Roll it fuck faces

Roll it fuck faces

Hey pretty lady, what are you up to? ;)

I will, without a shadow of a doubt, will fuck your limbless body in the back of my rover metro while you pass in and out. I'm laughing because you think I'm joking. You can't stop me you feeble cunt. You are finished.

I would say you're beautiful. But one says beauty comes from the inside and I never was inside you!

I would pepper your onion if you know what I mean. (wink wink)
btw Sarah did you know that my dad molested me as a kid. EPIC LULZ AHEAD: i actually liked it roflmao

send her the Bee Movie script, the entire thing.
Bitches love that movie.

Hey boygonna be honest boy im looking for peeps like you boy and thats all for now cyaa

Dude in waiting 5 more mins if nobody rolles dub in using this XD

Show me dem titays

Totally bee movie script

I accidentally got hiv 8 months ago


bee movie script

Welp lets see what will happen


Daaamnnn checked too

Lols i will wait for her to answer and then use it

Or not be a faggot and sent it now.

I hate when girls use a pic whit a friend as profile pic, i mean whats the point? making yourself looking better using your ugly friend as contrast? or making us think that youre the hot one?

Am too supprised what should i do Now XD




Well shit man gotta do what i gotta do

kek checked

Did it!

Dubs confirm Keku will


down to fuck aka she wants sex


Oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I'm calling you beautiful.
Do you have a boyfriend? Want to go with me on a date?


nah, I'd fuck you both

I think she is pissed XD

I'm always dtf... Send me a picture of your hot dripping lovecave to get me started?

I make dough but don't call me dough boy

Cmon guys roll it!!!!

If I pull that off will you die?


Omg dude beutiful!!!

Dubs pointing out double-dubs. I just dubgasmd.


The fuck is she talking about?? Fuck her OP Tell her "Anyways wanna have the best night of your life or just complain about your ugly friend


Fuck missclicked....

Samefagging overloaded

Well, fuck


i mean i dropped my dog. hehe sry


Samefag a noose around your neck you nigger loving faggot.




U mad bro?

It's just a phrase you autistic cunt.

Kys faggot

OP where do you live even?
if dubs: my mum sent that.

I mean he did it on purpose, btfo fucking newfag lurk moar before replying

I bet your pussy smells like Trump's hair. Of sweet cum

I have a feelling "she" is also hear XD

Would you eat my cum if it tasted like shit?
I would suck your dick.

You're such a faggot I can't even believe it

Kike land

Kek hes one of us! Tell her "Hork hork hork"

i need my dick in ur ass rn. ok.

I have the feeling that your thread is a b8

Satan has spoken

Should i use trip? Ah devil???

im drunk as phuk

Who am i to disagree with satan himself

nice tits lol

Off by one, disgusting

Can I pee in your moist smelly shit hole?

So cute she think she played "me" XD

Well then


No more beating around the bush.
I fucked your mom. I had to tell you.
I'm really really sorry.

Dude shes a bot








Roll and dubs

rolling for dubs

Rollin Rollin rollin

We just gonna ignore these trips?

Is it over?