Do white women really like black cock or is it just a meme?

Do white women really like black cock or is it just a meme?

Do white men really like Asian pussy or is it just a meme?

Do Jews really want all the money or is it just a meme?

This is a vague and awkward question.

Yes, many women prefer black dick. But many don't. What answer do you want?

On average it has been shown that black people have larger schlongs than white people (although some people refuse to believe this) and women prefer larger schlongs, so that might lead to it.

Indian and Chinese cock is probably the least preferred among most women.

PS: That dick is very obviously fake in that picture, even if you look you can see the man's real balls under the fake dildo ones.


That is a meme. Most white guys think gooks are disgusting

you've never try if you ask

Do white women really like giving eskimos rim jobs or is it just a meme?

Did you really post a well-know fake pic, OP, or is it just a meme?

girls like her do. ugly skanks


better than you'll ever get

Some do, some don't. Most in the US have been with at least one BBC.

>Do white women really like black cock
if they are complete whores, then yes

not really
just weebs that live in their parents basement like yourself. Go back to your waifu body pillow, cuck

This is actually true. Of my exes (who I still occasionally stalk on fb) only the least attractive ones started up as coalburners.

Whomever took the time to make this is a sad, pathetic person

>You come to ask the question where the meme was spawned.

tard. why would a weeb dislike asians

no, only neo-nazis like you

Mainly a meme. Some do, but a lot do not. Thats why a lot of hookers and massage parlours and tinder profiles explicitly say 'no black people'

Do people actually go on Sup Forums and waste their lives away on Sup Forumstards, or is is just a meme


I've never come across a tinder profile that says "no blacks" and it would be illegal for a business to do so (in the states) so you're clearly lying. Most women have fucked at least one black dude, get over it. Only neo-nazi autists would care about the color of the cock pounding out their dream girls.

I have, but it probably depends on the area you live in. I live in pretty rural part of the state. Mainly industrial and agricultural part of Pennsylvania. Certain bars around here patrons will openly sit around with the news on and talk about how niggers and immigrants are ruining the country. Nothing illegal about not liking black people. And a nig nog would be welcome to come sit at the bar and order a drink though hed probably feel uncomfortable lol

wouldnt call it being a neo-nazi, would call it a person who looks at statistics.

and btw "illegal for a business to do so (in the states" I assume your talking about the massage parlours? These are shady parlours to begin with. Pretty sure not serving blacks (and advertising such) is the least of their worries

lifes a meme yo

Women use niggers as dildos in the same way men will fuck sexbots in the future.

In both cases, they're just afraid of something good and real.

With rare exceptions it's really just a meme. Most people are pretty racist.

girls like cock in the same way guys like pussy

sure, some people might have specific preferences, but at the end of the day, if you got a chance to get laid you aren't just gonna go "sorry i cant cos your skin is __________ color."

Unless you have genuine racist reservations about sticking your cock into a ______ colored pussy/having your pussy penetrated by a _______ cock.

But I have always thought that if you were so picky about who you fuck then good for you. Personaly I'm hapy whenever any skank let me fuck her, no matter what she looks like.

My standards are pretty low and I figure I might as well fuck as many girls as I can before I grow old and impotent.

I mean, noone is going to say on their deathbed "damn, I wish I hadn't fucked all those people when I was young and virile"

Saying that, I think you guys obesses way too much about black poeple in america. I suppose it's cos they used to be your property, and now they walk around like normal humans. I guess it warps your perception.

People are people. We are generally all motivated by the same thing; Making money & getting laid.

yes, my question is was it an attempt at destroying the white race or black race or someshit?

Sometimes girls like criminal type guys, and who do most crimes?

Caring about skin color has nothing to do with stats. I know most people are trolling when it comes to hating "niggers" but the few that are serious have a mental deficiency. It's just color.

Inb4 social justice warrior or any other lame dismissive zinger

Pretty sure they wouldn't put a sign out or discriminate considering that would attract attention to these supposedly shady enterprises. Keep reaching though.