Can anyone help out a UK fag out here in Oslo trying to find some green ?

Can anyone help out a UK fag out here in Oslo trying to find some green ?

Buying hash from underbridge colored refugee gentlemen is not an option anymore, as well as its rather shit.

Any help or contacts would be appreciated, thanks Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread: Rjukan, Norway/@59.8787787,8.5924647,3a,72.1y,65.17h,81.59t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-Sh7EOGOGs1w/WAolBnaco_I/AAAAAAAAK6Y/DX6fxa2vkZ8AKfiS6vkM3FJE36NCi-p0ACLIB!2e4!3e11!6s//!7i7680!8i3840!4m5!3m4!1s0x463f5c518904f7ed:0x911927779dc14eea!8m2!3d59.8800821!4d8.6141339!6m1!1e1

don't buy any idiot

Get out of the country and/or kill yourself.

heng deg selv

You shouldn't fucking smoke that shit. And you shouldn't be in my country, Now get the fuck out!

UK fat finger get the fuck out.

What a warm welcome from Sup Forums !

Still looking for any numbers i could call up for a meet in Oslo, thanks helpful Norsk people

Call 112 and tell them you need a fix.

There is VERY little drugs in Norway, even Oslo. Norway has rather harsh drug laws.

You will go to jail for pot. You will pay a fine of 8000 euros. While in jail for 3-5 weeks you will attend daily classes on how to be a better member of society.

Most of the time police will ignore small amounts of pot, but not if you are a foreigner.

I live in the North of Norway.

>Most of the time police will ignore small amounts of pot
They will give you a fine even if they don't arrest you. Not to mention you will be on their watch list.

If you swapped drugs for useless immigrants on every single corner here, I'm sure your country would be better off

There are like 3 colored people and 1 family of gypsies where I live.

Du vet ikke hva du snakker om i det hele tatt du, ser jeg :P

Not well. I am only in this country temporarily in a contract with a hospital.

Muh native norwegians at their best - random city ive been to and just google street viewed Rjukan, Norway/@59.8787787,8.5924647,3a,72.1y,65.17h,81.59t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-Sh7EOGOGs1w/WAolBnaco_I/AAAAAAAAK6Y/DX6fxa2vkZ8AKfiS6vkM3FJE36NCi-p0ACLIB!2e4!3e11!6s//!7i7680!8i3840!4m5!3m4!1s0x463f5c518904f7ed:0x911927779dc14eea!8m2!3d59.8800821!4d8.6141339!6m1!1e1

Complete bullshit

disgusting filthy blackhead zulu niggers

Thing is, I have been here before and already smoked some dank kush, it's just that finding contacts here is rather difficult when all those niggers selling same Moroccan hash will do is try to convince you its the best shit ever.

I'm not looking to purchase 5 kilos of marijuana or anything, it's for daily recreational use.

Hi interpol :) how its low paygrade going for you filthy piggys???

Dra ut av landet mitt

Move to Canada where they sell it legally

How come?


Ah piss off you little wanker, why don't you tell that to your government before this country turns into more of a shitehole than it already is, full of useless unemployed niggers/muslims on benefits.

Atleast I come here and do my job and pay the taxes, go tell Breivik wasn't a hero again in 5 years
