My gf of a year broke up with me. It's literally been a few days since her B-Day and Valentine's. How to deal with it...

My gf of a year broke up with me. It's literally been a few days since her B-Day and Valentine's. How to deal with it. I want to die fags. Drinking rn cause it's fucking me up

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Same, my man. I know those feels


It sucks so much. I loved her no matter how she looked like. And she went and said its because she's not ready for a long relationship.

6 weeks ago for me. We fought a little after. Not seen her in a few weeks though. Kinda think good riddance to her. Still, them feels have me. If she called me now? Thats the question on my mind. Not her. Me, what would I do

The worst thing is it happened after I moved away. Know nobody around and my mates aren't really on fb much. So I'm left alone

How longdid you date?

You go through a grieving process just like any other loss. Remember that. It'll pass. Just keep trucking along one day at a time. It slowly gets better. Do something for you in the mean time. Gym. Learn new skill, etc.

I bet she be long term with somebody else before long. Women have a way of contradicting their own convictions.

She used to go out with someone who beat her and treated her like shit for a whole year she was with him cause she was too scared to tell anyone. I treated her better than myself.

Same story here. Same story everywhere. You give up a more social life with a gf. People say you go out more with a girl but its couples things mostly. I lost my job not long ago so no money makes it harder. I'm concentrating on that and my bros have been solid. Still empty bed syndrome kicks in or cooking for one makes me think. Such is life. Not the first ex and Ive had a rebound since. Doing it by the book. Feelin better too man

There's your mistake. I'm not saying you should have beat her but you went too far the other way. Sounds like she needed to be told sometimes and you were to easy

Shit sucks m8 been through that before. Best advise i could give is delete all pics and unfriend on social media. It will make it a lot easier

Yeah. But it's really my first actual breakup I'm only 18 turning 19 soon. I'm sure it will wear off but ATM I miss having someone to text.
Do you really think so? I mean I wasn't too bad like. I obviously cared for her a lot but fuck.

careful fags.
this is all derangement bullshit. your relationships weren't as good as you're making them out to be. you want to feel sorry for yourselves so it's poor me boohoo i used to have it so good and i fucked it all up.

beware this thinking. she's not worth it and you know it. couragewolf on and git gud young Sup Forumsrothers

18??? Go fuck some bitches. You got back ups, girl crushed on you in hs? Text her. Distraction man. At your age the best distraction to known pussy is some unknown pussy. Ghost the girl and get your dick wet. When the ex hears your hunting I guarantee 100% she be back on the scene. Then my friend, its up to you.

You two should counsel each other
will be helpful to both

Actually my relationship was pretty happy until a certain point It seems. We were both happy and we had loads of sex. It was after the New Year it got fucked up.
And people said 2016 was bad

Come on its an old story. She obviously likes some aspect of submission. Not too much though. You had to find the happy medium. I imagine you gave her everything you could to make her happy. I bet you just gave her it and told yourself she'd never leave a good guy like you. Do you think she respects that type of man. Not what she says but in what she does?

>1 month ago
>Meet cute girl in Uni
>Chat her up
>We do everything together
>Same hobbies and shit
>Fall in love with her

2 weeks ago

>At a party
>We're still sober
>We both hate alcohol
>Out of nowhere
>Her lips meet mine
>We make out for 20 minutes.
>Groping and all.

Last week
>Ask her out


Try dating a sibling of hers, just to fuck with her or if you have her nudes, send them to her parents and/or grandparents

Dont know if friend zone really exists but if it does its where you're headed

Fair enough. Idk what to do anymore. I went on tinder and started matching a bit. No replies yet but hopefully looking for someone I can text with and hang out with.
Her oldest sibling is 12...
I'm not that much of a Sup Forumstard lel.
And I'm not that much of a fucking adshole unfortunately.




She must not of liked it.

Oh here. Checked.
Idk why but trips made me feel better ayy lmao

Fuck man, the trips of truth.

But user, if she didn't like it, she wouldn't have moaned so much. . .

And you're going to take the bait while she reels you in to her life, on her terms. Look at these fools. See how it ends on her terms

She was just trying to make you feel good. She just doesn't like you man, sorry. She gave you a shot, and you musta blew it somehow.

The pain sucks, and sometimes worse then the pain you're feeling now is how stupid you feel after the dust settles. You had one gf, which means you will find another one. In the mean time do something to distract you. I went to the gym, all the hatred and pain i used in the gym, and i shit you not i lost 60lns in 3 months. Im currently in a relationship, and the bitch can be annoying as fuck. Enjoy the single life for a little bit, now everything is cheaper, and you dont need to answer to anyone.

What do you mean? I'm not stuck, I'm just fucking pissed that she lead me on like that.

Fuck. . .
I guess it is small.

You dont know what to do because she told you what to do. Lead you round and now you're feeling shit. Is she do you think. Either man up get the girl or sit down and find another. You shouldn't need to be told.

It sucks man but you'll be ok. Sounds cliche as fuck but it'll make you stronger/better in the end. Don't rush through it and take the time that you need. Stay up, user.

She's already fucking someone else. Don't be angry about a woman's nature tho, they always swing branches. You wouldn't be angry at a dog for pissing on your carpet either.

Being this triggered for what, two weeks?

You ARE stuck, nigger.

Thanks. Idk what's up. There has been loads of breakup threads lately. Especially after Valentine's. I got her a giant fucking teddy bear. And it's still sitting in my fucking room. I'm gonna fucking burn it. Cause it's reminding me of her.

If you're not stuck then text her now, arrange a date. If she passes then good you're not stuck and what do you care she lead you on. Except, we both know its getting sticky and you've not moved

Yeah definitely get rid of that shit, it's therapeutic.

I wasn't much of an asshole either, but when a similar circumstance happened to me, I sent her nudes to her grandfather. He had a really close relationship with her and pretty much paid for her college education until I soiled his perception of his "perfect little girl." Ultimately, he hasn't spoken with her in several years and she could no longer afford school, so she dropped out.

Honestly, it was very rewarding I was able to move on with my life immediately after and am happily married now. I would highly recommend it. Best of luck bro.


She said she really does like me, but she's only a couple months out of a 4 year relationship. She said she really does just need time.

How much of this do you think is bullshit?

Fucking. All. Of. It.

Girls never really just need time, they just don't like you.

Idk tbh user. I feel like shit. I want to die. Although won't do it cause I know that's probably what she wants. They're all snakes.

I have plenty on her to spoil that image but then she has a lot on me too. Crazy as she is I think mutual destruction keeps that out of her arsenal. Ive been fucking two other chicks the last month. One of them she knows and doesn't like. I'm waiting for that blow up and I'm going to sick back and enjoy the shitstorm.

It's easy to sympathize with this bullshit too.

You can think "Oh, she's just healing, she doesn't want to get hurt again so soon"

But think of it this way.

She just doesn't consider you worth the risk of getting hurt.

my wife of 10 years kicked me out.

get over it.

Oh shit user. . .
Never thought of it that way.

My last gf said the same. Either its the truth and she doesn't want to appear to be seen jumping one branch to another. In which case you should still be fucking on the down low. Or its as you fear. Either way you should not invest yourself too much. Tell her you hoped for more and get a little distant. Dont be an ass in that time. In a week or two you'll know for sure. Does not look good for you though

Gf of 6 years left me 2 months ago. Thing was, she didn't even leave me. She just up and vanished. We had been in a funk for a little but everything was back on track and absolutely amazing. One day, just never heard from her again. It's just a complete mind fuck. I thought everything was fine..... cause she fuckin acted like it.

Sorry about that user. It's not easy to get over it. Especially at the lowest point in your life. I expected her to stay through the hardest times. I stayed with her during the hard times. But I guess it's just what she wanted all along.

I did tell her I hoped for more. She didn't respond the way I wanted, she just carried the conversation like I never said it.

She still acts all cute towards me, and blushes, and goes full autism when our friends mention how we should be dating. She's mad at me for being a bit distant (Came naturally, no prompting) She asked me yesterday why I don't love her anymore. . . HOW DO I EVEN RESPOND?

Is she just saving me for when she ends up having to settle?

A year is fucking nothing.
I broke up almost a year ago after 5 years of a relation.
>mfw realizing i lost 20% of my current lifespan to that whore

Should've told her "maybe because you rejected me?"

Bad idea mate, would've pissed her off.

This user's chances are already slim, but that would completely ruin it.

I know when you're in it's hard to see it for what it is. From what you've said, and I imagine you're being kind to the situation, you should not invest in this girl. If she is all that keep in touch at a distance. No more bestie behaviour all cuddling and shit. Hardmode if you hope to relationship. Mediummode for a fwb type thing. Easymode get the fuck unstuck while you still can

HOLY FUCK. I've been here lamenting the fact that I don't have time to fuck college chicks or that I don't have friends and don't know any girls around here, but I never stopped to consider trying to pickup the chicks back in HS who crushed on me.

Wtf man. Thanks bro, dunno why I never actually thought of that

The closest we've gotten to bodily contact (Not counting the make out session) was sitting on the couch together watching t.v.

I guess fwb is good enough. . .
I wonder if she's dtf?

I'm not playing nice guy anymore. I'm either gonna cut her out, or fuck. i don't care anymore.

You can't really switch from Beta to Alpha that easily. . .

Drinking is the worst way to cope. It might ease the pain now, but it'll hurt a lot worse once you're losing future jobs and women because of your alcoholism.
Be a man and go lift some fuckin weights. This is the fast track to recovery.

wtf man dunno why peeps are being nice to you. you're 18. at least you have friends, at least you had a chick, and at least you had sex.

stfu and stop complaining, you're more lucky than any other man could dream of

found the problem. you're autistic

I've no job fag. I have no money for a gym membership. What else to do fags?

Always keep note of girls from you're past. Those who shown interest, ex parted on decent terms, old crush, friend of a friend you had a good laugh with on occasion. Introduction is already made. Take it from an oldfag best to keep a few to fall back after break ups. Kept me good down the years. Married now. Those days are behind me

damn you bitch. I wish I could actually fuck a girl and do something like that

Fuck, meant to tag

and thus the trumptard was born

No money for a gym, but money for alcohol? It's like 25$ a month dude.
Also if you're really that poor, do push ups, sit ups, squats, planks and jog.
Excercise helps you physically, mentally and helps you get other women's attention. Feeling sorry for yourself won't help. Use this as a learning experience and make the best out of it.

Honestly, looks like you got a hoe on your hands.
Willing to fuck, but not to commit.

faggot you tagged the wrong dude

No. . . He didn't.

Shut the fuck up bitch boi.

Okay but be sure you're okay with fwb first. Cant just go steaming in either. Give it the little push if you dont care for hardmode. If it dont hit then my advice is quit. You're in uni go fuck someone else without feels you got for this tease

Accept it and move on. It's not easy but that's just how it is.

"ex parted on decent terms"

damn, didn't even consider that as something I could go for, but it makes sense. Guess it takes someone who's lived through shit to see the things that I'm not seeing.

Thanks for the advice

There ARE other girls into me. . .

I'm just not into THEM.

Should I just smash anyway?

dunno why, but reading things like this are taking me out of my depressive mood. It's funny because everyone thinks Sup Forums is a bunch of assholes, but that's not entirely true.

Of course you should smash.
The quickest way to getting over someone is getting inside someone else

he tagged me. I was the wrong dude. I think I know when I've been wrongly tagged.


Its another reason not to get too wrapped up in a recent ex. It hurts I know but that girl just became your ex already proved she'd fuck you. Few years she will again if you dont fuck up the break up. Always remember though. She's an ex for a reason, fuck no problem, more time to bounce

Gym in my town is 500 euros for a year.
Or 45 Euro for a month. Alcohol is cheaper tbh. Ill go buy a bottle of vodka for 18 quid and will last me a bit cuz I drink slow

But. . . These girls are the clingy type, I've seen their past relationships. half of them have been with my friends.

How do I explain that I just want to fuck? How do I explain that I really only love one person?

Why wouldn't you? Bonus points when og girl notices and tries to reclaim. Then you got the old gf or fwb or too late decision.

Im scared of falling for someone else.

But I guess it would feel good to see her realize how I felt.

>spend a little money to ease the pain now but potentially ruin your life later
>spend a little more money to help yourself and future
Shouldn't be a hard choice, but I can't make it for you.
For the most part Sup Forums are shitposting assholes, but I've gone through the same shit as OP. Heartbreak isn't something I would wish on my worst enemy. I've wanted to an hero at points in my life, not gonna lie. But you gotta carry on, and I'm going to give my input on what helped me.

Why would you explain that to them? Show an interest, go out a little. If they start getting heavy before you've fucked then clingy us not the biggest problem they have. You should at least be able to talk them off that subject a couple of weeks while you smash. When you're done or the clinging starts you be nice say its not what you're looking for right now and off you go.

I've been an alcoholic for the past year anyway. Idk user. I wod need something to pick me up to do that. I feel like I can't just stand up and sort my life. I need a pick me up

I fall easily. It's not THEM being clingy, it's me being too sympathetic.

Imagine if you'd been into this girl for a long time. This girl agrees to go out for a week or two. You start to feel actual feelings for her. Then she fucking dumps you, and goes on to your friend/peer.

I wouldn't want that type of heartbreak for even my worst enemy. Like Said, heartbreak is the worst type of torture.

Falling for someone else who could be even better. You just dont know man. All I'm saying is dont get too wrapped up that you don't take care if yourself first. What you want or need from a girl, any girl. You've made it known. Its out there. What she does with it who the fuck knows but dont be sat waiting for a woman to tell you. There's another woman there will tell you just as quick

Think of it this way.

These girls probably WOULD do the same thing.

The way I see it.

I've already fallen ten stories for someone else.

Do you think I'd want to fall another ten stories? I just want it to be over with, I just want to die already.

>Quit being a bitch
>Don't post about personal problems online

no honestly, from what I've seen a lot of people are actually genuinely kind and give advice.

the shitposting and insults is meant to be in good fun

Well then the trouble is in you. You think a girl decides in two weeks that she truly loves a guy. They might say so or appear so but its never the case. You have to back yourself, let it be known sure but dont hang yourself on it. Two weeks? Thats infatuation/lust feeding your fantasy of love. Calm down

No, I don't. There are people who are like this. I'm just thinking of the possibility of hurting someone. I just don't want to hurt anybody. . .

>waste your time complaining about other people complaining
>stay a virgin
>never see a girl for the rest of your life
>become a wizard

user, you aren't gonna go your whole life without hurting someone.

You can be a big ass teddy bear all you want, but that's not what a woman wants. You think being fluffy with someone will instantly guarantee their love? no. . .

Most women want a man who's ready to protect her, and love her. She wants you hard on the outside, but soft on the inside.

How are you gonna protect your woman without hurting anyone?

That's what she sees. She sees a great guy, but not one willing to protect, because he's so pussy, he cares about the feelings of people he doesn't know.

So be up front with them. Say I'm just looking for someone to chill with, I'm still getting over another girl. The hanging out inevitably leads to sex and they know not to expect much from you. Just don't lie to them and tell them you're developing feelings if you're not. This will hurt them a lot more in the long run.

Die??? Are you serious. You got that girl. You telling me there's not another out there. That you believe in Disney fairytales about soul mates and destiny that there's only this one perfect girl. You'll see thirty years from now just how many stories you've fallen down the years. And the girls you met after each ex. How you going to deal with them when they come. Man up fuck some bitches in between the tie downs, the ones that get you in the feels.

a year and you want to die? fucking sensitive beta

I guess. . .

How many stories have you fallen user? have you splattered yet?

Asked one if she wants to hang out. Awaiting response.