Show me your wife/gf/exgf stomach

show me your wife/gf/exgf stomach

fake and gay.

I see only her belly, not her internal organs.

touche. should have clarified

anyone want to show off some bellies?

Cancer thread

here you go!


Crazy hot. Moar?

Very shy wife

She's a twin they are both strippers at Spearmint Rhino

Holy shit. More of this. Sluttiest thing you got? Dump

That's one of the best bodies I've ever seen

My ex

My wife's stomach, among other things...

why did she dump you?

Ex, her kik is chlo__e

Idk why this didnt post lol


Dump good sir

not that user
but it looks like she might have discovered niggers. she just has that coalburner look.


I love the outdoor winter motif. Beautiful.

Moar. Face and tits?





