws. Breeding laws, leash laws, licensing laws, structure laws. We already do that they're just not fucking enforced.

they should definitely have an IQ test before you're allowed to own one. same with staffordshire bulls in the UK. too many scummy chavs and neds (and the daily mail) ruined that breeds rep, they are absolute sweethearts if you treat them right.


Blah blah blah. Some of the most loyal dogs and fiercest protectors of their "pack" and awesome guard dogs. I've known a bunch of pit bull owners and have never seen anything like this. Not saying it doesn't happen, but oversimplifying the issue doesn't help. Just because there have been cases like these attacks doesn't mean shit. That's seriously anecdotal shit.







>all nigger must be suppressed
Don't dismiss that "all nigger must be suppressed" thing without us seriously considering it, OK? Imagine an America with no niggers and no pitbulls? Sounds pretty good.

I respect your disagreement on the issue,as I only have an outlook from a breed considered to be one of the most aggressive. And one that typically isn't being bred enough to have it's looks changed. Chows are probably one of the more stable breeds in that area.

Aren't those things considered good for fighting though? Don't big heads, big muscles, thick necks make for better fighting dogs? It's stupid either way, fucking with the aesthetics so drastically.

Not all pitbulls just the ones that can't come back from being a fighting dog.

>prove me wrong
>i can't prove myself right you have to prove me wrong


the most aggro breed in my experience is the shar pei. wrinkly cunts have attitude problems

>who cares
People who argue pit bulls are especially violent, when in fact the studies that show they commit more violent attacks are misleading because
1)aggressive small dogs don't cause enough harm to bother reporting an attack
2)"pit bull" is a term that describes several different breeds, mixes of those breeds,any dog that looks like those breeds/mixes, and (for survey purposes, as the data is far from solid) any dog mistakenly reported as a pitbull.

Which is why many veterinarians criticized the study that claimed pits are super aggressive

And yet law enforcement cites the Jack Russel terrier as the most likely to attack people. Bias much?

Yeah, they want more powerful dogs, which can make them more potentially dangerous, but not necessarily more aggressive.

Tell that to a little baby or toddlers face

one kid pissed off a pitbull and got attacked, so let's blame the dog.

>but muh anecdote!

But not anymore, and nowhere else, in fact they are now banned from being on US military basses at all.
>The new policy defines dangerous dogs, and bans Pit Bulls.

IF that's true, I already covered shifting social attitudes so not sure what your point is

This doesn't surprise me honestly. I am glad to see a lot of the smaller breeds on this list, just because it's not a damaging bite doesn't mean it's not a bite.

Terriers are just assholes in general. Not enough chill for my tastes. Also yea, of course I'm bias. Chows are the best hands down.

As this thread shows, a lot of the bias toward the breed is due to he fact that we associate them with black people, so racist attitudes have spread to the dog.

Why would you suppress a pitbull? It's not a stealthy weapon in the first place. It's like painting a chainsaw black so nobody will see it coming in the dark.

Maybe it's just because I live in an area where dog fighting is super prevalent, and everyone always trying to sell fight dogs, or breed them pretty obviously. That or 90% of people just don't know how to fucking train animals anymore.

Pitbull over and over and over again

Damn dude. I'm from Alabama and have never even heard of an actual dog fight (been to a cock fight though).

It's definitely that people can't raise a fucking animal properly, though in your area seems like actual rednecks/niggers fighting dogs is a contributing factor.

Literally every type of dog you see in the world today has been bred for certain traits. Why shouldn't we just euthanize all guard type dogs?

Lol that's hilarious, my family has a pit and that bitch has been so timid from the start. You could throw her in a classroom of kids and she'd probably shit herself from excitement before anything as she has been around a group of kids she hasn't known and just acted like a retard. Started running through the hallway in the house over and over just because they pet her. As a matter of fact my dad tried to train her to be mean and even when people would fight in the house, she wouldn't even respond to it other than barking and growling next to them.
Firsthand account here and don't worry you can hide behind your stereotype and throw out your "nah they are still vicious and you are a retard that's gonna see her maul someone" statement but this long uneeded comment is just what I like to throw out in hopes of getting roasted or supported.

a) They have no real world use
b) They murder and maul children and the elderly
c) They are universally labeled dangerous, while hippies run around spouting "Fluffy hasn't bitten anybody...yet"

How did you even miss my point?
'Social attitudes' is your baggage.

Just because they're bred by people doesn't mean their environment doesn't influence their behavior dumbshit. It is a fact that any living thing is influenced by its environment.

>In a 2014 literature review of dog bite studies, the American Veterinary Medical Association states that breed is a poor sole predictor of dog bites and that controlled studies show no increased risk in pit bulls,[25] and has previously noted fundamental problems with tracking breed in dog bite related fatalities.[30] In a 2013 study of 256 fatalities in the United States from 2000–2009, the AVMA determined that valid breed determination was possible for only 17.6% of cases.[31] The Center for Disease Control and Prevention notes that studies on dog bite related fatalities which collect information by surveying news reports employ a methodology subject to potential errors, as some fatal attacks may not have been reported, a study might not find all relevant news reports, and the dog breed might be misidentified.

I didn't know cockfights still happened out that way! Yea dog fighting is a HUGE issue out where I'm at and in a surprisingly white area. It's always pits, they're so rampant most shelters won't even take in bully breeds anymore. People can get them so cheaply it's just a bunch of redneck assholes polluting the gene pool and hoping to make a few extra bucks.

Bad breeding is also a huge issue out here, I've seen people want to breed double merle aussies on a regular basis, or dogs with major health issues. (Blind, deaf, hip or eye problems). It's all about trying to make some special ass snowflake dog and make a profit. I know it's like that a lot of places but especially with the bully breeds out here it's awful.

That's a whole lot of restriction on yer freedumb boyy. What about yer guns? Come get em....

What's this? You're absolutely right and calling Sup Forumstards out for being self righteous autistic morons?

You're fucking crazy, must just be a newfag.

The data doesn't support your claims, other than anecdotes and flawed studies. So again, this isn't about real world facts about danger and aggression, it is (say it with me) changing social attitudes, which are based in a lot of fear, bias, and illogical emotions.

Sorry, couldn't hear you over "Fluffykins wouldn't do such a thing"

Lol some of those cases can't even identify the breed over and over again

No college would accept a citing from a wiki page, just so you know.