
how can I make myself happy ?

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Get right with JESUS.

fuck young cuties in the ass always works.

buy and ride a motorcycle

tell me sauce and u will be happy

Get a girl with big tits

>happy ?

posts sex scene, that is, the delusional definition of "happiness"

nope. I don't want my penis to smell like young shit

Stop watching highly unrealistic depictions of sex.

Nice cbr 600RR, love the Arrow exhaust too

1000RR, SC57

Hire an assassin to eliminate any obstacles in your path to happiness.

Meanwhile, anyone know a good assassin for hire?

Watch Archer on Netflix.

enjoy the little things

post sauce will make you happy i guess


convert to God

Have you tried getting dubs?
>check em





right now, thats what im doing.
you need to see life with different eyes, positive eyes, and just then, you will find true hapipines

we love you bro

shitpost everyday

This is truth.

Totally worked.

cut your dick, take hormones, drop a bluepill

i just tried acid recently . helped me find a new reason to keep pushing

Get fucked in the ass by a hot dominant man like in the gifs.

By doing things that bring you happiness .

Use your hand Luke !!!

smoke weed

Pornstar is whitney westgate

You have to look within yourself, and im talking like buddha, philisophical exploration of your innermost self type shit. Deep down you probably have been lying to yourself about alot of internal things you may not even consciously realise. What you need to do, is get completely real with yourself 100%. Fuck if you have to talk to yourself. Alot of people spend their entire lives searching for what they wnat but in reality the first and foremost place you should be looking is in your own heart. Only once you realise what truly matters to you will you be able to make actions based around that. This world is covered in shit, horrible horrible shit, and in the end we as humans have to come to terms with it. We have to accept that we're all fucked, and we are all confused, seperate, and competing with eachother for time on this earth among other things. Judging by your gif you posted you probably have a lack of sexual activity, and you probably yearn for love of some sort. I ask you to think, and try to realise that you don't need anyone else to validate your emotions and your physical impulses are based MOSTLY in chemichals running through your body. you don't need anything else aside from what is within you and what is necessary to survive. That being said, we are biological creatures, and sex is way important to us, it always will be, and it carries weight through all dimensions of life and consciousness. Sexual energy is unbelieveably powerful, and thats why it probably feels so overwhelmingly depressing to you when you don't receive what you want. In the end however, We are all one, and we dont understand that. at all. In time i hope everyone will realise it, but for you, just realise that what you feel is normal for everyone. Love, sex, freedom, and peace will all be yours. But before you receive what you desire, you must deserve it, you must search for it, and you will have to overcome your own forms of demons to do it.

validation from women. workout.


The most peace i can bring you is that you are not alone, and we all love you even if there are people who don't choose to acknowledge or feel that. Just give yourself time, search within, and truly question everything around you, your own thoughts and emotions especially..when something yu think catches you off guard, bothers you. You feel fear, anger, love. Whatever it is, question it, and your understanding will lead you to greater things, and you will attain all you are looking for.

Jay-zeek snap chat

I concur

Fuck Sup Forumsro. That's deep but meaningful.

Plz girls