Donald trump is your president and all you can do is cry about it for the next 8 years
Donald trump is your president and all you can do is cry about it for the next 8 years
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Another Trump thread on Sup Forums !!!
>Donald Trump is your president
>implying there isn't a world outside of Amerishit
>8 years
Alternative Fact
>4 years
not much of one
>he believes America is actually a good place to live
Give me a break. America is by far the worst of the developed nations.
L O fucking L.
Have you BEEN to Europe? Enjoy the rapes, riots, dog shit all over the sidewalks, having to go to a restaurant to watch TV because they are so expensive to own and use in homes, and paying 15 Euros for lunch.
could he get impeached if this russia link is true? i'm pretty neutral, he's planning to do some good things I belive
I give him max 6 months before he's either kicked out or assassinated.
It's funny because only a very unintelligent person wouldn't understand figurative language.
You clearly haven't been outside your own country.
And your newsmedia paints the world a hellhole so you aren't tempted to flee the horror of your society.
>basing your opinions on what Sup Forums says about something
One day you'll leave mommy's basement and realize you don't know a thing about the world.
With three TV sets I must be a very rich eurofag
I actually have been to Europe, and also America. First world countries in Europe are arguably the best places to live in the world. Leave your safe space, little buddy. I know it's a big scary world but it sure as hell isnt as scary as living in 2017 USA.
>believing a pathological liar
Wait a minute, fake news? Surely not!
Don't you mean ≤ 4 years faggot?
Europe has it's own hell holes for sure but the best that Europe has to offer is FAR superior to the best the USA has to offer. Stay mad fags.
Cry more bitch
8 years? He'll be lucky to last 8 weeks at the rate he's going.
> (OP)
>8 years? He'll be lucky to last 8 weeks at the rate he's going.
Yeah, the assassination is strong on this one i bet lol
I go to London once a month for a week for work. It's roughly the same as the US. I don't understand most of the arguments either way.
Newfriends think Sup Forums is real life user. Someone on Sup Forums says something so it MUST be true.
Same thing was said about Obama
>implying making him a martyr would help at all
8 for Donald, then
8 for Ivanka, then
8 for Barron Trump
Demoshits swinging from the rafters lol :))
Sure kid.
Leftist betas lose election, somehow become even MORE pathetic than before! Many such cases! Sad!
Funniest thing about it is there were over 3 million illegals voting for Hillary, she cheated and still lost!! OMG LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE xDD
He could depending on what specifically is involves in it, but let's be real here. It's not true. You're telling me 17 Intel agencies are saying it's true and not a single one can give me a shred of proof?
I wonder if anyone is actually stupid enough to believe this but still be able to post
What? The guy you were talking to sounds like an idiot if that helps
what's the appeal of speaking like a pajeet
>next 8 years
lol, he won't even last 8 months
It was reported on CNN
Dude was implying he wouldn't last because his going to get assassinated. I was stating that assassinating him would only make him a martyr, it wouldn't help the snowflake leftists at all.
>3 million illegals voting for Hillary
and none of them were caught. NONE. Those illegals are mighty crafty.
no, it wasn't
Go on Youtube and do a little research on the media pleb. They lie 24/7, there is tons of proof. No ones fault but your own of you're simply too potato to check facts.
I have made 2 new M3s worth of money off him since Nov. Feels good.
He is going to fuck us all but I'm going to get rich while he does it. And hey if he declares that all women are livestock, I will buy a herd of hotties with my cash.
I just came back from england. It was hell.
Damn u is dumb
>he can't get more than 18%
>he can't get more than 30%
>he can't get more than 35%
>he can't get more than 40%
>he can't get more than 45%
>he can't win outside of New England
>he can't get 1237
>he has no groundgame
>he can't win Indiana
>Ted won't drop out
>Kasich won't drop out
>Trump can't beat Hillary
>He won't even last 8 months
kek, libtards
You forgot about them crying "Russia did it", when he actually did win.
>there is tons of proof.
sure kid
I still haven't stopped laughing over this, it's true what they say, cheaters never win!
no u
> Mexico will pay for it
> he will put Hillary in jail
> it will be a wall not a fence
depends what you like, friend.
I happen to like firearms and big slutty women. so...
True, he'll be in for 8
>I'm campaigning for his 2020 #MAGA campaign as we speak.
Like I said, not my fault your downs keeps you from doing basic research. Stay mad captain autismo.
I'm not crying, it's all smiles over here.
My stocks are up 40% on average since November.
My kid's going to a better school in the fall because i now have a CHOICE to send them to a cleaner, more qualified school with more motivated teachers who know how to do their fucking jobs.
My Social Security that I've been paying into since I started working is being protected instead of being leeched away by these nu-socialist fucktard kids.
I can't wait to see how great the next 8 years is going to be. Not even close to being tired of all this winning. Time for dipshits to quit riding the dole and actually make themselves useful.
Impressive collection
There are plenty of snowflakes on the hard left but Trump supporters have them beat. They are easily the whiniest crybabies around. They're literally worse than regressive leftist vegan feminists.
Their feelings are hurt so fucking easily. If anyone criticizes The Don they lose their tiny little minds. It's hilarious. Watching so many people get conned by the most obvious snake oil salesman ever is almost worth the shitshow he's currently putting on. American right wingers are such colossal fags.
Every trump supporter, let's all invest very heavily in stocks. When the economy recovers under trump's policies, we'll all get fucking rich and the idiot liberals will be dirt poor. It'll be beautiful. Take your cash in the bank and roll it into stocks. Tomorrow morning go roll your 401k's into the various stock choices, American only. VIVA TRUMP!!!
Trump is going to make the US prosper no like no president ever has. Trump Supporters, you believe in him, so RIDE THE WAVE!
If you are in this thread and do not have or are not working on your real estate license.. you are retarded.
Invest your cash in financials and get ready for Bush level mortgage shenanigans (only you now know how to make the cash). Start selling houses with no credit check ARMs to every immigrant and Trump supporter you can find.
In 6-7 years find a pro to shift your cash to mortgage insurance.
Watch the next collapse from on top of your pile of gold and super models.
So much money.
This, I'm actually liking him more and more. Watching him slap the liberal press around is a lot of fun.
Will be voting for him again in 4 years.
Yeah that's why trump supporters are on TV literally all day everyday crybaby fagging around. Oh no wait, that's the left.
Yes, every president stays in office for 8 years, no matter how bad. Dumb shit.
US Presidents have been disposed of for less than the trouble he plans to cause to American businessmen.
Pic related.
>9/11 jew pepe
Retard Trump knew about it since he told him to do it.
Donald trump is a racist pussy grabber. This thread has been reported for hate speech. Hate has no place here on Sup Forums, and we're coming from reddit to stop it.
Mm yeah. The left.
It's hilarious watching contards call the left whiney crybabies. How quickly we forget the last 8 years where contards cried, whined, bitches, and blamed the black man for everything negative that happened in their pitiful east Texas contard lives. #Obamasfault #contardtears
you'll be dead in 4 years user. Ohhh, i get it. dead people voted for him last time, next time will be no different. Carry on with your faggotry then.
This. so much this. I honestly do not give one fuck about syrian refugees or mexicans getting kicked the fuck out who weren't supposed to be here to begin with. My SS isn't just going to up and disappear like it would have under bernie. my kid can go to a better school next school year. So people have to tighten their belts because some unnecessary entitlement programs are getting cut? Tough luck. You shouldn't depend on the government to raise you and your kids anyway. Take some personal responsibility. Stop crying and go to work. It's that simple. Liberals act like this is a totally alien concept they've never heard before. Kek.
Oh are we comparing signs now? Topkek not sure you wanna go down that road libtard.
Found the triggered snowflake lol
What is the left? Do you know? It's a rather encompassing term. Parroting the same old lines is the sign of a very easily influenced mind.
The whiniest cunt in the entire country right now is Donald J Trump. He never stops moaning like a little girl with a scraped knee and his fans project his insecurities outwards themselves. Sure leftist celebs whine and moan too but it's ECLIPSED by the trailer trash that support Trump. cry cry cry cry. The coastal elites don't care about us! cry cry cry. It's fucking hilarious.
MAGA right? kek.
You're literally clinically retarded. I'm saying it works both ways, dumbshit. I did not vote for Hillary or the giant pimple you call a president.
>Parroting the same old lines is the sign of a very easily influenced mind.
>cry cry cry
>cry cry cry
Stay mad. Trump won. 8 fucking years Nigger.
Your president too, whether you like it or not. Also if you didn't vote then your opinion isn't really worth shit is it?
>I didn't vote but I don't like what's happening
God you Lord Dampnut supporters are retarded sheep. You really believe that 3 million illegals voted? That's almost the exact amount of votes he lost the popular vote by, and its a baseless claim made by a man so narcissistic that he can't except the fact that he won on a technicality (one invented to keep men like him out of office, which is a sad irony). Stupid, stupid fools. Everything trump says is about keeping his ego sufficiently inflated. it has nothing to do with the truth. But you all know this. You only like him because you hate liberals and black people and probably everyone who isnt a fellow whiteboy basement dweller like yourselves. It's just so fucking transparent. You felt disenfranchised because society tells you that your way of thinking makes you human trash, but now a fellow piece of fucking trash has conned his way to power so you defend him endlessly because he makes you feel better about yourself. So keep on sticking your head in the sand, ignoring facts, and making the same tired triggered snowflake jokes. it wont change reality. The rest of us will be getting ready for the midterm elections, when we will neuter your precious cheeto worse than his own ineptitude has already caused him to neuter himself.
>What is the left?
Tell us. Tell us the basic principles that you identify with on the left. I made a thread that lasted 4 hours yesterday with over 300 replies and not one liberal could even verbalize what the fuck they believe in. Pathetic honestly.
conservatives have been crying for the past 8 years, and are continuing their cry-fests.
pathetic bunch of pussies.
I had to look up a real pic of her to make sure that was a shop. It is.
You seem to mind a whole lot when people stay mad. You know what? I am going to stay mad. I'm gonna donate to any group that resists him. I'm gonna call my congressman. I'm going to resist him every day of his presidency and I'm only going to do this because you told me to stay mad. So in your honor, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. So when you see a protest or see a petition you don't like, you can shut the FUCK up about it. Because you told us to stay mad. fuck you. We will.
They can only think in "groups", and have no individually unique thoughts.
As a Trump supporter you would take that literally wouldn't you.
Parroting the same lines is using the same tired arguments and buzzwords you spastic.
Cuck, libtard, The Left (tm), snowflake, etc.
It's cringe as fuck.
kek saved to use as pasta.
Hell yes. call us snowflake s all y'all want. We are all going to stay mad and use thst anger to resist Lord Dampnut at every turn.
>all you can do about it
When it comes to the agencies involved (OHS, NSA, etc.) if they have proof like that they can not just put it out there for everyone to see. If anything, it will be kept from the public and DT will be tried in one of those secret tribunals. All we would know is that he has "stepped down" and Pence would take over. There would be no explanation given, or a weak one at best. "Health issues"
>too fucking stupid to realize I'm mocking mocking you