RISK thread, generals allowed, remember to state nation, country, and placement of capitol

RISK thread, generals allowed, remember to state nation, country, and placement of capitol.

General Feels,
Nation: Idfk
Country: Goodshit
Capitol: Greenland

Need 3 more


Weeb General
Yellow color please
Capital is Tokyo Japan

General Manstein
Nation: Germany
Country: Germany
Capital: Berlin, Germany

one more
Or start?


MupUpdate 1 : Peace at first sight


General is Plank
Nation: Hungarian
Country: Hungary
Capital: Budapest

Holy Irish kingdom

Push south, into Austria.

Argentinian SS
south america
white obv

conquer south america

>Argentinian SS, General Wilhelm

Fill Ireland, spill into Scotland
>holy Irish kingdom

MupUpdate 2 : More people, less land

conquer all Brazilia

>General Wilhelm of the Argentinian SS

Go down into France, spill into spain

>holy iris kingdom

Germany pushes it's panzer forces through northern France.

Waiting on
Weeb Control

MupUpdate 3 : Afk Edition

Attack red
>holy irish kingdom

take the north of South America but don't go into caribbean or central america

>General Wilhelm of the Argentinian SS

MupUpdate 4 : Germany's internet died Edition

take SA

Is thread now dead?

>General Wilhelm of the Argentinian SS

General Trump reporting in
Capital: Washington D.C

do your turn i suppose

I want to invade Mexico

Hungary invade Russia

op map update pls

Georgia Federation.
Capital is Atlanta,GA