Why are people still poaching rhinos? They're almost extinct
Why are people still poaching rhinos? They're almost extinct
niggers and chinks
y not
Because if you grind up their horn it makes your tiny chinese dick slightly harder
Asian bastards who use the horns for medicine and hangovers. I'd rather see the asians die off than the rhinos
They're still poaching them because they're not extinct yet. Also, the Chinese believe they're better than viagra.
Fuck the chinese
Implying giving a shit about animal extinction is not exclusive to rich white people.
Because niggers ruined their infrastructure and stand to only make money from terrible shit like bootleg alcohol and poaching elephants. Or making roadblocks and charging tourists to pass.
They are stupid niggers and care nothing for anything but their own desires.
No, that's not true. I'm white but I'm certainly not rich
If they wanna poach rhinos, breed them
Are they like, not seeing this or?
You could ask the government of your country to allow you, perhaps.
Government dont give a shit. It's up to ordinary people to stop it, we need to kill poachers
Who wants to be that most of the edgelords who post here come from western countries who exterminated their animals a long time ago?
Highly aggressive dangerous animal was killed. I don't see the problem.
>"B-but my ecosystem"
Fuck off faggot.
literally religion
I'd reply with: Well - most western countries are doing better than the others, so fuck you and your animals.
Richer than a guy who needs to poach rhino horns to get by
We only exterminated the economically useless or economically harmful animals. We have plenty of beef cattle.
So you want to see all the rhinos die off asshole?
I know the government as a whole doesn't care, but some of those fuckers in there do.
People are still stupid and venal.
How does Sup Forums make their money? Whats your next step to up your income?
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Fuck me this was supposed to be a new thread
People are fucking worthless. I'd rather see 10 chinks die off who buy horns than 1 rhino get shot just because he wanted to go eat some grass and drink some water. Fuck humans dude that shit pisses me off
>They're almost extinct
lol nope, try again champ- they _are_ extinct. The remainder of their gene pool just hasn't gotten the memo yet. The white rhino has less than 100 individuals left alive. That's not enough genetic diversity to repopulate.
They're already marked for death as surely as the tiger, and there's literally nothing we can do about it.
If BLM has shown us anything, it's that killing a dangerous and/or aggressive animal can lead to riots.
It happens, guy. Don't feel bad.
because Homo sapiens is a plague.
Personal gain and greediness. That's about it really.
Humans have issues they love to ignore.
I hate everyone
I never understood why people gave so much shits about species going extinct, that has always been the case before humans existed and will always happen after humans go extinct. When one species goes extinct it inflicts change on the ecosystem and perhaps another species will emerge as a result or whatever. Humans are fucking retarded for thinking they exist outside nature.
The less there are the more valuable they are; so sence they are about extinct they are worth loads more. The last one will be worth a huge sum of money *basicly*
I'd like to go to Africa and poach some poachers
Me too.
It doesn't work that way, otherwise the value of Niggers would increase every time they kill themselves.
I'd like to go to Africa and poach some niggers
Rhinos are fat unicorns goddammit. I hate a bunch of retards who do this bullshit. This is what happens when liberals complain about their gender and poachers kill majestic creatures on the down low
What about when species go extinct because of humans thinking they exist outside nature? When we just eradicate creatures and cause entire ecosystems to collapse and say "nbd"?
>lol nope
This isn't high-school biology, faggot. 100 is enough to repopulate. Will there be recessive genes - yes, just like all living things. Do you honestly think that humans don't have a common ancestry either?
Slim chance of recovery
>Highly aggressive dangerous animal was killed.
are you retarded? they are not niggers that you looked at the wrong way
money money money baby
are you fucking stupid?
It really doesn't matter whether it's normal or not: as H. Sapiens population keeps increasing, more and more it will become repeated "us or them" scenarios regarding wildlife. Shit like raccoons, lynx, and deer? They'll prolly adapt and do fine. But untamable apex predators like grizzly, cougar, or python? Bye bye.
Because rhino horns are still a legal merchandise in most countries.
Not in developed countries. Niggers go to prison for that shit
Absolutely ignorant, the rich assholes that poach rhino horns are just greedy bastards and you are a complete asshole.
Also rhinos are hard to breed.
The lynx is almost gone, according to last month's national geographic.
There are too many deer because we eradicated all the apex predators that used to eat them. If deer don't stop eating our crops, they're next. We will carpet bomb their breeding grounds if need be.
But yes, raccoons are doing fine. They eat trash, they leave us alone. Good on 'em.
Nope. Basically just Russia and South Africa have made it illegal to sell and buy rhino horns. The rest of the world literally has no laws about it.
you're a fucking retard
Less than 100 individuals is not enough to repopulate that subspecies, you absolute cretin fuckhole. You could maybe _hybridize_ them, with a more numerous species of rhino, but then we're getting awfully tenuous on the definition of "White Rhino", aren't we?
And if you think we survived by breeding with a few tens of hominid who happened to share our biology, then that makes you the moron, not me. For thousands of years after features that made us uniquely "human" evolved, we were still able to interbreed with our other neanderthal and denisovan peeps.
Sorry my mistake, Russia has made it illegal to trade tiger products, not Elephant and Rhino.
South Africa, India and Nepal have made it illegal to trade rhino and elephant products.
I think you're full of shit. Europe doesn't allow it and the US certainly doesn't. It's only the bastard slanted eye ching-chongs and the black market that sell what little is left of rhinos
Dumb chinks think it will increase their dick sizes or some shit.
I've been floating around an idea where some kind of toxin is injected into the horn that doesn't harm the Rhino but causes all sorts of sickness when a ricemonkey grinds it into powder and snorts it.
>lynx in trouble
Well, fuck me. Didn't see that one coming, tbh. On the plus side, the wolf and coyote just got their stay of execution via the coywolf. That's something, right?
Let me guess, you've gone your whole life without material goods so that all the money you earn can go to charity, 'cos only a greedy bastard would buy himself things while other people went homeless and hungry.
You are a rich asshole and a greedy bastard, just instead of paying niggers a pittance to steal rhino horns for you you pay corporations who utilise slave labour for your internet connected gadgets and sweatshop clothing.
what the hell are you talking about you're a total retard
Kek, at least poachers know they're killing an endangered species, you don't even have the slightest clue how the decisions you make negatively affect others. I guess ignorance is bliss.
My point is why should poachers give a shit? Because you clearly don't.
You're totally retarded and not even making any sense.
No, I totally get we're he's coming from, I just categorically reject where he's headed with it. Most of the shit you use in your daily life is indeed made by corporations, in 2nd and 3rd world countries, utilizing standards of labor that would prolly be considered slavery in the 1st world.
Guess what? It's still sad that rhinos are going extinct. And if we can, something should still be done about it to preserve _some_ vestige of the species.
You keep saying that. What part don't you understand?
not sure about all Asians, but def the Chinese
I wish that was true. Europe recently OPPOSED a ban on ivory trade.
Because Niggers are greedy creatures.
Coyote have literally never been endangered
I'm definitely not rich nor pay corprations for internet connected gadgets or clothing. I keep my phone and clothes for years and only buy new stuff when the old one is broken. I choose what I buy based on price because I don't have the money to go and just get whatever I like.
You however are definitely a rich asshole who goes shopping on a weekly routine to buy a bunch of useless thing you don't need. You're a white liberal sack of shit who doesn't give a fuck about how anything in the world functions and live in a fantasy land driven by your guilt for "minorities". You're so deeply cucked that you make up excuses for anything they might do, be it butchering animals, raping your women or killing people. To you they are helpless innocent victims of a cruel world. You are literally the cancer of the human race who doesn't realize how your decisions negatively affect the whole world and it's many different cultures.
>dailymail UK
fake news
Who the fuck cares about human slaves? lol
not really accurate...
Good one. You almost had me.
And now that it has mated with the wolf to produce the coywolf, neither is the wolf. In a way both will live on now.
nigger bait
>Nor pay corporations for internet connected gadgets
You make your own?
>I choose what I buy based on price
You still buy it
>to buy a bunch of useless thing you don't need
>You're a white liberal
>guilt for "minorities"
HAHA no. Niggers gonna nig.
>You are literally the cancer of the human race who doesn't realize how your decisions negatively affect the whole world and it's many different cultures.
Way to repeat what I said back at me. Again you missed my point, which essentially boils down to the fact that you have the luxury to give a shit about the existence of Rhinos while simultaneously not giving a shit about the existence of poverty, all the while having the means to aid both causes.
Because of the tragedy of the commons. People who would hunt rhinos assume that even if they stop, someone else will just keep doing it. They assume that for this reason it is inevitable that they go extinct, so they want to cash in on it before its too late.
in dont see whites killing an entire race of animals. Asians however. Genghis Khan killed a entire race of people because one tribe of these people killed his war mongering father. then he killed their entire race. white have never killed an entire race. we almost did 200 years ago in the new world but sadly failed.
OK, now I don't get where you're coming from either. Have you forgotten your meds or something? You seem...agitated.
Im about as black as you can get, and I don't make a ton of money either. I care about animal extinction.
Chink here. To anyone who says fuck chinks lets poach them all, I have only two words for you. Passenger pigeon.
i'm not worried. but if things like cows or chickens become endangered i will be worried.
Hi Chink. You have pretty women! :3
:3 there are plenty to go around
Chinamen. All their quack medicine involves the genitalia of endangered species. You want to save wildlife, exterminate slopes. Personally, I'd rather see every clinching on the planet die screaming than have to watch another rhino die.
Fuck off and die you fucking chink. Not even close to an analogy.
I hope the chinks get them all.
It is because nobody wants to pull the trigger on killing poachers. Everyone knows it has to be done, but nobody does it. If you are upset about it, learn how to use a rifle from 500+ yards and to survive in Africa. Probably should carry some sort of anti-lion hormone or something.
>Wait for poachers
>snipe poachers
>steel their profit
Gotta get the horns before they're gone. You know how rare those things are now?
i took that as more of a threat.
>Californian Grizzly Bear
>Passenger Pigeon
>Goff's Pocket Gopher
>Carpathian Wisent
>Gull Island Vole
Try again
This. I get that the animals are entirely different, but it takes a lot of sick fucks to reduce a population of 3 billion to zero