What do you think you owe your parents?

What do you think you owe your parents?

I don't owe them anything. I told them tonight by the time I'm 30 I will take every single penny they've earned from them for treating me how they did for 20 years.

I will not help them at all and the moment I'm finished college they are dead to me, I will never speak or have anything to do with my family the day I graduate, I'll never ever speak to them after that day.

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How come?

what a sad gay little story

how do you plan on taking their money from the legally?


just ban all frogposting ips already

>by the time I'm 30 I will take every single penny they've earned
and how exactly do you plan to do that?

if that's even possible, why wait till you are 30? why not at 25, 21 or 18?

this. Funlan, u r my frend.
this canada user is 2 funny with his threads

I want to suck maximal resources from them until then.

>this. Funlan, u r my frend.
>this canada user is 2 funny with his threads

>illegally taking parents money
Nigga are you drunk.

>I want to live with my parents till I'm 30
you better get a job and get off your parent's house.
Stop being a pathetic fuck and do something for your life.
You live in a first world cunt, weeping fagot.
You have life on easy mode.

Look normie not everyone wants to be a wagie.

Meanwhile in Austria, a father won in court against his daughter. She must repay 24 000€ plus 8 000€ of lawyer's fees because she took too long to obtain her diploma.

Wtf I hate Austria now

>t. pathetic virging robot


See, you're in a catch-22 here. If you're genuine then you're a pathetic waste of space. If you're trolling then you're a pathetic waste of space. So, option 1 or 2?

t. Normalfag

I owe then alot, aside from being wrong about how I should've held for myself (really should'nt have restrained myself when i was younger), they were genuinely good parents, although i would say they unintentionally made me more cynical.

In many European countries, if you took too long to get a diploma or to find a job, the parents could sue you to get back a rent and the food they spent on you.
They can sue you to get alimony too, or to oblige you to visit them regularly.
If you have kids, they can sue you to bring them regularly too.
All of this already happened even if it's very rare.

>oblige you to visit them regularly.
that must be like hell on earth