YLYL, feminazi edition
YLYL, feminazi edition
>inb4 post more pictures
Those were the only 2 I have on the subject matter
Y'all ready to laugh and lose?
Damn i lost fast
Are these referencing something?
No they're just silly drawings ;p
Check idubbz latest content cop video
Get it right retard
u got me faggot
this annoying ass image won't let me read
mad bro?
Fucking hell got me
Click and unclick every two or so seconds, bright spark.
This rustles my jimmies on another level
Just watched the video. Idubbbz is a badass.
Don't worry, that's an obvious fake.
But yeah, these kind of conversations definitely happen.
lost hard
>pic very related
>Views women as random noise
>Wonders why he can't get laid
Trump a bananafag? Story checks out.
*nigger faggot
Bumping this thread
You spelled autist wrong
ITT Virgins
this thread fucking sucks
Welcome to nu-Sup Forums
>*nigger faggot
Ah, runescape, the game from my childhood that let me make my character a nigger picking cotton.
nigger faggot
women studies != women
Well fuck I've never lost this early.
This totally real guys...
It's like some sort of reverse rape
Neekeri homo joulupukki :D
Actually lost
"Feminazi edition"
But nah lets all just post irrelevant shit. Good game spawn point..
Take a look at this thread, it's hopeless either way.
i kinda like where this banana thing is going.
nice feet
I just saved this image but I'm deleting it cuz she's so fucking disguisting .. Fuck that bitch... Fat people are ugly and should except it just like I could if i was fat.. Probly don't Fuck bad bitches or even remotely good-looking ones.. And if I do I better have some game
fuck uuuuuu
Lmao right?!!! FUCKKKKKK
Is this what you mean? youtube.com
Well no wonder he feels like that his crush said Fuck hitler u can't have this jew puss
why is the surname covered up?
there is porn of it you have to use underscores like this: female_wage_gap
love you mom
SJW Femifaggot here
we should flood 9gag with bananas someday
and gore of course