Can you stop Chad from cucking you?
Can you stop Chad from cucking you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Chad has a micropenis.
Chad Hawking,
Can't remember what it's like walking.
I've sewn the seed of the deathplant in Chad's body, and its had plenty of time to take root.
seize the means of reproduction
Just turn on a football game to distract him, breed gf.
is this thread going to get good? are people drawing?
I'm gonna give me time
Reality of the world
top zozzle
I just got back from the gym and found this thread.
Oh god, what if I'm Chad? No one ever said weights could do this.
Fuck if I'm Chad how will I get more grant money for my orbital railgun project?
If my project fails how will America get stuff into orbit cheap?
I'm going to have to go in the other room and ask my wife and out GFs how to not be Chad.
Fuck fuck fuck. I may have ruined everything. Weights, not even once.
This more like. I'm fucking built.
>ridickulously ineffective
Aren't muscles illegal in Sweden because they support male dominance and rape culture?
She has bloody face because she's dating a nigger.
By making him our collective bitch ofc (bitches love bithces)
Nobody cares
Bump. This should not end like this
Sweet Jesus Christ, please die.
Here's the (you) you desperately hope for
I want porn of that qtpi 'virgin' gf
I too am quite interested
That's the joke, fucktard
A faggot.. OP is.
your shooping skillz are bad.
and you should feel bad.
just turn into a giant fox and magic him out of existance bro
Why does Chad have such a massive torso but such tiny arms?
Too many bitches, not enough masturbating
Time for TOP 5s
Thank you, user. I showed this to my wife and we both laughed.
Neck detected
How ironic, something so beautiful from such an ugly creature.
unberradeb benis :Dcc
I'm interested. Do your top 5 then your worst 5 please.
jesus christ i know this wasnt for real but i still cringed hard.
stupid anime fag
An azalea bush?
I consider myself a modern day SS
Just lmaod reading this thread. Thank you OP
thanks for explaining, shirbird.
>inb4 the series of gifs of chad commiting suicide
wheres the joke in this? its like some autist took this seriously.
>implying my gf gives a shit about guys like Chad
>implying my gf can't defend her own damn self
Chad isnt there to assault her tho. No. Chad Thundercuck is there for her Virtue my friend. Which odds are she is more than willing to give him despite your best doodling efforts.
>Chads fucking your lady Breh.
>implicitly impliying the implication of your gf being a virgin is explicitly true
sexless bf detected
Neck detected
You are a liberal faggot
Cherd Derplechin
If I have to do anything at all, then he can have that potentially cheating bitch and she's not worth being my gf.
lol look at this faggot taking this seriously. i smell insecurity.
His grandfather couldn't protect his waifu from Dio, though.
Fucking kek
But Ronnie James done passed on
why have 1 qt virgin when you can have 72
He can't catch her IF SHE'S ON FIRE.
Why tho? Why did you choose this thread for your shitty filename joke? Its garbage. You are garbage. GitGud fag cuz you are not funny.
>"shit on a rope.jpg"
How old are you?
gf killed both of you there
You got awfully triggered by a random image in a thread that won't exist soon.
You thought Ronnie James passed away, BUT IT WAS ME, DIO!
The simplicity is the joke you fucking lame-brain. The joke is that you expect some sort of convoluted solution to the problem and user drew a gun and shot him.
It's so fucking simple, GAWD
Is it weird that thats what I call deodorant?
Like I live with my brother and If I need some deodorant to borrow, I ask if he has any "Ronnie James".
Both of my brothers always knew exactly what I was saying, but it always felt weird to me that I never had to explain to anyone what the fuck I was talking about when I would Say "Pass me that Ronnie James please?"
nah its pretty funny. its implying the nigger is shit, get it, nigger?
Now thats using the old noodle my friend.
Solid Plan.
>girlfriend you fuck every night
nah, it wasnt a joke. it was some insecure faggot.
>Can you stop TYRONE from cucking you?
>nah its pretty funny
Nah son.
It ain't.
I know a good nigger joke when I hear one and that wasn't it.
became qt trap and cucked my gf instead
another triggered nigger detected.
No I just sit back enjoy the show jack off and eat her pussy after he drops his seed inside her
Ah I didn't see that part, hmm