It doesn't matter what he says or what he does

It doesn't matter what he says or what he does.

How badly he fucks up.

Republicans will always support him. Always.

What the fuck is up with that?

welcome to a tribalist party system nigger

It doesn't matter what he says or what he does.

Democrats will always hate him. Always.

What the fuck is up with that?

let's face it's, he's given them plenty of reasons

Same could be said about Shillary and her supporters

Holy shit why is everyone so dumb. Lets break down Trumps presidency so far. 80% of what Trump says is fucking retarded. He says stupid, stupid, STUPID fucking shit. However, 70-80% of his policies are good in the opinion of most people who lean right or conservative. They are also what he ran on (even if he changed specifically what he said he would do, there does have to be some compromise. Im actually impressed hes done what he has so far, I thought he would be a complete dud who would do a 180 once he won). Whether you agree with his actions and policies (Which btw are what matter, not the stupid shit he spews out his mouth) he is clearly not a fascist. The policies he has put into effect have clear reasoning behind them and are desired by a large amount of Americans he appealed to, even if you do not agree with him. The people who refuse to admit he does anything wrong or that mostly he says stupid shit are wrong, yes. The people hurting our country, hurting innocent people, and literally opening the door to civil unrest and potentially civil war are the leftist and antifa extremists. Now I dont think either of those 2 are smart or capable enough to actually cause civil war, since most are just middle class students who have no real life experience and are soft as fuck but still. Ya'll need to just stop being stupid cocks. You shouldnt call out Trump until he does something REALLY bad. DOES something really bad. If you call him a nazi every time he farts people will stop listening to you entirely and that opens the door to real problems.

he's already doing damage control for when he takes over.


the same goes for democrats...

every fucker wanted hillary to win no matter what she did

I hope hell finish what Hitler started and Gas the Gays.

Hillarydidnt do 90% of what you Trumptards accused her of doing. Theres literally 0% except for "e-mails" released by Russia. How stupid are you to not understand those are not even real e-mails? However photos and video is leaked of Trump being PEED ON by RUSSIAN prostitutes and you all dont care. Fucking potatoes, all of you, retarded fucking potatoes.

pics and vids or it didnt happen.

Yeah but those emails exist and show that she did 90% of what the right said she did.


Holy shit. The emails are fake but these totally existant videos arent? You are a fucking psycho.

>she did 90% of what the right said she did.


He basically promised to rattle a few cages, and not to act like a usual politician.. as long as he does that, he's doing what they expected

They exist because Russia created them. All Hillary has spent her LIFE doing is serving the people and promoting the welfare of the under privilliaged. Whether its through her work as a public servant, saving lives and helping America stride forward as a leader and example for the world to follow or through the Clinton Foundation she runs with the help of her lovely daughter. Hillary lost due to falsified e-mails and a LOT, a LOT of shilling by cspan.

>lovely daughter

I am a hardcore liberal "Democrat (I suppose)"

I would support him if he didn't do retarded shit.
We could make immigrants citizens so they pay taxes or even make the punishment for being here illegally worse to discourage border crossing, make fines for hiring illegals actually mean something to big business, etc, orrr....spend taxes on a fucking wall that won't do shit...?

We could go bomb the shit out of terrorists or get bored in intelligence meetings and bomb a bunch of civs...?

Most non-meme liberals agree with this thought process. Get shit done without being retarded about it and you'll have AT LEAST partial support.

So make illegal-immigrants citizens? So basically fuck the fact they violated our laws to get into the country. Fuck the people who spent the time and effort doing it legally because they actually respect our country. By that logic we should just forgive pedophiles and by the a real-life child sex doll.

I have a masters degree in social studies, and this is the right way to do things.

pls explain why she said on tape that she helped a known pedo rapist get off the hook when she was a lawyer

deporting ILLEGAL immigrants isn't a huge fucking deal. how many did Obama deport in his time on office? it doesn't matter. they don't belong here ANYWAYS. they don't give a shit about the country and take advantage of any benefits they can, they literally leech off the system because it's not THEIR country so as far as im concerned, fuck them and fuck their families. if they didn't want their families being broken up they wouldn't have made shitty life choices by coming here, leeching, ripping off citizen's identities, citizens like ME who could have to deal with a fucking warrant because some dumb beaner ran someone over in Texas or whatever. it's a non issue. the law is the law and if people don't like it they can try to change it (which they will fail at doing so because it's a stupid fucking idea)

There's a flaw in your logic.

Bombing terrorists just creates more terrorists.

Imagine some other country came and bombed your neighborhood can killed your family.

You'd want revenge.

done more in a month than what's his face did in 8 years.

all I remember about the last one was he always seem to play golf and go on long vacations at extreme tax payer's expense.

you're a cuck if you really think H would have been better - she was corrupt to the core.

But she is now a footnote of history.


the average low information Trump supporter, everyone

>CTR shills stealing our memes and remaking them badly

im offended