What's the edgiest thing you've ever done ?

What's the edgiest thing you've ever done ?

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fucked your mom


Said nigger on Sup Forums.


could be edgier.

like this ?

>be me
>house mate keeps using my butter
>buy new tub of butter
>make a cavity bottom of a tub of butter >poo in a plastic bag
>cut a hole in bag squeeze poo into cavity. >Put butter back in tub.
>Leave in fridge for house mate to use.
>2 months pass
>hear house mate scream
>run to see what has happened
>he freaking out trying to figure why he has shit on his toast
>told him to stop using my butter.
> he sits down in silence

Posting shoveldog on Sup Forums


>killed a cat with a bow (well it was an accident, really)
>drunkenly picked fights
>stole all kinds of plants (yeah, i was drunk), they're safe in my backyard now
>refused free sex multiple times back when i was a virgin (probably goes in the aspie category not edgy though)

there are very few organisms that are more pathetic than i am.

4th grade
Suffocated my teacher's rabbit and kittens in a sandbox in her backyard because she lied about me messing with another student (her nephew) who stabbed me with a pencil for no reason while I was drawing.

Post the regular version of the pepe you fucking cock fucker I swear to god I'll track you down and fuck you up your ass so bad you little bitch you have 1 minute until I send my cronies after you

Thats fucked, bro. The kitties and bunnies dindu nuffin :( You should have suffocated her nephew instead. He souds like a ripe cunt.

>I used greentext for no reason

This way her and her nephew learned a lesson

did they know it was related?

I sure hope so it took a lot of effort to murder them

>girl is dating a douche
>she keeps complaining
>she tries to get in my pants
>"gee user, i just get so lonely i wish i had someone to cuddle"
>"What a shame"

That kid was practically invincible.
His Aunt was our teacher and his mom was the vice principal.

Kicking his ass usually only got the other person in trouble and the writing was on the wall

I once put up a "m4m" ad on craigslist casual encounters, agreed to meet up with this twink looking dude, then jumped him with 4 other people, shaved his head, and threw him on the street as a gang "rite of passage" type deal I did to get in when i was in high school.

but... they'd place you in the loony bin if they'd known, your efforts were in vain

answered a thread in Sup Forums

You better be proud of that user

That's really gay.

I mean it was a fun time. I made a bunch of money for a high school student, but I left when I went to college.
Most of those guys got shit rich after they stole like 100 credit card numbers using that old "heartbleed" worm that was popular a few years ago. But then like 6 months later they were all in jail.

not really. It's a pretty common thing to have to whack someone to join a gang.

> skip to 1:51
sing this to gf in high school
and after fucking cuddle and play dmc4


assfucked my wife's ex. Complete twink, cuck and closet fag. My wife started cucking him with me and ended up leaving him.

>be me
>be 16
>be in english class
>it's the first day so the teacher made us play a game where we had write things we like and things we don't like anonymoually and the class had to guess who it was
>every one wrote generic as fuck things, like ''i like pizza'' , ''i don't like math''
>decide to write ironically edgy stuff out of spite
>things i like: Satan, fucking my sister,comunism, abortions, fucking my mom, killing puppies, raping lesbians while they screaming ''let's just be friend'', the kkk, muh dick, death, former president George Bush, myself.
>things i don't like: god, love, life, happiness, babies, kittens, you, english teacher.
>teacher is only picking a few, so i'm not worryed, just shits and giggles
>teacher actually reads mine
>kid who was openly a satanist gets the blame
>no one ever finds out is me, thank god
i was an autistic fuck back then

I once J walked. Fuck the system!


killed a lamb with a big stick (bashed its head in) for the thrill

shot a random bird out a tree with an air rifle (also for thrill)

you still are


literally hitler