ITT: we judge each other based solely on our hands. lvl 27 wizard reporting in

ITT: we judge each other based solely on our hands. lvl 27 wizard reporting in

You play too much mmo

Now finger me, geek

FaZe and also play classic guitar

you must be fat

A little
But not huge.

Cut your nails, you fat fuck

Fuck no, I like to paint 'em

The one time I ever post, hope this doesn't fuck my life up somehow.

Check em

Marcos? What are you doing here on this sick website ?

I dont know why i do this, bring on the shitstorm faggots

WHAAAT YOU are on this site. i wont have sex with you ever again

because you are craving attention edgey faggot. thats why

the fuck u do to ur hands faggot

Am getting horny over this hand

Autistic fuck transgender

I mean... you are on this site too. So what are we going to do about this?

Not fat, just fatass hands
>fingernail masterrace reporting in

R8 me

Either you're a chimp or those are toes

no sex on wednesdays and fridays and every second saturday

long toes man

foot /hand

Thank you for the attention, i needed it.

I really like this thread

I got drunk with a douchebag friend who has a tattogun

Your thumbs are skinnier than your pinkie fingers...

Need moar of shots of your chimp hands for evolutionary study

the fuck?

Not sure if male or female / 10

Would bang, love the class / 10

Figured it have no thumbs

Just cut that shit off if not shooped

> White beaner reporting in

I doubt any girl wants that inside her

>le jelly because he don't have strong hands like mine and no girl either
>le proceed to end oneself

Ginger master race reporting in.

Missing link/10.

Finger nails are uber cringe
You smoke too much.
Somewhat crazy

Working man hand.
Some minor damage to index finger.
Oops lol


>don't wanna brag about it or anything

>Literally Frankenstein's monster

Working man's hands, but I have the wherewithal to don gloves.