Why does the electoral college exist

>why does the electoral college exist

Because a horde of niggers, spics and sandmonkies from American inner cities shouldn't be able to dictate the fate of a white, western nation.

These are our countries, not yours. Remember that.

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It exists to give lower populated states a fair representation in our government. But liberals will tell you that it's racist because that's literally their only defense to every argument.

There's no good reason to give a fuck about states. Voting is done by people, not land, so the electoral college makes no sense.

It exists as a way of transmitting the three-fifths compromise to the presidential election. That is, it exists so that freemen would be able to vote on behalf of slaves and thereby give more voice to slave states.

Retard alert!

except that the united states is a federation you dumb shit.

Lol it's not your country you broke faggot.


It was founded as one but we're way more unified now and our government should reflect that. Nobody cares if you're a Virginian or a New Yorker or a Washingtonian, we're all Americans first and foremost.

If Hillary had won the electoral college with a popular deficit like Trump did, Trump supporters would be raising hell about it.

why does Harvard professor have less of a vote than a hill billy ?

because the hillbilly works and the professor can use powerpoint


Can we all just agree that this picture pretty much sums up everyone in America on both sides?

Fake news. He may have typed out those words, but that's not what he meant.

Looks like an SJW retard to me, aka Hillary voter, Trump voters are all taxpaying patriot types, not like that image at all.

probably. and then some hilljack would be arguing your point instead a hairless twink. nothing would change

Poor and more sparsely populated states in the US placing a burden on the states that actually make your country work and have cities known outside their respective counties. It's affirmative action for unproductive states.

Pic related.

>Trump voters are all taxpaying

It exists because the president is supposed to be more of a prime minister and it was designed to make sure that the executive was selected by people who don't work in government. As soon as we started tying the EC vote to the popular vote we ignored the intent if the Constitution and opened up the door for demagogues and the expansion of federal power over the sovereign states.

gross gdp doesnt mean shit when youre arguing the value of individual voters. it basically just shows which states have the most people. per capita gdp is a better stat for why the electoral college is good for a healthy balanced system. pic

a lot of liberals will tell you the first thing you said.

That's right, Trump voters are in the upper earning bracket and support the hippy leftist retards that tend to vote democrat (along with millions of illegals of course)

Trump voters are uneducated hillbillies.

jesus fuck...

>It exists to give lower populated states a fair representation in our government.
It exists for two reasons:
(1) To give the slave states the voting power of a larger population, without allowing a significant portion of that population any rights at all.
(2) To give the elites a chance to stop a dangerous, unqualified moron who rides a populist wave to victory at the ballot box.

Since it clearly doesn't fulfill purpose (2), remind me why this is a reasonable system in $CURRENT_YEAR.

how does this make you feel

Purpose 2.) is the Hamiltonian view which fell out of fashion during the early part of the last century.

>remind me why this is a reasonable system in $CURRENT_YEAR.
Protip: I literally can't

Professors work more hours than hillbillies.

all your map does is erroneously add north dakota/wyoming and alaska to the original list. those states have high per capita gdp because oil. dumbass.

Hey USAers, your system is bad and you should feel bad! All your reasons to keep this old outdated system are redundant, and it doesn't take long to count the few votes that you do submit, since half of you are too lazy to get off the couch and vote anyway. Switch to popular vote!
Regards, an Aussie

it moves texas, new york, and california to the middle of the pack. alaska and north dakota obviously are thrown a bit off by this but overall it better assesses the value of each state to the country as a whole. who cares if california or texas have the highest overall gdp when all that means is that they have millions more people producing barely above the national average?

Keep in mind that these are the same people who, if Trump had won the popular vote by 3 million but lost the Electoral College, would be praising the EC for working and for keeping a tyrannical despot from taking office.

>would be praising the EC for working and for keeping a tyrannical despot from taking office.
And they wouldn't be wrong. That's the one legit purpose it is supposed to serve, and guess what?---it doesn't.

there were something like 136 million votes cast in the 2016 presidential election and your whole country has a population of 24 million. tell me again how it doesn't take you as long to count 1/10th of the ballots

It literally served that purpose this time around tho. Despite failing in the 2000 election. Over half the country didn't even vote and Hillary miraculously took a lead in the popular vote once the votes from Cali came in. Strange coincidence no?

Modern day America was build by immigrants, if anything it belongs to them more so then white people.

Local elections for congressmen and governors provide all the fucking checks and balances you need.

If you have an election where only a single candidate (or candidate pair) can win, why would you use anything but the popular vote?

EC might be worth looking at for cases where the top 2 candidates are within 1%, maybe even 5%, but it shouldn't be used as the de-facto decider.

Anyone with 50%+ of the popular vote has the majority, any system that says otherwise is just gerrymandering.

>immigrants and white people are separate groups

>Hillary miraculously took a lead in the popular vote once the votes from Cali came in
I'm shocked... we had better investigate. I can't think of a legitimate reason why California would significantly move the popular vote totals.

>illegals vote meme
PROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFS. and dont link some redneck conservashit website

Hey, Aussie,
Your population is small and your PM is a pussy. Get on our level.

It's affirmative action for shit tier areas where no one wants to live. Only people who are literally dirt poor and like smelling like shit all day live there

direct democracy? are you mentally unhinged?

even though the donald had already held a strong lead. It probably has nothing to do with the millions of illegals who Obama encouraged to get out and vote. You're missing the point you bitter cuckold. Hillary plaid with a stacked deck on a tilted table with all the aces up her sleeve and she lost to a fucking orange reality tv star, how terrible of a candidate do you have to be?


>Hillary plaid with a stacked deck
Trump voters, everyone.

Trump voters need to keep dragging out Hillary because his presidency is nothing without her. They miss her.

It's wearing a bit thin now, though, as even they begin to realize that the standard, modest level of corruption we'd have had with her in the White House is nothing compared to the looting we're suffering now.

without her his presidency is...his presidency. he is president and she isn't. try again

>open MSM collusion
>DNC gave her nomination
>every actor in Hollywood shilling for her
>everyone with a modicum of fame shilling for her
>yellow journalism tactics against Trump and his supporters
>social media censorship of any anti-Hillary pro-Trump accounts
>every news outlet lying to the nation with their bullshit polls
>not a stacked deck

retards, everyone

we'd be in the opening stages of WW3 and muzzie death squads would be roaming the nation exchanging gunfire with right wing patriot squads, had Hillary stolen the election

You know, modern psychiatric medicine is a wonder, and they have medications for that.

not that guy and i agree with you but i think they were referring to pic related

If it's a federation then states should be able to leave but they're not. We had a war over that. During that war we also decided people aren't worth a fraction of a vote, one person is worth one vote. America or GTFO.

Oh. This must be where all the triggered liberals ran to when they got BTFO in the last thread.

Glad that not all the Trump supporters are complete illiterates. Because what the fuck are we supposed to do with 60 million illiterates?

why don't you ask the 50 million spics and 40 million niggers in the country? you had better talk slowly though


I didn't vote but I was still represented by the majority of my state.

That's why it exists. 51% of a state votes for candidate A, while 49% votes candidate B.

The state represents candidate A.

Post election surveys all indicated that the only people who voted for Clinton were illegals and hippy left wing retards, taxing paying patriots all voted for Trump.

Then why is he constantly bringing her up? Everyone gets it. He won. It's like the guy who talks about that one great game-winning catch in the big high school game because he's got nothing else.

That ain't a typo, Sup Forumsro.

It was on CNN

>still believes in liberals and conservatives

Do you believe in the Easter bunny too user?

>taxing paying patriots all voted for Trump.
Blue states pay all the taxes, dipshit.

>illegals pay taxes


because he's a manchild. that doesn't mean that she did anything to help him win as was implied. if anything him being a complete dolt makes the case for that argument weaker

>Blue states pay all the taxes


>everyone who doesn't believe my obscure news source only believes in fayk noos

I read this entire chart 3 times and I still don't get what I'm looking at.

Take your pick:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_tax_revenue_by_state Sort by revenue per capita.

sad. illegals, despite using welfare, actually work enough to cover the expense of the benefits they use.


>still believes in liberals and conservatives

Ah, I see we got one of those ashamed faggots trying to pretend they're not a liberal. The nazis did the same thing after WWII and tried to burn their uniforms so they could hide. You're not fooling anyone, you little bitch.

Same guy here, forgot to mention.

State representation is important because we are trying to limit the power of the federal government.

You are an American. Different states have different laws and practices. You are able to move based on your beliefs.

The Republican mindset favors capitalism because we want to reward people for their ideas and realise the success of an individual can benefit the masses.

Democratic people tend to believe the rich have all the power and are in fact so powerful that it prevents them from achieving the goal stated in the Republican mindset.

Rebuplican beliefs are limited when ideas are turned into product and manufactured overseas.

On the other hand, many Democrats believe they are impoverished because rich people abuse power to stay rich, when in fact, many collecting welfare are perfectly content with their lifestyle and would not take a difficult job to support themselves or their families.

they're saying more rich people voted for Trump

On a final note.

Voting Democrat can reduce crime for the simple fact that the poor without welfare or any form of support would eventually commit crime to survive.

I wish there was a way to get big businesses to bring jobs back to America, and employ individuals with jobs that provide adequate health care and a means to support their pursuit of happiness.

Both sides are equally stubborn, but there are multiple ways to solve a problem. We can work together to rebuild our country.

Tax cuts at any cost---especially someone else's cost.

non-American white here. Used to hate the idea of electoral college as I thought it was "undemocratic" but fuck democracy if it means the loss of national sovereignty to mexico or durkastan. The electoral college just saved American whites and even decent non-whites who came there for a job. Only welfare queens voted for that hilldog hag. Here OP, have a cat.

>im so simple minded there can't be anything other than blue team vs. red team
i swear Idiocracy was some prophetic voodoo shit

Because the "founding fathers" didn't want a true democracy. Neither do all the fucktards that support it now that it got their imbecile of a president elected.

It has to be painful to be this retarded. Ameriburger critical thinking deficiency in action.

>Voting Democrat can reduce crime
This. It costs 50 grand a year to lock someone up. Republicans want to take the money out of schools and put it in to prisons. Thing is, you spend more that way. But prison guards vote red and teachers vote blue.

thats literally a typo faggot

In the late 80s republicans voted for the largest increase in funding to American public universities in US history.

I'd be interested to know that, if that's true. Sauce?


lmao, try again

Left-wing rag, right?

>reputable source

top kek

>prison guards vote red and teachers vote blue.

Gonna need a source on that bud

>thinks Nazis are bad
>is this much of a cuck

>why does the electoral college exist
Because otherwise the less densely populated states would have dropped out of the Union by the early 1800's from lack of representation due to small but highly densely populated urban regions reliably dominating national elections. Those less densely populated states need the guarantee that their life won't be lorded over by a handful of coastal cities.
Don't like the fact that living in a highly densely populated coastal city reduces the net effect of your vote? Move somewhere else. If one million people from LA had relocated to those battleground states, the election would have been firmly in Hillary's favor. But they'd rather huddle together in a homogenized environment where everyone agrees with them. They literally safe-space'd themselves into irrelevance.

Well said, we ain't gonna disregard the will of the overwhelming majority of land and industry because inner city welfare scroungers and minority scum will vote for the guy that promises them most free shit.

well the 1980s in american politics were dominated by the conservatives, and towards the end of that time colleges were granted large funding increases-which is why the price of college shot up after that time since the newer facilities, better dorms, higher paid teachers, etc. cost more to maintain. Also public university presidents receive a salary that rivals most salaries of business owners.

illegals use welfare, but don't pay an income tax. there is no way they pay for public schools they send their 8 children to, the roads they drive on, the trash that gets picked up outside their house every week, etc.
No matter what you say, they broke the law and should be arrested. If I get caught smoking weed I get thrown in jail because I broke the law.

"The framers of the Constitution didn’t trust direct democracy."


the makers of the constitution didn;t think the common man was smart enough to make informed decisions on political issues--at the time most americans could hardly read. The electoral college was made so informed votes could be made. It wasn't until andrew jackson until all land owning white males could vote in the US.

Yeah you're right we should just close the borders complete and not allow anyone or anything in or out anymore, OP, then round up all the people who aren't WASPs and drop them off in International waters to fend for themselves. Then we build a 20 foot high 6 foot thick wall around the entire Continental United States, with the Army posted at the few gates in and out, so no one slips through.

>graph shows that the rich, who pay the most, voted for a rich republican

What a surprise.

LOL, what a cuck!