Femanons (male anons welcome too), post perfect specimens of male bodies

Femanons (male anons welcome too), post perfect specimens of male bodies.

i like how that guy has to stroke his dick up to compensate the fact that steroids gave him a micro dick.




His dick size is just right

Go away jew.

I'm sure he's bald too


Forearms NOT saluted

"male body" is not a species you caveman



This kid was a scrawny fuck with cancer, you have no excuse not to do steroids and get huge

His bicep insertions are horrendous too

This is the ideal male body.

Probably because I'm male, but I find it insanely difficult to find any guy with an "attractive" face

It's not healthy, OP.
You keep looking at them and wishing you could be them and by doing so, your self esteem will decrease and keep on decresing day by day.


Steroids only negatively affect the testes, you mong
They usually actually make the penis larger

The guy on the right, he's an animal


Shit man, how do I even achieve a body like that??

>In before "working out duh"

Workouts are specific, as with diets for workouts, what I mean is what does he do specifically to reach that physique

Skinny twat here, 130lbs

Muscle is only sexy under a nice soft small layer of fat. All muscle and no fat kinda looks like a sci fi monster, unless 20y/o and ottermode, which is still inferior to pic related.

He's Sven from Calisthenic Movement. He does only bodyweight stuff (but to an extreme)

www youtube com/channel/UCZIIRX8rkNjVpP-oLMHpeDw

I agree my bf% is around the same, pic related I'm usually over at /fit/

I don't have access to and weights or fitness equipment so bodyweight exercise looks like my saving grace

Cheers mate

Cut is for jewbabies or phimosis sufferers. Wish people would realise.


Jew faggot, what is it with you cucks?

this gif is motionless