Drawthread: Okay edition

Drawthread: Okay edition

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34-data-010.paheal.net/_images/b00964eff5d5882b6010bf32358c2057/1436453 - Eiffel_Tower Fragile007.jpg

Requesting a cute canine girl (early 20s) wearing a beret shoving the entire Eiffel Tower up her ass. I'd like the dog girl to be looking back with an innocent smile, to have a medium length muzzle (not too long, not too short) and for her fur to be a reddish-brown.

Idea inspired by this pic: rule34-data-010.paheal.net/_images/b00964eff5d5882b6010bf32358c2057/1436453 - Eiffel_Tower Fragile007.jpg

Hey guys.
I want your help with a request. Do you see these two images? The first one is something you might call a 'LoliRoller', according to the drawfag that made the art. (I'd be lying if I said I knew what it actually was.) But, imagine that in its place is, instead, a bear marching forward on all fours. That is to say, that the viewer's point of view in relation to the bear (or if you prefer, the camera angle from which the bear is being seen) is analogous to the viewpoint from which you see the LoliRoller in this picture.

That's basically what I want.

But, in addition, I am requesting that Yotsuba be drawn standing atop the bear in her 'To War!' pose, as seen in the second picture!

All the while, the bear is marching forward with that kind of derpy-happy-face-look that you might basically expect from a bear which Yotsuba was standing on as she'd march forward to war.

Please try to do as good of a job on it as you can, and try to aim for a result that is "inked", so to speak. A product that consists of rich blacks against white, and vivid texture and definition.

Afterward, I can take care of the digital painting, and we'll have a great end product as the final result!


And... here's the second image that I was referencing in my previous post.

I'd be very grateful for help with this one.


>dog insides
They're okay I guess, like human's. Not blue tho


>Shadow's a vorefag

indeed he is, he is also lord dogfinger

yeah no, see ya later

It's...like, standard gore, if you cut someone apart. Apart from being a spongy mass, anyway, which is what you'd usually get. Especially with fat people.

>You must be popular at gurochin, huh?
Why would I be? It's slow as fuck and there aren't drawthreads there. A few people who've seen my art like it, but it's not a good place for conversations due to how inactive it is. I did met an user there who became a discord buddy who's got a a request I'm gonna do soon though.

how long was it that you admitted this shadow? do you regret doing it yet? it will probably haunt you for the rest of your avatar fagging

I feel worried for Mundy

I'm not shadow, but why are you giving him a hard time? I don't fully understand where you're coming from but it seems like every time he shows up this is the message that gets spammed. Why do you think this is important and worth this much effort. Real question.

and people wonder why the drawfags leave

Hi again :>

>implying I'm not a drawfag that has enough sense to tell when drawing is pointless given the toxic as fuck anons about.

not a clue, just like bringing up that shadow fingered a dog and admitted it,i don't really give a shit about wehat he did yet for some reason it is satisfying reminding him of it

So you're a shitty person who wants to see the world burn yadda yadda. Makes sense. Kind of disappointing, I hoped you'd have a bigger reason.

Why do you defend a dog molester?

When was the last time Shadow drew a request?

>people commissioning you your own OC

>Openly mocking people who sexually abuse their pets is shitty behavior


>I don't fully understand where you're coming from
Will you please pay attention user.
>Real question.
Are you a spammer or what?

then it wouldn't apply to you then

but a lot of people ask where the old fags went and why are there only shitty artists like myself
no clue, not here to argue, but when was the last time we seen a thread what had more than people arguing

>you're a shitty person
what are you basing this on
>wants to see the world burn
>Kind of disappointing
welcome to Sup Forums

>>Openly mocking people who sexually abuse their pets is shitty behavior
No, I think someone who berates someone with
>not a clue
gives the impression that
>i don't really give a shit about wehat he did

So your perspective is pretty lame. Makes it seem like you don't care and like complaining no matter the subject matter.

>Will you please pay attention user.
He fingered his dog and tried to defend it, okay?

>but when was the last time we seen a thread what had more than people arguing
Probably the last thread where people were actually drawing things besides their avatars.


>So your perspective is pretty lame.
I'm a different user

you are mixing two anons together

So it's different?

I know. What's the problem? The complain is generalized.


cute and shy thicc librarian pls

>furfag detected

Just the rest of what you said doesn't matter since it has nothing to do with me.

Answer the question of whether or not openly mocking people who sexually abuse their pets is shitty behavior, and why.

I feel you despite being the one you're arguing with. Why do you guys never supply source material? You expect people to accept your opinions on good faith. Just supply a source and you wouldn't have a problem.

>Answer the question of whether or not openly mocking people who sexually abuse their pets is shitty behavior, and why
>who sexually abuse their pets

source on what? faggot

>answered his question
>didn't even reply to my post

>this thread

What question again?

even personally iv started to lose motive to come here and ask for requests because, there all requests to shit talk others, porn i have no interest in or people trying to start fights.

i wouldn't mind doing requests myself but its such a clusterfuck, i can agree we have some good threads but the speedy,abusefag,swordbro, and shadow memes are killing it for me. its not that i cant see where its funny, but its the same jokes.
:U just board of the fighting.
we have seen much worse threads

source on what? that shadow fingered a dog?
did you finger a dog?

might take some requests

See You asked for an answer, I gave you it.

Thats not an answer.

>Why do you guys never supply source material?
Never really been a need. He doesn't actually deny it if you ask in the right way.

nobody want your whiny ass here anyway

>completely ignored
Guess I did bet on the right horse then..

>source on what? that shadow fingered a dog?
yes, that. I don't care about shadow's feelings.
>did you finger a dog?
shut up retard or address my statement


Yes, and I regret any stance I've had on it.

Blessed af, looking really hot as well!

troll confirmed

>but its such a clusterfuck
Because nobody's drawing. When nobody draws, people just start shitposting since the threads are so slow.

>He fingered his dog and tried to defend it, okay?
what part of SOURCE do you not understand? saying it's true doesn't count as fact moron.
it might even be true but you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying to you.

>what part of SOURCE do you not understand?
>Yes, and I regret any stance I've had on it.

thank you, you regained a little bit of respect just now

I think everyone's just busy arguing about Shadow or something, I really like the drawing though!

>and I regret any stance I've had on it.
You didn't try Missionary? :^)

too stupid to read confirmed

You that looks hot, will there be more?

it's awesome, eggs, but people are really upset about shadow fucking dogs right now


>I regret any stance I've had on it.
>Was smugly mentioning how it wasn't illegal according to his state's lack of laws regarding it

This is why people meme on you.

>people are really upset about shadow fucking dogs right now
literally nobody gives a fuck.

This, so much this

GO Vore neggs!

woah she thicc

Her and another girl in cute outfits that are completely different in style. Not drawing style, but fashion

stop samefagging you worthless cuck semen receptacle

not trying to sound whiny sorry user
fair en-of

taking requests

>>Was smugly mentioning how it wasn't illegal according to his state's lack of laws regarding it
Well I'm not going to be technically wrong. It happened within acceptable bounds and that's that.

>This is why people meme on you.
Pretty much ya.

>asking for a source on a fact that pretty much everyone in this thread knows
You need a source that the Earth is a sphere too?

Yep. There's like one guy trying so desperately to make it a thing because he has no fucking life.

>not trying to sound whiny sorry user
you did (point)

Hey there, would you like to draw some pronz for mi?

remember how like a month ago you were going to kill yourself? what ever happened with that? I was looking forward to watching you shit yourself post-mortem on live stream

What's off-limits?

or because it is Sup Forums and pretty sure it is more than one guy

>requesting any source at all is the source end-all-be-all
go to bed kid

youre just miserable because youll never even have the same level of attainment as shadow, who, despite being a zoophile, is apparently more put together than you. fucking off yourself man, and put humanity less at risk of mass extinction. youll be an hero to us all

Fuck off, Taith.

I'm glad you didn't kill yourself Shadow.

I snapped out of it. Partially, anyway. Signed up for college now.

>calling everyone liars because you were a newfag
Go to bed, kid.

what course? will you stop being a gay furfag?

Good, I support you

well stop it. you're worthless, a degenerate, and if i ever got the chance i'd shoot you on sight. you're pathetic and you'll always be pathetic. the most you can ever hope to do is provide several minutes of entertainment with your suicide.


>thinking asking for source material is the same as calling everyone liars
I bet you call handicap signs fake news. Put some work in and maybe no one will make fun of you like I am.

dude you literally have a massive stash of porn already. I'm sure if you looked through your older stuff you'll see pics you forgot existed and you'll have yourself a great fap

now go on, shoo

i know i get bitchy, thanks for pointing it out before i when full retard

Taking requests

Kill yourself you lonely cave fuck.

how are you feeling user, i believe you might suffer from depression or self esteem issues user

Will you PLEASE help me with this? I've been trying to get help with it for days, now.

>Shadow didn't finger his dog you ignorant meanines
>Wh-what? You were all right for saying things Shadow said himself? Lol, l-l-loser, I'm the winner here.

I still think you're a complete freak but good for you. Start making positive changes.

I still need to dig the acceptance letter out of the trash bag to get my login id, but I'm looking into either linework (cable or otherwise) or maybe nuclear power.

Because SKIT. And trump too, maybe.

With that, see yall In an hour.

no one cares