A lot of kids at school are making fun of me saying I look like a 14 yrs boy (I'm a girl!). My friends say it's because of my hair but
I like my hair short. What should I do? All the teasing is getting to me.
A lot of kids at school are making fun of me saying I look like a 14 yrs boy (I'm a girl!)...
Go for a pixie cut, even shorter. Own it and it'll look great
never seen this thread before
shoot them
If this isn't bait.
Then try watching some videos on how to put on eyeliner and pluck your eyebrows. Also go to Claire's or someplace that sells dome cheap jewelry and pick out some thinkgs you like like necklaces or a ring and wear them. Wear more feminine types of clothes and layers and not just jeans and a shirt.
how old are you?
Let them ram you
rule n1.one
if it looks like bait it's bait
you fucking fags, this shit has been posted for well over 5 years
Stop posting this shit
prove it
timestamp or gtfo
All those newfags, its an well known Sup Forums bitch
Fuck so close to 722864444
Are there really this many clueless newfags about? If you guys are trolling then kyselves.
tits or gtfo
Eliza has left Sup Forums 5ever you guise ;_;
newfag shes gone and her youtube is starting back
stop giving a shit, honestly highschool kids are fucking retarded as all hell (people called me wolverine all the time cause I had a beard) so just stop caring and you be you.
if they don't like how you look just don't care, you be happy with who you are and if they all want to piss you off don't let em, keep your chin up smile and just say "rather look like a boy than look like, whatever trashpile you're going for" or something to that level
>if Not underage B&
>5 year old repost
There ya go newfags
nice quads wolverine
I'm magical :D (to be fair back then I never bothered to line my beard up and just let it grow wildly, now I keep it under control)