Lost my virginity last night AMA

lost my virginity last night AMA

will you miss your wizard powers?

How old are you?

18 male

How old are you?

> Having sex
> Actually having sex
> Sex with an actual person

Get out of here normie

What was his name

sick burn

I found a virginity last night. Yours?

Did you check your other pants?

Is your ass still sore?

what does the inside of vagina feels like ? (unless you did anal lol) just asking for a friend.

So does your anus still hurt?

Who's the lucky guy?



hard to explain but dam it feels good

How much did she resist?
Did it work like in the movies?

she was really into it was mutual

how does mutual rape work?
explain, OP

u take turns

I'm also asking for a friend btw

Did he cum in your butt with or without a condom ?

fuck your logic