Moms not home I have her dildo dubs decides what I do trips and I'll go a2m

Moms not home I have her dildo dubs decides what I do trips and I'll go a2m

text her the image saying she has whore pussy

Text her the picture, post reaction

Lubricate it with Tabasco

A2M & send mom pics. Bonus points for your incest follow-up story

Send her a pic of you locking the tip, ask if she wants to do this to you

cut holes in it and stuff with chilli powder or something equivalent

You're a sick fucker.
Respect your fucking family.

Fuck one off

Cum on it before she uses it

rolling for one of these


Take it in your ass

Cum on it.
Send her a picture.
Tell her you want it inside her when she gets home.



Rolling for these


melt cheese on it then send her a pic with it in your ass

We have a winrar
>Kek demands it



thats a hefty dong

op won't deliver what a fag

It has spoken

op better deliver

the hair on it is fucking gross

put it in your pooper

OP better deliver

OP I swear I'll ban you for life if you don't post results.

OP is a faggot. won't deliver

The dubs have spoken, get to posting

deliver you cunt

Zoomed in seen how filthy the thing is
Is not op mom's


Put something really spicy on there. Make sure it's not visible.

Report back in a few days when you hear screams of agony.


deliver faggot!

OP has pussied out of his obligations

do eeeeettt

just let this thread die


timestamp and put it upp ur ass

Send nudes of mom

>Shove it in your mouth
>Take pic
>Post immediately


I hate OP kids like this.

Someone ought to take their computers away or phones and beat them with a rock