Lets have a Game of Sup Forumsros

Lets have a Game of Sup Forumsros
>Claim a House
>Make your sig
>We start with 5+ players

Claim GJ


>Lady Tatsuta Targaryen.

>Bolton Stark

We need two more.

>Lord Bet Ter Tully

>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

We need 1 more

>Prince Domeric Martell

I have some Daughters to get rid of, want to marry one of them?
>Lord Bet Ter Tully

We begin.

Round 1

OPEN: Tyrell, Lannister, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

Too Braavos. Need that money.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

March to surround Storm's End
>Prince Domeric Martell-Chosen of the Lord of Light, Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Move fleet to Summer Sea

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3

You need a man in your life, how's about you let me be that man?
>Prince Domeric Martell-Chosen of the Lord of Light, Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

sorry i forgot to remove the fleet. we arent doing fleets (you still have the greyjoy bonus though)

Claim Lannister.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

>Lord Bet Ter Tully

you may roll

No fleets...

Surround HG

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3

Surround Riverrun.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

nor forts

I do not wish to tarnish our healthy realtionship, but I must insist on thinks about this thoroughly, my kin.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

2 minutes to roll

I could always duel a champion of your choice for your hand
>Prince Domeric Martell-Chosen of the Lord of Light, Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Round 2

OPEN: Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

Siege Riverrun.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

March to Storm's End!
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Siege Braavos. Thank God it is a neutral City.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

>Lord Bet Ter Tully

Siege HG

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3

OP I think with my +1 bonus and zero roll I should have one more Tyrell T even with IH

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3

Riverrun is mine. I claim the whole of the Riverlands through right of conquest. Bend the knee and I shall allow you ot live the rest of your life in exile.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport, Lord of Riverrun
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

Lord Greyjoy-the rest of Westeros looks upon our people as savage and uncultured, I think that we should band together to show them how much savages can truly achieve (NAP u gaybo)
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

I had been debated to give you the shield islands or one T next to OT then i forgot to ask

OT pls

Sure bby

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3

I heard you are interested in a crown, Lord Greyjoy. Perhaps you would be interested in sharing one with a Dragonqueen , not rule over islands, but over all Westeros. What do you say, Future King? Will we rule together?
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

Round 3

OPEN: Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

Fuck the Targaryen Whore and her Crown-we are men of battle and death, your people will only grow weak and decadent like the rest of these 'Lord's' with the Kingdom
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Siege HG

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3
>NAP: Martell

Siege Storm's End
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Conquer the riverlands, surround Harrenhal.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport, Lord of Riverrun
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

REtake Rivverrrun
>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully

I take whatever crown I wear and pay the iron price, lizard. I have no interest in sharing a bed with a foreigner who lives on the other side of the world.

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3
>NAP: Martell

Siege Braavos.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

so close

Aye Brother!, these fools will be ground beneath our boots like the dogs they are.
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Round 4-Nothing at all happened Edition
>duplicate file exist

OPEN: Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

Break out from Riverrun, march to surround Harrenhal.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport, Lord of Riverrun
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

Siege Storm's End
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Siege HG

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3
>NAP: Martell

>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully

Siege Braavos.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

Round 5

OPEN: Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

Siege Storm's End (pls gods)
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Siege HG

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3
>NAP: Martell

Take neutral Territories and move to Arryn via The Fingers
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

retake riverrun
>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully>Lord Bet Ter Tully

You are only delaying the inevitable. I can outspend you ten to one and half your vassals are in my pocket. Before long all your family's lands will belong to me, your only chance is surrendering.
Break out from Riverrun, march to surround Harrenhal.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport, Lord of Riverrun
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)


Round 6

OPEN: Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

>Lord Bet Ter Tully

Surround Harrenhal.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport, Lord of Riverrun
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)


Siege HG

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3
>NAP: Martell


Siege Storm's End
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Give me those Neutral Ts.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

Round 7

OPEN: Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

Siege OT

>Lord Captain Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3
>NAP: Martell

Bet Ter Tullt

Take Harrenhal.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport, Lord of Riverrun
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

Siege Storm's End
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Finish Neutrals and Move to Arryn.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

With this sacking, I name myself KoSaR. Harrr!

>King Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3, KoSaR +1T/+2T
>NAP: Martell

I congratulate you on your victory friend, Storm's End is living up to it's reputation as the stronges castle in Westeros however.
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

I have considered your offer, Cousin. I like you enough and I am willing to rule together, Will you still agree to be one with me?
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

Round 8
Update will be 2-3 minutes late bros (so under 10 minutes still probably)

OPEN: Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

murder some lannister
get Riverrun
>Lord Bet Ter Tully

Break out from Riverrun, conquer riverlands.
>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport, Lord of Riverrun
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

Siege Storm's End
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Invade Tyrell from the sea to use bonus

>King Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3, KoSaR +1T/+2T
>NAP: Martell

Surround Eyrie.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

Rule together? I offered an alliance and marriage-but the men of Dorne will be ruled not by a foreigner
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Merely a setback. Redirect roll to surrounding Riverrun.

>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

I have some kids I need to marry off, do you want one of them?
>Lord Better Tully

Yes, I am offering to share a Crown with you, Cousin. You call your cousin a foreigner? Do I have to remind you of how manyblood was spilled so we could unite? I do not wish repeat the same story.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

Why do you beg them to ally you and share your bed? If you were a true queen and not a lizard-shagging foreigner you would take your birthright by fire and blood, not beg for it with open legs.

>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

Round 9
Update will be again be 2-3 minutes late bros (so under 12-15 minutes still probably; changing out laundry and shit)

OPEN: Stark, Tyrell, Baratheon, Arryn

Event: Inhospitable Host- territorial rolls against unclaimed houses will receive -2 (we aren't doing IH for sieges this game). IH will last 10 updates.

Siege Storm's End
>Prince Domeric Martell 'The Sandsnake'-Lord of Dorne and Sunspear

Use Fire and Blood on Eyrie.
>>Empress Tatsuta Targaryen, Lady of the East, Dragonborn, The Princess-that-was-Promised, Claimant to the Iron Throne,
>Bonus: Empress of Essos
>Bonus: Fire and Blood.

Kill more Tyrell, starting from the sea to use bonus

>King Pussywillow Greyjoy, Captain of the Fancy Squid and Wielder of Saltdick
>Bonus: Boats & Hoes; Steroids x3, KoSaR +1T/+2T
>NAP: Martell

Siege Riverrun.

>Aethas Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Shield of Lannisport
>Bonuses: A Debt Of Gold, Hear Me Roar(1/1)

oooh checked


this better win the siege for me
>Lord Aethas

I don't think so
Bet Ter Tyrell has died.
Chad Tyrell is the new lord of Riverrun

I was about to say something about you fucking your sister, but damn...



>Bonus: SEA FURY; Steroids x3, KoSaR +1T/+2T