Totally denies climate science - CHECK!

Totally denies climate science - CHECK!
Has totally dismantled the EPA - CHECK!
Has totally de-regulated the coal industry - CHECK!

Meanwhile temps in Chicago reach record highs, and are even higher than the temps in LA.

This is becoming the "new normal" under this president.

Other urls found in this thread:

OP is a fag - CHECK!
OP is really whiny little bitch - CHECK!
OP needs to shut the fuck up - CHECK!

Meanwhile in OP's house he is being raped by multiple ex - con niggers

Yes, I voted for him and you bet your ass I still support him. The man is a gift from God. He's keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we're a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven't figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he's now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it's been in a very long time. Just because you see the appearance of a farce in your simplistic little mind doesn't mean he's not doing a damn fine job. Every leader of every other country and every citizen of every foreign land--they can all think we're a joke, it doesn't matter. President Trump is doing what's best for America and we are getting stronger because of it. Trust me kid, you'll see, very soon.

>HURDUR: Trump is responsible for Chicago's warm temperatures.


>what is the jet stream?

Also, sea level has risen 400 feet over the last 20,000 years, but the last few inches are man's fault right?

So you think 97% of scientists saying man is influencing climate change, it's still just a jew conspiracy. Wake the fuck up

You are a delusional idiot.

I think you better read up on the latest revelations about that. It's not 97% any longer as they were using faulty models, and were told not to correct them by political influences. If they wanted to keep receiving their grant money, they had to play ball. Now things are changing and the truth is coming out.

Climate change is real. Man has very little influence over it however.


>the latest revelations

You need to read up on what's happening to Miami with the flooding. It's just a matter of time as the perma-frost is melting and releasing more methane and co2. You are slowly becoming like flat earthers in your denial of facts.


kek, like NOAA having the ocean temp sensors 140 nautical miles south of their actual reported positions? This gave scientists "false" readings because they were not measuring the ocean temps where they thought that they were.

Stop crying bitch face.

Good. Burn baby, burn.

"I get my news from rush limbaugh and fake news sites." - the post.

well hey at least we wont personally have to deal with the consequences of Trumps actions, that's for future generations!

but yeh its pretty scary, future generations are gonna have to deal with receding coastlines, unlivable weather, an entire new generation of America-hating jihadists, an even bigger gap between the 1% and the rest...

The Don has settled this matter. Next

it's pasta

what is "appeal to authority"? lrn2logic

>the science is settled

Um wrong. Science by its very nature is never settled.

even if it was the complete opposite, without the high pop countries also following suite, it's worthless.

The only way out is to have a competitive advantage over said countries is due to technology.

So start inventing clean ways for cheap energy creation, then get back to me with your whining.

Yes, it will get hot in the mean time. But you won't be living like a cave man.


sources please?? this is pretty breaking news if true!

This. People don't know what science is.
Actually, people don't really seem to know what anything is. Just parroting talking points and words they've heard before.

yeah, you don't know what appeal to authority is

the country got hot during the last presidential campaign, we're still hot, didnt you see the press conference yesterday?

we'll cool down when we get another black president.

hang on, what's causing it if not greenhouse gasses?

>samefagging this hard.

no one actually believes that. science is exact, and is therefore settled once learned. we have learned the causes of climate change and warming, therefore that science *is* settled.

the sun, idiot. thats what warms the planet. its gonna explode some day.

Solar cycles for 1. Ice core samples have proven that there have been extended warming and cooling periods on the earth long before man.

>inb4 dinosaur farts

facts arrived at by the scientific method of peer reviewed tests conducted by experts give us the closest approximation of reality we can have

but it's recent, and REALLY FAST

how's about ad populum, faggot? anyone who says "hurr all these people said it's true so it must be true!!" is a braindead moron like you

hypothesis are chosen by intuition, not evidence. what's "scientific" about "this feels like the right one"? faggot

yea, the suns gonna explode soon.


1. We are actually in a cooling period globally
2. There have been periods in time much warmer than where we have been in the past 500 years according to ice core samples.

You're an idiot

the sun alone cant account for the insane spike in global temperature in the last 100 years

the earth hasn't experienced this type of climate change in all 24,000 years of human history. its no coincidence this is all happening with the advent of the engine.

That CO2 captures heat and raises temperature is fact. That we are increasing the concentration of co2 in the atmosphere is fact. That temperature is steadily increasing is fact.

>actually in a cooling period globally
kek your sources are from the 1970s

wrong again
you're probably trolling
it's not appeal to authority, or "ad populum" if it's the opinions of relevant experts. appeal to authority is only a fallacy if it's outside of their area of expertise.

accusing samefagging without proof makes you look weak and stupid. Just saying.

>1. We are actually in a cooling period globally

Obama passed some strict regulation, even though he couldn't get exactly what he wanted. The temps have only cooled during the past 5 years, which could be tied to the regulations imposed. Unfortunately Trump is removing those.

Tasty pasta

>hypothesis are chosen by intuition, not evidence. what's "scientific" about "this feels like the right one"? faggot

Maybe know atleast 1 thing about the subject youre talking about before talking about it :)

>now that we are back to 1960s environmental regulation surely it's only a matter of time before the 1960s manufacturing jobs come back

eat my balloon knot senpai


I've had it with you motherfucking Sith on my motherfucking Council. When I say you're on the fucking Council, you better appreciate the fact I'm giving your sorry bitch ass such a position at all. About 32 minutes ago you were crying your eyes out to the prospect of Padme dying, well guess what princess, you're about to Force choke her to death. If I were you, I'd go to a hardware store, buy some wood, build a pridge and get the fuck over your stupid high horse. Otherwise, I'm going to whoop your white ass back to Tattooine and sell you on the slave market where you belong. Now take a seat motherfucker

lol wow you are a massive idiot. as the sun grows and eventually explodes its gonna get hotter.

nice ad hom, dip. lrn2logic

you didnt disprove shit so suck my cock nigger

Why doesn't anyone mention the thousands upon thousands of open air nuclear tests over several decades when talking about global warming?

but why now? and why so quickly? the sun has not grown that much recently, scientists are also measuring that. you underestimate academia in the natural sciences
global warming is a fact

Getting stronger eh? From the retard strength?

Volcanoes warm the area for a longer period than nukes do. They also then cool it by concealing the sun's light with the associated ash cloud.

getting too obvious there m8

>NOAA as a source


tfw they've been largely discredited for their shenanigans in being "political" over the topic.

why now? dude read the bible. we have men sleeping with men, people getting tattoos and abusing marihuana. the end is coming.

[citation needed]

i'm calling bullshit on that assertion.


oh yeah, you guys remember when scientists were out taking tests like 350,000 years ago? oh right, they have rocks or some shit that let's them know what the CO2 levels are even though they admit there's several things that can alter the results. nothing like that could happen in 350,000 years though

so spiritual
good for you

>American education

Didn't Trump get rid of the board or education last week?

>the Bible
Gtfo we're talking about reality not fairytales written by Bronze Age peasants.

no actually, it's simple psychology
people avoid cognitive dissonance

they're trolling

you sound like quite the unbiased expert on global temperature!

i gave you a source, can you give me one for your claims?

There was a time in history when academia was pretty much unified in the belief that the four humours regulated the human body. There was a time in history when academia thought it was insulting to suggest that doctors were getting babies sick because they didn't wash their hands between autopsies and deliveries.

There are multiple theories to explain the recent trend of temperatures. There are also ice core samples indicating that global temperatures rising and falling is a regular occurrence that's been happening for millions of years in a self-regulating system.

Back in the late 80's and early 90's when this became a major political issue, it was "but if there's even a CHANCE it's our fault we should take action" followed by a couple of decades worth of "we're taking action to minimize our impact" so the current generation grew up just assuming that it was a given that we're the cause of temperature shifts. We still don't actually *know* that and it will be a century or so of observation and comparison of periods both with and without regulation in order to prove a causal link.

To wit, if you want it to actually be proven, you have to let them lift the regulations so you can prove that the temperatures are actually being affected by EPA regulation. Until you let them do that, they can always claim that it's a coincidence that the cooling and the regulations happened at the same time.

>inb4 hurdur fox news -
Just read the article. This and other shady things like bad ocean sensor positions have all been done, and were never mentioned to the scientists analyzing the data.


Okay good, thanks.
I fall for that bible shit every time.

As if you beta cuck cock sucking bitch, could stand up to the Pure raw energy of the God Emperor. Cry for me. Your tears are delicous. Now be gone agent of chaos.

you shouldnt.

better yet, tell me why i should believe what a bunch of careerist dickheads who get paid by the government tell me? since you're so fucking scientific, prove to me their experiments haven't been tainted. who reviews the peer review method?

Trips of truth. I know.

The people behind this on Fox News are undercover Liberal, Democratic agents, to try and disrupt REAL NEWS.
I don't expect some ass scratching Liberal to understand this though.
Why dont you go get yourself a Starbucks coffee and complain about it on your tumblr using your Macbook Air Queen

>fake news

BTFO with that shit.

Steel beams

>The people behind this on Fox News are undercover Liberal, Democratic agents, to try and disrupt REAL NEWS
whew lad

>Meanwhile temps in Chicago reach record highs, and are even higher than the temps in LA.
LOL! And to think it happened in just one month!
You are so full of shit you pathetic faggot!

OK, I'll bite: we know that the CO2 level in the air is much higher during these "warm periods" so if we dug up enough carbon and change the concentration of CO2 what will happen?

>Proof of man-made climate change

Is that pic legit? I miss watching that crap sometimes.

>The people behind this on Fox News are undercover Liberal, Democratic agents, to try and disrupt REAL NEWS.
This is a true fact, I read it on breitbart the other day

OK. You're truly thoughtful
You clearly have more education than anyone here. especially me

>Meanwhile temps in Chicago reach record highs, and are even higher than the temps in LA.

Meanwhile, someone citing that temps in place X and lower than place Y displays that OP has no idea what climate and weather are all about.

protip: Google "HAARP"

your questions about climate will all be answered.

You may also have on your Facebook / or / Instagram some pretty good inspirational quotes like this.
feel free to share, master

theres no point in me using energy to prove something extremely google-able, i already offered sources from nasa

do you have any sources other than your own personal speculation?

i didn't even post the fucking quote, i'm just pointing out that it's backed by science


>it's backed by science

Why can't anyone ever fucking admit that they don't know something?

>sea level has risen 400 feet over the last 20,000 years, but the last few inches are man's fault right?

that would be a good argument, if that was actually true.


wait what are you saying?

>im too smart to reply
i guess you can keep sucking establishment cock then and whatever other bullshit they want to shove down your throat. im sure nothing bad has ever come from mindlessly accepting other peoples information as absolute truth without further scrutiny. call it speculation all you want, it's called being critical, dickface.


>Ice core samples have proven that there have been extended warming and cooling periods on the earth long before man.

Yes, but it's never been this fast.
It should takes thousands of years to see the changes we've seen in just decades.

Well, you and your faggot friend are male basic bitch that feel the need to prove something out with stupid quote that doesn't apply to ANYTHING that may match a context.
Do you have dog filter on your Instagram ?
Feel free to share, Nietzsche.

The list of Scientists who don't think we are the cause of global warming is as long as the list that thinks we are.