Ok /b

Ok /b,

Last night I took a lager dose of MDMA then recommended, (0,6g).

And I just felt like shit for 2hrs but later on it passed, even my wife feels like im more happier then usual

I was wondering when the next time I can take MDMA. Since my dose was larger then i ever should take for the first time, I also wonder if something might be permanent damaged. By such a large dose.

And if you were present during my time high on MDMA, I apologize.

And why not have a general Drug thread,
What are you smoking, snorting or just taking on this beautiful day.

Also tips and any recommendations on When, Where, how much and what to do high on MDMA.

If staying home was so nice high on MDMA, I cant imagine what it would be like on a Social meeting of some sort.

Pics of MDMA coming,

Got 2.3 grams for free of my Friend/ Dealer.

I'm gonna go and take a picture of the MDMA,
Just gotta go to the bathroom, wife is sitting on the sofa.

What did you do tho? Why apologise if you just stayed at home?

.6g? Quite a bit dude. You're at extremely high risk for fucking up the valves of your heart which can lead to myriads of other diseases. On top of that the increased body temperature fucks with your brain, too. I wish I was joking but you're best interest right now is to start writing a will just in case you get too zonked and do the same amount again. Your hearts probably not in the same condition it was before that dose.

I was boshing 2 grams in a night like 10 years ago.

i went on b/ and i went on POL,

I remeber writing poems to people, awnsering every post, and i mean everyone.

Also, wait at least a month or so, and I don't think you can do any permanent damage from a single use. From what I hear, some people can fully recover, even if they do it several times a week for months at a time. They are just fucked up while keeping the habit, and for some time afterwards. Lasting damage is very hard to quantify however, so take that with a grain of salt.

I feel just fine, Wife is an M.D
Free Check ups, mostly on fridays (if you know what i mean), i just feel happy still, not really scared or feel anything off,

Maybe i should have my Wife check me up, but i dont want her to get angry, since she's pregnant

That's quite funny
I wish you a good day buddy

lol, don't apologise for pissing in an ocean of piss

Well, not everyone has a death wish you know, and it was an accident, my dealer/friend wanted to take MDMA with me but cancelled it because his sister was moving, i took his dose (0,4) and mine (0,2) didn't feel anything in about 1hr and 30 min, then it hit me hard when i was browsing /b asking if my dose was to light.

Well i mean i feel like i didn't make sense, i remember something about someone saying amphetameanies, and i spellt it anphtamin, anphetmeme and anphitimn

Thats something i read over and over because i didin't understand why he said

''Fucking lost''

Then i finally got it.

Hey, you too buddy, have a nice one.

I don't plan on doing MDMA today again,
Just wondering when is it on the safe side of taking it again?,

I read up on it but didn't really find what i was looking for, as of when the next best time is to take it.

I just read about people saying do something when you are on a ''Roll''

And since alot of people had a blast laughing at me being high,

I plan on making that a monthly thing, where i try some drug that changes my personality, and just brows /b or Pol.

And i was wondering what drug i should do again,
Since i'm becoming a father i want to have some experience with drugs, than just Weed...

I won't even think about drugs when my son comes. (4 months left)

Not again next rather,

My dealer told me he dosen't really do what small time dealers do,

But rather bigger quantities of said drug, so anything that you'd like me to try im up for it.

It is recommended to take a dose once every 1-2 months to not fry your brain

Do you know if MDMA will have an effect on my brain if i take... LSD, Coke and other personalities effective drugs.

And thanks

I approve of this.
I browsed Sup Forums the first time on lsd, best idea ever.

Of course it will have an effect on your brain dude...

What are you even asking? If you take them at once? Or do you mean which of them affect your brain? All of them do, hence they are called "drugs"

Is it?
But since i just took MDMA, nevertheless a large dose of MDMA, should i wait so i don't fry my brain?

Or dose LSD release something else, or what do i intake by taking 2 or 3 tabs of lsd?

People taking MDMA too often are really retarded. I met a lot. First you think they are nice but they are really egoistic in their own way. Also they kinda get unemotional and women tend to whore around

I was wondering, what does LSD do?
Dose it release something in my brain?
Is it only from the shrooms that will be the cause of a trip.

>Just wondering when is it on the safe side of taking it again?
MDMA should be used very sparingly. It will lose its magic if you use it too often. Many recommend only doing it once a year, but at least 2-3 months between uses should be enough.

Remember, MDMA is a methamphetamine, even if it's not the methamphetamine. What it will do, though, is cause depression if you use it too much.

I read about that, said that people who abuse MDMA got bad mood swings,effecting memories for the worse, and even losing your shit

Or as you said Becoming retarded.

Instead of acting as a releaser or reuptake inhibitor, LSD directly binds receptors. It's one of the safest drugs because of that property; it doesn't cause neurotransmitter depletion but rather alleviates such effects, even if caused by use of other drugs.

I don't really plan on taking MDMA within the few months, for 2-3 as you said,

since i know thats understood now, i was wondering where is the best time to take MDMA, club, bar, festival or hell even with my friends watching a baseball game or whatever.

Most of my friends are down for anything

Congrats dude I wish I had some good ex right now. I'm just chilling this afternoon with some Adderall and kratum unfortunately nothing real exciting. And as far as a recommendation goes try special k or Ketamine as its called. I fucking live the shit haven't had it in like 2 years tho you only need a little line so you don't go in a k hole. Have a good day dude I'm off to the beach.

So it won't cause any harm if i were to take LSD today?

Since what you pretty much said MDMA is a Releaser and The other effects the brain?

If i got that right.

Are those addictive drugs? if so I'll pass, but i will make my research on it before i try it

Have a nice one friend :)

Oh, absolutely no harm.

No trip either since the serotonin released by MDMA has downregulated your 5-HT1A receptors, which LSD acts on.

Oh, so i should wait 2-4 weeks or take some 5-HTP medicine?

And does that even help?

Have such a large dose turns you into a Whiny Bitch

the ld50 for LSD is 55000ug/lb so if you weigh 120lb thats 6600 tabs, if you are me and weight 180 thats OVER 900 HITS.
and if the price doesnt get you then what his guy said will,
you can't nerotox on LSD at all, at around 22000ug (22 hits) roughly depending on whos brain is in your skull your don't getting more-high on LSD. receptors are full and your kidneys pill out the rest of the LSD like water and in the same amount of time, like 2 hours. you trip for 12 or more hours only because that LSD is still in your brain not your blood.

Well, I feel fine.
Im acually happy.

If you know how that feels.

wow you would have to super abuse molly to bunk acid, just do 1 more tab than usual.

I work around dance music OP.
Pretty much the perfect environment if you're looking to make friends and generally have a good time.

ResidentAdvisor if you want some help with that

No there not unless you have a additive personality and no self control. And do your self a favor if getting specal k make sure you get it from a trusted dealer or source cuz I've got bath salts a few time but realized it before I took it. A small bump nothen huge and see how you like it have sugar with u because if you don't like it just eat the sugar and bam trip gone. The good shit lasts like 30 min and then you come down and within 5 min it's like you didnt do anything at all. No hang over esk feeling.......God now I rearly want some lol have fun dude life's an adventure explore everything !!

I dont plan on swallowing that much in one day,
I didn't get married for no reason.

>just do 1 more tab than usual

What if you have a subtractive personality?

Mmmmm that would be nice now nice blue color

adderall is more addicting than molly and less than cocaine is what i think is average use but IMO its not very addicting for amphetamine type shit.
kratum is not habir forming its like pot you can become mentally reliant on the pain releif or whatever you get out of it (i think its just a pain killer/relaxer? never tried it) its legal in america and most places. almost banned by FDA last year but pupblic outcry now its not again.

speacial k is not addicting for me cause i hate it but some people get really into it, most dont because, really, i think you have to be the type of peson to abuse painkillers to abuse something like k it fuckin zonks your ass out.

I'd Trust my wife with my dealer, pretty sure he can get my some Special K, but i would research it alot, and find out what it does to me high and after it has passes.

What is that?
I cant tell.

if you never did lsd and dropped 22000ug you would probably get PTSD, dependin on your personality, pretty decent chance.

Tesla candy, obviously laden with high-tech future energy.

aka "flashbacks"

you don't get "flashbacks" from LSD

you get "flashbacks" from PTSD

I've tried Tramadol, kinda felt like being high without the shaky feeling.

I was told to not go over 400ug of LSD for the first time,
I really dont want to have a bad trip,

But since my wife is working alot and im done for the month i'd plan on taking some shit pretty soon again.

And i think im gonna go for a 500ug trip.

not flashbacks but headfuckery. existential chrisis is common, for a friend it was massive fuilt for being, honestly i love him, but an agressive asshole for most of his adolecence.
really fucked him up mentally for like 3 years now he is a super nice guy.

my bad trip really fucked me up for like 5 years and again in the middle of that for 2 but it was because i realized my worldview was a real laugh and i had to completely rethink mylife and my self, haha i used to suck. cripeling anxiety, croud fear, shit like that.

Where can i find that?
If its high-tech future energy, i'd like to try if before its not in the future.

Hand over your delears number pls :)

OK and there was a annon talking about specal k knocking you out...it will if you do too much Hense just a little bump will do you and idk I have a non addictive personality so I've always been ok with shit

Deep net

I feel the same acually,

i've only bought Weed from the deep web,

Well i bought Hasch, and the wait was worth it but the wait was a difficulty to deal with before believing DEA, FBI and the entire police was looking for me,

Don't really feel safe buying shit from there again.

what have you done?
i recommend 100-200 before you jump above 300 but if you started at 250 yeah jump to 5.
unless you have tripped 100-200 a few times already, then if you know you shit if you READ about good n bad trips at high doses and how to avoid/fix them you can make big jumps. i went 1-2 for years then 900 then 1400, 1800
i have had legit 300ug trips be in a lot of ways less intense than say 900ug trip, depends on set n setting so so much.
i gone up to 1800 so far probably not going more really the prep for me to ensure no bad trip means a lot of schedualing windows in my life have to allign for a shot at it. have the right source, the right people for several days since doses around and over 900ug make me have noticeable different speaking style /thoughts for days after lol.

Great thanks fl weather now it's pouring rain so much for the beach haha o also you might like sassafras it's like ex but when you roll it's a like clam or relaxed roll and like how ex makes you wanna rage... and I mean rage in a good way

i like hydro high the one time i had it without puking felt like i was floating and general ambiguouse positive physical sensation

Well, my dealer said that LSD is really safe, and it wont fry my brain, and he said a life-changing experience is around 400ug

He also said that it will benefit me more then just taking 150ug, since i'll only feel happy and maybe my vision might be shaky, but it wont make me trip really hard, which im looking for.

Obviously using the wrong market, then

Yeah this aint jack shit, people take a gram or 2 themselves weekly, I used to do it last year and after a while u get none of the high n just the shite affects and you start to fucking forget everything after a while too

Just don't tease me, share the onion user.

Don't bother if its alpha market, dream market or silk road.

I remember you, and
>6 months
>serotonin lvls can be back to normal
Use it like that and you will have a great life with MDMA

Here is the mdma forgot to take a pic

if 150ug is only doing that then somewhere a long the line someone fucked up when they stored or blotted the LDS I guaretee you.
that sounds like 50-70ug to me. 100ug will make almost everyone get real visuals if its pure.
that sucks idk what to tell you to take lol, try 7 if your ballsy and not alone, 4 -5 will probably show you some new things. like i said before set/setting can have more of an effect on trip in this dose range.
i don't think the difference of say 100-10000 could ever be bridged by set/setting though. after that its a pretty, in ways, very different trip IMO. better in the spectacularity of the peaks but worse in the fact that you really are more helpless to uderstand your currect reality during peaks and so so easy to get very lost especially when your mates are too high to communicate with you :^)
but peaks come and go if you just let it happen and understand its temporary your fine and its incredible.

Well dose it have anything with purity to do?

As a family member of a police officer, FUCK YOU for supporting this shit.

if you ate .6 in one bomb, that's a hearty dose, but if you ate that over the course of the evening, that's really not too much

general consensus is rolling once every few weeks (2-3) and you'll be alright

LSD can have profound effects on your outlook on life. Personally it made me more empathetic and less of a depressed snarky fuckwit. It's also physically very safe, but if you have family history of mental illness (specifically schizophrenia) it may cause you to have a psychotic break

what shit

Is there any level of Ug, where i will just trip no matter how much i take?

Like for the first time i'd only need 150ug and im guaranteed a trip, since that's all im looking for.

i remember you i made like 9 posts trying to get you to chill out haha. how did your trip go man?

Well to awnser the first question, i took 0,6g all together, i just took my friends dose since he couldn't come, and shit was noice.

Yeah since i plan on taking it with a few of my friends in about 2 months and a half, i should be fine to roll again.

>large dose
You're fine you fucking manbaby, and do your own research on the shit you take

if it's your first time, I always recommend somewhere between 70-120 ug. Less isn't worth it and more can be overwhelming. Make sure you have someone around whose experienced with L and is not a dick who can talk you down if you get freaked out.\

>source: Just got done with a 5 year prison stint for selling lsd

Like I said
>6 months man
Don't be stupid... not after that kind of a dose
Go on erowid and read up


It went really well acually, i ran to the store in a fucked up outfit,

Yoga pants, flip flopps and something else,

it was really fun acually, i got toothpaste, and some other shit i really didn't need.

Yeah, i'll be sure to wait for a while then, but would 3 months be enough time to get the full effect back again?


Well i ofc plan on tripping with my dealer,
Since he is kinda sure about everything i want to take,

Says he has had alot of time with drugs, selling and trying it.

guarentee? you don't want that if you never tripped before but 150 is a good bet.
300 probably no one could ignore for any reason. set/setting where you are not comfortable really really really restricts your mind cause, even having to consider the common social ques you need to use to conversate with another human can really kabosh your minds expression i guess. like if i trip with strangers its nothing like if i trip with close friends, usually. and if i trip along (would not reccomend till you done it a few times) or with my GF who i am very close with its better still, in general.
i took 200ug multiple times and had a less-good time than 100ug.
i had a 300ug trip that was better than a 900ug trip overall but 900+ug peak is pretty fuckin insane like you don't see the room any more if you manage a good peak at 900ug, like your senses go bye bye and your experience is totaly fabricated intense visual or otherwise. pretty crazy its a different kind of peak on high doses i tell ya.

60% I guess
The only reason I'm saying 6 is because that way you will always get the maximum effect for the rest of your life!
Best do some LSD, a small doese is almost the same as a nice MDMA dose, or masculine.
Just don't fry your brain on MD..

>As a family member of a police officer, FUCK YOU for supporting this shit.
you don't think there's a liiiiiittle bit difference between taking recreational psychedelics and talking about deep experiences, and running drugs on the street and fighting cops?

there's not really any hard info on erowid (or anywhere else that I could find tbh) on length of time between rolls. A lot of the "sources" and studies quoted contradict each other. Way I figure it, waiting a few weeks, maybe a month and you'll be fine. It's always worked for me

Google pre and post loading. If you're really that concerned about your health and it's lasting effects, that will be your best friend. Also buy a bottle of 5-htp and start taking them, they'll help prevent you from feeling depressed af from the mdma

sounds good as long as you're not from MD/VA and your dealers name isn't kyo/kio


if your not prone to depression or otherwise have low dopamine/seratonin leavels already one 6pt trip isn't gunna deplete anything man there is no fuckin way.

a guy who does MDMA for the first time feels fine in a week, don't you remember yuor first time doing uppers? its awesome at first.


I know that you can trip really hard on 300ug, is what my friend says, but for the safe side i'll try 150 for the first time, and will try to enjoy it rather then feeling bad and having a panic attack, and since the higher the dose is the higher risk i got to getting fucked upp for a while, worst case forever.

I'll stick to 150ug, like you recommend.

>Well i ofc plan on tripping with my dealer,
>Since he is kinda sure about everything i want to take,
that is a really good idea.
dude if your not a pussy and you are with someone who has done a lot of LSD AND you are in a decent headspace right now (no major life issues or insecurities?) AND you are on good terms, comfortable around this guy you would not be crazy to go 300 or even 400ug if you have done shit like molly/coke/ketamine/pot/opiates you kinda already understand how to handle bad trips from them, especially if you have abused molly or coke before IMO. that would be idea situation if he isn't a pretty good/close friend then i would stick to below 200ug. 150 to give good shot, 100 to play safe, 70 to be a pussy, 50 to waste your time


I really don't feel bad or anything worse, maybe my weight has something to do with it

i weigh about 230, and i've never really gotten hangover after getting shit faced.

So i think, i just think dont know, that i kinda got a high tolerance to shit, takes me 2 backwoods to get really high.

Maybe.. but isn't it better to be safe than sorry? I value my md time like... alot
There are plenty of things that we can have fun on as well

Most MDMA I got was purest as chemically possible (from darkweb) and unless its really shit then it wont make much of a difference

weight has nothing to do with SRI/DRI or tripping. anything that crosses the blood/brain barrier does not depend on weight for doseage because its not matabolized.

maybe the volume of blood you have can affect time it takes for all the acid to bind receptors in your brain but even brain size wont matter since you never fill the receptors unless you are a true explorer.

I mean I guess, but I've been doing molly like that for as long as I've been doing it, waiting at least 2 or 3 weeks between rolls and have never really had a problem with depression or losing the magic. I'm not saying do it every two weeks, but just wait at least 2 weeks. I usually only roll once a month because of my schedule (or used to anyway, my hook ups have dry up while I was away).

Well first of, i dont have any major life issues or insecurities, happy wife, happy life, im in my best possible place ever, young, good job, beautiful wife, expecting a kid in 4 months,

I've never really tripped on anything before,
i've only really tripped on weed, but we had a smoke olympics in college for about 4hrs of just smoking.

and yes, it lasted for all the days of the olympic games,

clear crystals pea sized or better?


I had it for me that purity gives a better high.

Looks like im wrong, but i'd rather trust my dealer then anything, he even got a test kit for The MDMA, just to prove he dosen't bs

there's no real way to tell chemical purity by sight. Clean meth will look just like clean molly will look just like some varieties of bath salts


Well, What about LSD then?
i read somewhere the more you weigh the more you should be able to take and trip on.

if have only done weed and want to take a high dose read a few trip reports on erowid of 200ugtrips, 500ug trips. you should have an idea of whats going to happen before you decide to go 200 or more first time i think.
i wouldn't recommend 200 first time, and i would not say its its a bad idea if you understand why bad trips happen and your in the right place or headspace. if you really understand that you can do a ten strip first time and be fine/mindblown for awile but fine.
i know someone who started with 16 and had a good time and as far as i could tell didn't change from it persaonlity wise but he was/is a true hippy buhda type nothing can upset him.

false, whoever told you that is fucking retarded

a pure crystal lattice of MDMA cannot physically reflect colored light. i know such a thing doesn't exist but 99.99 is clear from marco inspection i promise you.