I'm clearing a bunch of space on my phone.. Figured I would post random shit I come across

I'm clearing a bunch of space on my phone.. Figured I would post random shit I come across.
Hardly ever see random on the random board these days.
Just recycled threads.






No lurkers?




>No lurkers?



Naw man.. Pic related is shit.



Ah.. Good. Any genre requests?

What the fuck. Really i mean what the actual fucking fuck.
Yeah foot fetishes are fine but thats something else.


Why not?

Post funny things a normal person would be angrill chuckle at, not horrified and disgusted by


Meh I'll try

That's nothin.. I've seen a webm where a guy was tickling a cervix with his toes



Finally, a random thread.
I've been waiting for this all day.
+1 user



Ah.. I see the random ante is up!





#20 is somewhat related


Seems to be a one man show here.. If it's still alive in 20min I may post more.


I'll keep it bumped.

With pics.


Thanks.. Not seeing much interest.
It's disheartening to see what Sup Forums has become.

I love your thread, OP. You bring us touch of novelty to this boring, mundane world.


#23 fuckin rekt

That's the spirit.. Also creepy.



Yeah, I know that feel

#24 (kinda miscounted for a moment)

Thanks user.. This bit of novelty is for you.

BoS stands for Brotherhood of Steel?


Well.. At least there's this thread temporarily.
Have some more octopus for your troubles.


#26 sticking with the ocean theme


Dunno, took it here



Speaking of weird fetishes


boot 1/?

Octopuses is life

boot 2/?



Got ya on this too

boot 3/?

boot 4/?

boot 5/?

boot 6/?

lelel, i fucking love this one, btw i bet there's a bunch of ppl lurking and saving just not posting, so keep it up

boot 7/?

Can confirm, lurking and saving almost everything

boot 8/?

boot 9/?

boot 10/?


She's a classic deep throater.. Wish there were higher quality vids.



Seeing some fresh shit user?
Having lurkers saving makes me happy.
Pic related


boot 11/?



Got something similar

boot 12/?

boot 13/?

that made my stomach spin

boot 14/?


Looks photochopped user.. Gotta post real roast beefs if you can.

I-Is that his dick?

boot 15/?

it looks like it's been fuckied before, but WHO would ever do such a thingh?

What does it say?


Kinda hard to tell.. His gf's snatch is easier to identify.

KEk, is she circumsized or did her labia get so puffy cuz of the hooks?

boot 16/?

boot 17/?

probably my only one relevant to what other anons have been posting


Not sure.. I know what's going on in this pic better.

boot 18/?


I've dated a girl who could do this.. Felt good, looked awful.

Thanks to all contributing Anons.
Seeing a couple new things.

boot 19/?


Got something you may like to save.

boot 20/?

all these girls have the look of poor life choices/i need to shit face

boot 21/?




Reminds me of this.


Who is she?


Can't recall the name. Shouldn't be too hard to find.




Wtf is this shit? It's not Sup Forums content.
It's nothing of interest to anyone.

Bridget the midget.... Not shitting you