Ask a drug abuser anything

Ask a drug abuser anything
>this is 4x my dosage

do you take drugs?

Have you ever put a rat in your ass?

what's that?


are black people productive members of society?

What does your semen taste like?

Which drugs you take regulary?

Some of them yes. I work with some fine black employees. It's the niggers we don't like to hire

Benzos r shitty

Salty from what I remember. I was 11 when I tried it. Never again tho.

Xanax and other downers.

Have you ever masturbated with mice?

Is every Hodge class on a non-singular complex projective manifold a linear combination with rational coefficients of the cohomology classes of complex subvarieties of that manifold?

No? Do you??

Your mother is shitty.

at what point did you realize you are a faggot?

calm down

On Halloween when I dressed as you.

Doesn't change the fact that benzos have a 20:1 ratio of negative consequences to recreation. Only way they are worth anything is combining em with other drugs, but you are better off just getting more of the good drug.

This. They're nothing but a bad habit.
At least to do something fun instead of that garbage

wrong, op is always faggot

how is ur liver

What gender symbol is that on your drugs? Is Junkie now a gender?

Bad lol

I kinda looks like a fish to me but they are generic xanax aplrazolam or howeve you spell it

Sup faggot why xans and not a real drug like oxy coke speed or h?

Thanks I am now very triggered good sir well meme'd my friend

I just like to forget..

Try 15g of Hollandia truffles, on an empty stomach (have a bottle of best wuality juice around, you can drink water too)so called magic truffles. Before you eat them wish you want to end your addiction, relax and wait for an hour or two, relax and enjoy. You will never be addicted again.

So I can now identify as Xanax? WTF are my pronouns?

I just enjoy abusing drugs and abusing my self. It's a secret thing for me. I never want to quit. I need it.


I took one tab of that and I felt like crap.

Felt like nausea overpowered me and my vision got blurry..

Not too fucking fun if you ask me.

If you want I don't give a shit kek


I just feel ugly Sup Forums abd I hate myself. So I feel it is my duty to destroy my self slowly until I eventually die.

Dubs of truth kys sooner

Na need to put my kid through college nigga

Did you take it while you were high on dope or something? Because if you gettin ripped on other opiates and don't wait until you are really hitting the withdrawls before taking subs, it's gonna be a bad time.

But aside from that, they are pretty fun recreationally. Just don't take too much because with no opiate tolerance, 2mg is gonna tear you up all day. Even when I was eating a bunch of hydrocodone a few times a week, I would get an 8mg sub and take half of it and get ripped. Subutex seems to be a bit easier on the stomach without the Naloxone but it's tough to find sometimes.

what does it feels like living in your mom's basement?