What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Native Americans?

What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Native Americans?

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they can go full Sup Forums and no one can tell them otherwise.

They're pretty much a meme race at this point. I'm a liberal but I don't get why other liberals care as much as they do. There are hardly even any left alive to care about.

Shouldnt have let in IMMIGRANTS and refugees. They bring disease and outbreed you.

CanadianFag here. We've done nothing wrong in our lives cept trying to commit the full genocide of Aboriginals and covering it up as much as possible.

It's the one huge blemish on Canadian history and it sucks.

Also they are fine dudes, but have a ton of internal problems. I miss the old aboriginals

Except the first time the immigrants came with the expressed purpose of bringing disease and outbreeding the locals

Possibly in America, but in Canada they're the fastest growing demographic, set to overtake the number of Chinese people by 2020

I dont think about them because there arent any.

Native youth in Canada are basically trying to be African Americans, and it's fucking annoying having to listen to them try to rap and be gangsta

I am rather reserved about my feelings on native americans. I tend to keep them sell liquored up and in small groups so i don't feel all at once

You arent strong with reading into things are you?

>in Canada they're the fastest growing demographic
Is this real? I had no idea. I thought they were just drinking themselves to death on the reservations up there too.

Fucking this. Sometimes it's great, like I hewrd pow wow dub step during New Years eve that Wasent bad at all, but most of the time it's just shit.

You guys have internet in your teepees?
Nice trips.

They're tards that only save the thumbnails of images.


I used to work at a casino run by natives.

alot suffer from alcoholism and drug use.

Like really bad. one of our local natives lost her son to a drug over dose and had her daughter murdered in cold blood over money.




Got a lot of these

I used to drink and gamble at an injun casino in Mississippi. I bet that was an interesting place to work.

near or next to mcdonalds in terms of clientele. paid good. but more or less showed me that injuins are just corrupt like the rest of us.

Native americans are the only real americans, everyone else is an immigrant. Trump included.

Yeah the Choctaws at the casino I used to go to (three hours or so west of Birmingham, AL), all seemed like they had no hope and didn't give a fuck.

I am a white guy who lives very close to the largest Indian reservation in the country. technically its just out my back door. I have also traveled the world and never have I seen a more worthless group of genetic material collectively held together by federal regulation. Reservations need to be abolished and tribes should stay on Grindr. I grew up going to school with little alcohol fetal syndrome potato children who wore "native pride" shirts to school and bitched about white people openly.

They are trash. Absolute evolutionary failures and we (whites, the superior evolutionary race) should have finished our genocide and wiped them out along with the Neanderthal.

The whole DAPL water is life, sacred land thing was complete bullshit. They destroyed that land. left piles of trash, pits of human piss and shit in the ground, cars, tents, teepees you name it they trashed it busted it into pieces and left it sitting. Just like they treat their homes and the land generations of them have lived and died on.

This group of inbred addicts we call a tribe here (the Colville) own several gas stations along with casinos and sent their members by the busload to the protests. Fucking idiots.
They wanted to build a casino on their reservation a few years ago in my hometown. They went about 200 yards off the highway into a field and broke ground then immediately found a pile of ancient ancestor bones. Doing the logical thing they abandoned the site and instead built another gas station at the far end of that property then went across the highway and built their casino. So putting tanks of gasoline in the ground 100 yards from an Indian burial ground is fine as long as the tribe owns it but run a pipeline 70 miles away from the reservation border and they protest. Fucking idiots.

fucking whingers. They're just lucky Turkey didn't reach America first.

They have a real like "huur durr white man" mentality or at least some of them do. However they also kinda accept that its white people that build and run their casinos better than they can.

they had just as long as anyone else to develop metallurgy, specifically iron working, and they didnt. Granted, they had no tin to get to bronze first, but meh.

For all the moaning and bitching they survived the impact of an advanced, or hell, just any other culture overwhelming them. Survived better than Carthage.

i live next to a big Blackfoot rez and i have never had a bad experience . One used to friends with my mom and she would babysit me sometimes. Her grandpa looked like a medicine man right out of the old west .

i agree with most of this however I still would like a cute native chick to fuck

My thought exactly. They could have developed trade or a written language or pants or anything really other than mud huts and fur coats but they didnt.

Good luck finding one over 14 not gapped out by her dad, uncle, cousins and brothers. Seriously. The FBI does law enforcement for them and they had to open an office nearby for all the rape and incest investigations.

that would probably explain the drug use for many of the women.

A lot of them have so many issues cause of the residential schools, tried to "get the Indian out of them" in really brutal ways. I think they started in the late 20th century and ended in the 70s or 80s here in Canada. Generations of people being ripped out of their homes as kids, not allowed to go to the same school as any of their relatives, beaten if they spoke their native language, etc. Thousands and thousands of kids died (most of the time, the parents weren't even notified) and those who lived had trouble reconnecting with their people when they left the schools as often they couldn't speak the same language anymore. As well, if kids get beat they're likely to beat their own kids so they get put into foster care (they only make up something like 4% of the population but half of the children in foster care), hence so many turn to drugs and alcohol and abuse the hell out of eat other so the cycle just keeps continuing.
One thing that is annoying is how there's these "truth and reconciliation" programs going on and investigations into missing and murdered women and girls (since their deaths are so much higher and are usually never solved or investigated) but no one dares to say that it's the native men killing the women.

I'm absolutely fascinated by them. I often go in the forest and imagine the nature centered people that used to live there and the lives they lived.

Combine catholic anti-birth control rhetoric with alcoholism and out of control unemployment

The population has been climbing like a rocket since the '80s when reserves first started getting proper medicine and the infant mortality rate stopped looking like it belonged in a starving african nation

Ill argue against this since it was apart of their religion to not leave a mark on the earth.

although i guess they kinda ended up like the rest of the groups of people plowed by the white man.

One of my earliest memories of school, first grade show and tell. This little native girl who was always dirty and had every single indicator she was being abused didn't have anything to show so she just told. She told the first grade class about how she was sad her sister had ran away. Some kid asked why she ran away and the little girls reply was "she was tired of our daddy going to the bathroom on us"... teaher screeched stopped everything called the office. Daddy got arrested went through tribal court and was home going to the bathroom on the girls within a few weeks.

The girl stayed in my class until we graduated. Eventually, I heard daddy and his friends used the kids as a bukkake target every weekend. Nice guy. #NativePride

thats bullshit. Cahokia culture built fucking mound cities along the Mississippi, so I think that goes against the whole "don't leave a mark" idea youre incorrectly putting forth.

>implying Cahokia is not completely out of place or related to Atlantis

Daily reminder that the Native American genome in the Eastern US makes absolutely no sense and contains European DNA before columbian contact and isn't from Vikings either.

I guess it also depends on which natives we're talking about. as added in my last post, they suffer from the same level of corruption as with any other group of people plowed by white people. they have alot to work on.

that is brutal

That whole not leave a mark on the earth being part of their religion is absolute bullshit. They can say that but because they lacked the ability to manufacture anything or extract natural resources they literally couldn't leave much of a mark on the land.

Tribes in the Pacific Northwest carved ovens into rocks, painted the rocks, built fishing stands all kinds of little things that left marks on the earth.

I guess they didn't leave any plastic or oils behind because they had no clue they could do anything with it.... as I mentioned lack of evolution...in this case tool use and manufacturing.

As a native in ontario, my race never really actuallybhelped me. My parents' alcohol and drug problem put my brother and my cousins all in foster care when I was around 8. Came back to my native family (after being brought up in a white family of seven for 10 years) and I wanna go back. I guess I am a drinker but I'm not as bad as I used to be

At least you got out.

My high school lunch lady adopted a 3 year old girl who couldn't walk or speak a word because no one taught her. The doctors told the lady that the kids abuse was so severe and her brain so fried by moms drinking and drug use while pregnant that she would probably never speak. might walk with a weird gimp. maybe.

Oh... and there were three other siblings.

Lunch lady adopted all of them and got them medical help and therapy. The three year old just got accepted to a four-year school on her merits and GPA not skin color. I couldn't be more proud.

The only thing that saved those kids was getting them off the reservation and raising them white.

>done nothing else wrong
>continue to sell asbestos to the third world and block all attempts to ban it

Just like the Yakutskians.. Natives are closer to Siberians than anyone else, and even the Siberians are oddballs, not too closely related to the Manchurians even though they're right there


They still did lot of things, especially the mayans. Only difference is they didn't win a war vs whites and didn't make the combustion engine sure.

when you think technology you have to consider the environment you're in. Of course there's no way for a plains running buffalo fuck indian to make guns or invent aircraft. They moved wayy to much to settle down and think about such things.

Those Indian tribes south that didn't have to constantly struggle against crazy terrain did accomplish things.

yeah reserves are brutal, everyone on them acts and thinks that nobody outside of the reserve gives two shits about them and it's mostly true

Native in the Eastern US have pre-columbian DNA admixture from middle eastern and European sources. Mitochondrial haplogroup X and Y chromosomal haplogroup r1b are completely out of place, but there.

Native americans a myth. Christopher Columbus DISCOVERED america. If there were already people here, then that could not be true. Either Native Americans are made up like bigfoot, or the entire history of the US is a lie.

Ok yea, most of those things were southern jungle tribes. The Mayans embraced and somehow discovered mathematics and astronomy and that led to most of the things on those lists.

The Soux shit in the dirt and worshiped scavenger animals until the cavalry rounded them up and killed them. A couple bad winters or a fast moving brush fire would have wiped them out and I am sure more native tribes died over history from nature than any white genocide.

Yes its all one big conspiracy



Also, the environment was rich enough in food that they never really had to start agriculture, they just needed to move elsewhere, and animal domestication isn't really a needed thing when tens of thousands of them show up regularly in the same spot

Well that guy's an idiot, but that theory is only part of the picture. There were people in North American before anyone migrated across the bering strait.

I mean ya and a couple of Europeans and spainyards from a small concentrated area complished a great many things too. White people also have their own niggers aka the irish.

Cherry picking is easy. Not all white races did amazing things. Not all native races did good things. However if you take a step back you can see attributes from all races once you dig further.

Stay ignorant my friend, keep believing the fake news. Protip: Wikipedia is not a source accepted in academic papers or essays. This is for a reason. If Native Americans existed, where is the actual evidence? What, are you trying to say we landed here and then genocided them until they barely exist anymore? Wake up.

The natives I meet inside my family are mostly okay the biggest thing is this predjudice on whites but I believe it is somewhat justified. My folks hate whites but they were also fucking drug addicts who are STILL on methodome after five years. I think one of my foster sisters we brought in for a few months had something like that wrong with her. She was native too but I was definitely too young to realize how bad she had it. I don't hate natives but they are my family...

3/10 maybe if this was reddit you could have had a bite

And the thing is the Mayan perhaps the most successful tribe of them all is now gone completely. The more worthless ones have reservations and government funding. Most of them make more money doing nothing than your average European earns with a years worth of work.

ill forfeit that

The only things whites ever did wrong is not give Hitler the support he deserved to finish fixing this world.

>Hurr durr cant refute facts
>hurr durr you must be from reddit

This is a good thread. It reminds me of Sup Forums glory dayz

Been on a few reserves. Some of them are actually VERY tranquil. Hot summer day on a quiet riverside with a fishing rod and a sixer. No one gives a fuck about drinking in public unless you're fucking plastered and threatening people. There are awful places that are mostly populated with drug addicts and drinkers and weed dealers (which if you're native, you'll end up meeting a LOT of) but many populations have these same issues.

>What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Native Americans?

> There was never a plan to genocide them
> There was plenty of despicable murder of them
> There was plenty of despicable murder by them
> Rape, torture, and mutilation were there natural states of warfare
> They have a YUUUUGE genetic predisposition to alcoholism and drug abuse, which largely explains their poverty, crime, and general good-for-nothing-ness
> They have average IQs of 88, which also explains their stone age existence before they were found by Europeans
> I can't believe how brutal Europeans were with them. I do feel sympathy for them.
> They are absolutely fixated on being victims and blame Columbus for every problem of theirs: this is absurd: Being conquered by a more advanced civilization should allow them to thrive with new traditions, technologies, knowledge and opportunities. That they have not is because of genetic incompatibility with Whites.
> I've worked around them and they love a photo of Braves posing with guns captioned with "Homeland Security. Fighting Terrorism since 1492"
> So long as they see themselves as victims, they won't even rise to the level of niggers.
> 1 in 3 girls on reservations will be raped by a "noble native"
> You'll never find an easier fuck than an Amerind girl: they literally have no impulse control, which is the root cause of their problems.

History is only told by the winners, its quite obvious thats how it played out after Manifest destiny took place. If it wasn't whites it was gunna be someone else. I get it dude. History could have turned very differently if it weren't for the help of natives to which every country they decided to step foot in. It wasn't until many early explorers learned from the natives that they could efficiently
conquered the right areas. I am simply giving credit to both ends.

>set troll bait

why is nobody biting? All im saying is if you take that same bait to your boys at reddit you'll get better results. The rest of us who don't enjoy the taste of low hanging fruit have a bit more class buddy.

I will agree with you on your point that their help was vital in exploring the frontier.
If you have ever seen the movie Smoke Signals.... that may as well be a upbeat documentary on the tribe I live amongst.

This really blows that you believe we're all like this. I'm just a regular dude and so are a few select natives I know. Those may have been problems in the past but we're getting better, not all at once though, haha!

Looks like its been deleted but my local buy sell trade group on facebook had a lovely post about needing donations and bodies for DAPL protestors but not from white people because we were the problem lol

I call bullshit.

Never really got into politics. Are you native too? Cause people seem to love makin' a big stink about it and I never really cared to learn about it. It's history man

primitive savages. there where some passive ones

Tfw qt feather Indian gf

Hook me up fam, I'm dyin' here

Doing my part and still fucking them.
Just nailed one this morning.
What have you done for your local tribe today?

They get lots of state gibs and breed like roaches.
They are incestuous as fuck so they shouldn't be expanding the population

Live a Northwest B.C. town where the population is 70% Native. Dig my FN brothers and sisters, but they gotta get off the government cheese. The solution to their problems is not more free money. The reserve system is shit and the band councils etc system, except for a few places, is corrupt as fuck. Everyone around here knows that nepotism rules.

Married to a native american/latina mix, she's really fucking conservative.

10/10 would share my life with her again, (I'm liberal/libertarian).

None of those words mean anything. You might as well be using Dr. Seuss vocabulary.

I am not native myself. My grandparents and great, great great grandparents were dirt poor and lived on the reservation along side them. I have a lot of native friends too.

>I tend to keep them sell liquored up and in small groups so i don't feel all at once
Are you smoking a peace pipe right now?

I hope Trump deports them all. Nothing but alcoholic drug addled worthless fucks.

keep em coming

I'm sorry to hear that you are uneducated and borderline illiterate.

Is this bait? Deport them where?


Wrong, the vikings got in to NA before any one else

We didn't killed of Neanderthal, we out bred them, we have our kind spirit empathy and intellect thanks to Neanderthal genes.

Whites are to naive and kind

The entire race needs AA meetings tbh.

No we killed them and raped their beast women. The Neanderthal DNA in your body is all female, it was not consensual.

>Generations of people being ripped out of their homes as kids,
Because they are savages not being able toi take care of their kids whilst breeding to many, pretty funny how you sound like a fart after the post before you.

You french cucks are just afraid of them and you even had them fight your battles.

Nature centered, top kek.
They were constantly on the brink of starvation.
They ate everything they could.

Another Canadafag here
Most natives are fucked up, their family lives on average is super fucked up and they are a product of their environment.
The natives that come from good homes are some of the best people I have ever met. Extremely based and are leaps and bounds ahead of the majority of them.

I'm a Cheyenne River Sioux Native. Honestly, I couldn't give two shits about tribes and our history.
If my ancestors were smart they would've killed the foreigners, but instead they were dumb little primitives and got killed. I actually hope Natives due out because they all live in the past. I'm glad my mother married a low highclass white guy because those reservations are Americas slums.


Middle eastern used to be european. viking remains have been found dating back thousands of years. they also had maps of island so it is fairly likely they had several colonies before the asians moved over in tho america.

There are stone monuments of the early south americans where they depict viking ships.

Well....welcome to the 21st century, I suppose.

Its funny people bring up Vikings... another example of a once nomadic group of killers who pulled it together and explored the world using science and mathematics.
Chief Squatting Dog was busy shitting in the dirt and seeking firewater.

>the environment was rich enough in food t
it wasnt, they where constantly starving, you can see this by looking at skeleton development in the remains.
The were suffering from malnutrition and ate a very unvaried diet with the exceptions of a few tribes