You can sleep with your best mates ex. Do you do it?

You can sleep with your best mates ex. Do you do it?


Even with their actual

Even with best mate

No, his ex turned out to be crazy as fuck, and has ballooned to whale weight nowadays

ask friend
if he is okay
then yes
otherwise if it makes friend unhappy
plenty of other fish

I've been offered and refused, not gonna do my bro like that. Plus the bitch's baggage isn't worth it.

I sleep with her before she's an ex

that would require me to have mates

Depends. But I tend to say no

Depends on which ex :)

I dunno there's this one chick that is begging for it, like every week day. And she's preggas too. My mate is too much of a cuck to let her go though, what do?

Don't. The baggage isn't worth it, and she'll use it against him later on if things go sour.

Bro before Hos mutherfucker
thats the golden rule world over
Bros before Hoz and thus even before pussy

yes without giving it a second thought

What if best mate has died?

>serious question
>asking for a friend

My best friend's ex has become my wife.

He is no longer my best friend, but I'd call it a good trade.

I think it'd be fine if the best mate has died. Then he'd have no feelings on the matter.

I had the chance twice and I didn't

Relevant pic because Gus is actually telling Walter White, "Do it!" in this scene.

you're a fucking rat

Disloyalty is the first step to disaster. Fuck that. Good friends are hard to find.

That skank ass wife of yours will probably cheat on you with a nigger. Enjoy parking your car in an aircraft hanger.

Then ask yourself, would best mate be okay with it if he knew that after his death you'll marry his girl? if so then yes

If doubt then NO

there are plenty of other cunts out there
why do you wanna fuck with your mate's emotions?

but what about the guilt?


how you treat your friend is how you will end up being treated most likely

alternatively, you dont think of him as your mate, that is why you consider him disposable, in that case dont call him your mate and that you dont have true/ good friends

She's in our group chat, same chat with ex boyfriend/my friend

I would, but I just respect my buddy too much

Sorry :(


My friend slept with all my exes, I don't mind, he is kinda slow and semi-retarded, just like those cunts.

fuck no, bitch gave him herps.

Depends on if she does it for me. Almost did at one stage but then he cock blocked us by passing out on the couch next to us