What are your views on abortion?

What are your views on abortion?

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Should be an option.



should be mandatory

if you have an abortion, you should also have a lobotomy. Learn how to wear a condom

I don't see why everyone gets so hung up about it. Just abort the kid if you don't want it, and make a new one later. Everyone with their "every life is precious" bullshit. Abort, try again later. We're already overpopulated, losing one kid isn't going to mean shit.

Condoms break you dumb virgin

Payoff anyone who gets aborting (fetus must be older than 2 monts)

Abortion is murder.
It is another human being inside of the woman.


If you aren't ready to have a child, just don't have one. The idiots who say it's "murder" don't seem to realise that there is not "baby", it's a fucking pebble slowly growing and untilt there's brain activity, it's little more than a growth. The stigma behind abortions are baffling, it's not okay to get an abortion, but it's okay to wear a condom or masturbate into a tissue killing MILLIONS of potential babies?

TD;DR, it's a late form of contreseption.

Her body my choice


You can't just kill the baby because its not a great time to have one.



At a certain point its murder and liberals are ok with that in the name of womens rights is stupid.

I am not a Liberal or Conservative but abortion made me vote for Trump.

Abortion should be legal up through the 75th trimester.

I was aborted once. I survived.

Yes. You can.

if you don't want kids, than dont have sexual relations.

Everyone wishes you were that kid.

kek, well that's that

> Abortion is murder
> Using a condom is okay though
Hyprocy at it's finest.

Who am I to force a kid to grow up in an environment that doesnt even want them.

Nah bruh. You're wrong.
It is another human being, even that early.

wise words of a virgin

your point? if I dont want to baby ill kill it and have another baby when i want it



Should be legal, tbqhwyf

Abortion is bad because it gives women a choice.

Less kids in the world the better.

I say make it mandatory after two. People who have more than that likely have an over-inflated opinion about their own likely shitty genetics, are super irresponsible and shouldn't be having kids or are doing it to take advantage and collect more welfare.

Fuck those people and fuck their offspring.

Sage advice asshole.

you still think thats a bad thing. cute.

>life made hell by mother who was 22 when she had me and clearly not psychologically ready for a child
>could not handle me kidspeaking to her and frequently left me alone to go out clubbing etc, always wore clothes for girls in their 20s, developed alcoholism when I hit my teens, kicked me out to be homeless at 16
>lifelong depression and low self esteem
>wish every day she'd just aborted me

Why is it? Because it looks like it? No, it's not alive until the brain switches on, it's a husk, a shell waiting to be activated. Are you one of these people who think keeping brain dead people on life support for years is a good idea?

Human being is formed at conception.
Conception occurs when sperm enters the egg.

Meanwhile us men murder our born swimmers because of them

ask an abortion anything

i don kno ur words mean?

Pope John Paul, is that you?

>sexual relations

Thats bullshit, its literally a single cell at that point.

Not his money
Children are expensive as fuck

Hi reverend.

Clearly you didn't take biology, otherwise you'll know that if a type of good touches another type of goo a baby isn't magically made in 1 second. It takes months for it grow.

What if you don't want a girlfriend because it is inconvenient at this time?
Do you kill the girlfriend and have another girlfriend when you want it?
Human beings have rights; baby is a human being.

Should be required

Al children should be aborted for like the next 20 years. If you have a kid then you and the kid should be shot in the fucking face. There are way too many humans.


God dammit. Fucking phones.

and that's if it even does form into an embyo or not.

Say, to all the people that think babies happen when sperm touches an egg, would you like a slice of this delicious cake?

Abortion's okay imho but i also feel that you should take responsibility for your actions but at the end of thr day its your womb so it should be your desicion also just dont get preggo and since Abstinence is hard use a condom instead

Exactly you have a alien body inside you you should be able to get it out (of course no need to kill it it will die on it's own)

>so edgy I cut myself

>I want you to die because opinions
>Dont kill babies tho
The fuck

Natrual selection should weed you out soon.

so why dont you kys if there are way too many humans?


Are you saying brain dead "people" are not human beings?
Brain activity is the determining factor of a person being a human being?
So by your logic, people without brain activity are therefore not human beings, and can be destroyed with impunity

Here's my complaint: men have no rights. Your wife could go get an abortion and there's nothing you can do about it.

So if women don't want a kid, they can kill it and they're viewed as a tragic hero who chose the lesser of two evils.

If a man doesn't want a kid - tough shit. You're viewed as a deadbeat and your resources for the next two decades will be stolen from you.

While killing unborn children is morally reprehensible, my biggest problem is the double standard. Remove child support and alimony and then I'd be fine.

Besides, the type of people who get abortions are the low quality people you don't want having kids.

Laughed very loudly


Fuck you, redditard

Rights begin at birth. Your legal age is determined from the date of your birth. Every legal statute based on age is from the date of birth.

Birth. Not conception.


Because I contribute, you fat niggerfaggot.

Your reading comprehension is lacking

>1. the action of conceiving a child or of a child >being conceived.
>"an unfertilized egg before conception"

>1. the action of conceiving a child or of a child >being conceived.

child = human being

Shouldn't be freely available, except for the rare cases of rape and when the baby will kill/cause great harm to the woman.

Simply: IF YOU HAVE VAGINAL SEX, you take the risk (made smaller but not removed by contraception) of the woman getting pregnant. Do it in the butt, or just make sure you cum in her mouth

>Besides, the type of people who get abortions are the low quality people

translation: I've never had a girlfriend

This is why I only fuck bitches in the mouth, and ass. Bitches can't get pregnant! No abortion required. Just swallow it down, or shit it out. Problem solved.

Pro Abortion, but I don't think it should be funded by tax payers.
I also think the fetus should be used for science purposes.

What does that fucking matter? People who are dead were alive, peas inside a uterus who don't have a brain yet are not alive. Life begins with your brain turning on and it ends when your brain turns off, it's as simple as that. If you don't allow the brain to grow and turn on, it's not alive, you're not murdering anyhing. By your logic is your sperm not a human being? Every minute you're not fucking some woman and impregnating her, you're murdering all these human beings.

Nice MILF pic

Any kid with a disability should be forcibly aborted. Kids are taxing enough, having a kid never grows up or is just perpetually disabled is not a life anyone deserves to live. I only wish their was an early warning sign for autism so we could rip them out too.

>I don't understand simple biology

So where do babies come from then, fuckface?

Every little bastard who's brain is not fully developed can be allowed to be aborted, I support abortion till child is 7yo(if its mother doesn't want it of course)
>but muhh murder
It's not murder, Richard Dawkins also support this

Oh no, a dictionary definition! That's enough to defeat biology in this argument.

It's not a child yet. It's a collection of cells. What that definition means is that, if allowed to continue its parasitic growth, it will become a child, and continue being a parasite all its life. But it is not yet a child. You are a child.

I support it. If a couple can't support the child or simply aren't ready for one then it's better for everyone to have an abortion rather than raising a child but not giving it the support it needs

This guy gets it.

Ah. So now, we are taking into account the law of the state. If the state were to say Rights begin when you own a house, would you mindlessly obey?
The laws of the state are frequently not in the best interest of human rights; abortion is an example of this

What part of what I said isn't simple biology?

Penny Royal tea solves many problems.

my view is that America is insanely obsessed with the issue, and so wrapped up in religious mania that the rest of the developed world just considers the US to be a freakshow now.

your entire backwards doctrine for healthcare and sex education is a textbook of how not to do it for the rest of the world.

>what is rape
>what is a torn condom

We've got a teen who thinks he is special because he finds iDubbbz funny and strives for that level of wrist-cutting edge

I agree with most of what you said.

collection of cells my ass.

Absolutely haram, unless mother is not muslim.

Nice meme there killer

Is don't care as long as it isn't being payed for by taxes. Then again if the poor fucker lives it is going to live off tax money too.

> ITT: Bunch of American, religious nuts who think living babies are made instantly after sex because Christian mommy and daddy told them, the same Christian mommy and daddy that said it's okay to mutilate boy's genitals

In a severely overpopulate world I say lets make it a reality show.
We need an aborto-ray where you drive through poor neighborhoods and every woman there miscarries.
If your IQ is under 120 (male, 110 female in case of asteroids) you should be sterilized.
Go to prison? You and your kids get sterilized. "Hey where did all the crime go?"
Ugly people? IQ 160+ to spawn.
Fats? same thing.

The great thing about overpopulation is you get to pick who should breed.

I of course will not have kids and have to console myself with cool shit instead.

Women wear condoms?

Nice try. I'm 38 you dumb twat. I fucking hate kids so fucking much. >=/

Shut up, dipshit Jesus freak.

You think sperm are 'potential babies'