Why can't the beekepers just get along?
Why can't the beekepers just get along?
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They're fighting for the right to swarm. That gives them a monopoly over honey production and a majority shareholding in the bottling plant.
made me smile
This is actually a sport known as fencing.
It is where two beekeepers fight each other with floppy metal swords to claim territory for their bees.
In olden times apiarists used to fight to the death but those kinds of fights have been mostly outlawed.
I've heard stories that some beekeeping societies out west still practice "api morte spada", aka duels to the death over bees.
We do, it's part of the ruse, haven't you read the now defunct clandestine apiarist?
the game of bees is and will always bee a game of war.
see what i did there ?
What the fuck have monkeys got to do with this, you moran?
kek very clever
i szyc a meme yet?
is szyc a meme yet?*
i chuckled
I'm not going to act as a foil to your jokes
Ok, jokes aside, only faggots do foil fencing. Sabre is for fuckwits. Epée is the only real way to do it
Because of the honey prices
Ever think that the lower 2 are there to prep them for Epee, Einstain?
I've watched olympic fencing, it's the stupidest thing ever. It's not like a sword fight in a movie, it's a just a matter of who has longer limbs and lunges faster. The matches are over in less than a second. Plus it's not even gentlemanly; instead of conceding you were hit they monitor your fencing outfit electronically.
I bet they also do this kind of swordfighting!
Mandela Effect confirmed.
Have you seen Olympic Tae Kwon Do? It's more like a chorus line
From a joke about apiary to a picture of dicks touching in 21 posts.
never change, Sup Forums
Don't you mean Mandala?
Because there can bee only one
Why doesn't top-right have a urethra?
It was taken away from him for being naughty.
> How the fuck am I supposed to know that?
>the lower 2
They just aren't. Football (american) isn't preparing for rugby. Checkers isn't preparing for chess.
Most sports are pretty stupid when you watch them, but actually playing them is great. At olympic level it is pretty much just a case of longer limbs, but when you aren't as good you have to be quick and have really good reflexes. I've had matches that last 10 minutes of back and forth.
>not gentlemanly
It is all to do with hitting with enough force to pierce (if it were a real sword). Plus draws would be so common if it weren't measured to .01 of a second
>enough force to pierce
Actually, to draw blood, which was the end of most gentlemanly duels
Foil and epee are precursors in skill to sabre
Evidence to support this?