Climate change debate continued from
Climate change debate continued from >>722849930
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No, user. Counting the US citizens that are under the age of 15 when multiplying to get car emmissions figures is retarded.
Multiplying cars x emissions is concise.
You cannot into brain, I recommend getting a job involving lifting heavy things.
its not a debate tho. It just is.
>any of this matters
Its' a religion. i.e. "blind faith"
This. Any user claiming "source" is just being a trolling dipshit. The question is, what do we do about climate change?
1. Unseat the Republicans
>Any user claiming "source" is just being a trolling dipshit
You got a link to back that up?
american stinker
>Any user claiming "source" is just being a trolling dipshit
translation: don't question me, just believe what I post as absolute undisputed truth!
>stop requiring sources for my outrageous bullshit
top kek
Religion isnt based on scientific facts :)
do you need a "source" for air or water, user?
Neither is the believe in "man made" climate change.
do you get this mad at your mom when she tells you to do stuff?
>is the believe
Everyone knows anthropomorphic climate change is a hoax.
Solar-cycle driven climate change, however, is real.
when all the world leaders, scientist and all the most intelligent people agree. Maybe those making up outrageous bullshit are the deniers, just a thought.
And it coincides perfectly with the warming and cooling cycles experienced here on our planet.
The simplest answer is usually the correct one.
>muh alternate facts
this is now a cringe thread
Man muricans actually argue about shit like this. Anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers, climate change-deniers.
You can tell they arent a white country anymore.
>when all the world leaders, scientist and all the most intelligent people agree
>no source
Every. Single. Time. Holy Shit.
capitalists falling for our climate change memes
>the most intelligent people
My fucking sides
>The simplest answer is usually the correct one.
that man is causing it
glad you agree :^)
as simple as
more c02 = warmer atmosphere?
>niggers are fueling the climate change denial
This, it's why no attention should be paid to the man made climate change shills, they are dumber than a box of rocks
you wont believe in sources tho.
its funny how Hawkins, Gates, Musk can all be fooled by a scheme that only a handful of rednecks who failed preliminary school could see through
The sun vs man
Which one has more influence on the earth's climate?
If you said man, you're a moron.
Take away man, how much will the climate change?
Take away the sun, how much with the climate change?
Faggot we know your game
we could link the most scienty scientiest science brief ever published and you'd still be a faggot about it.
You aren't interested in science, you're interested in waving your little pee pee at us. :^)
>Implying real science has to do with it, and it isn't corruption between grant seekers and governments looking for more control over their people.
>climate change is man made
lmfao xD
You make this sound so philosophical, lol
There really isn't a debate here, faggot. Study after study, model after model. We're shitting up the place, not the sun.
Remove all books and cultural references to Jesus Christ and in 1000 years Christ will be an unknown.
Remove all scientific studies and datum regarding global warming and in 100 years the global climate will still react to heat trapping gasses in the atmosphere.
Fucking science idiot.
>translation, I have no sources for my crackpot claims
We're onto you bud
climate change is real. the evidence is obvious to anyone over 30 who still uses their brain.
how much of it is due to human activity is debatable due to the fact that panic publishing is prevalent in some scientific and pseudo scientific fields.
add to that the fact that bad news sells, whether it's true or not, and you have media outlets spinning up the subject with false news, lack of source examination and verification, and the public has a lot of reason to doubt the veracity of the claim that the earth is warming at an accelerating rate.
i'm just going to sit back and watch what the weather does before i pass judgement as to whether or not it's real.
ah yes, its much easier to convince scientist all over the globe since the 70s to come toghether and create a scheme that will ruin the oil and coal industry just so they can impose the same regulations and tax hikes they impose every year without any reason whatsoever.
So explain to us how the planet has been warming even during a period of solar minimum?
>laughing at science
This is true. Atheists don't believe in a creator or a higher power than themselves. The thought of it scares them quite frankly. Therefore they also believe that they have the power to change the weather, change the climate, and change the universe. They see themselves as much more substantial than they really are, so their other beliefs are only an offshoot of the first one.
we're way past sources m8
Control dude, if you can scare your populace about their very future, you have total control over them. The side effects are just casualties of the control.
this is a debate about the environment
not religious beliefs.
Anthropogenic climate change IS religion, and Gaia and Government are the gods.
>agreeing with American Stinker
so, would you say that if we set off all the worlds nukes it wouldn't do anything?
If that's true, why haven't you been struck down by now?
They both stem from the same place. The lack of religious beliefs create the false belief that one is bigger than one's self, and can therefore have a greater impact on the things around them than they actually do.
because its much easier to convinve hundreds of thousands of scientist across every country on earth to create a hoax that you yourself can test the validity for, than to just make up a terrorist attack or something?
Only for a brief moment in time, and then it would revert back to the norm.
why not both?
the right uses terrorism for power and fearmongering purposes, and the left uses anthropogenic climate change for power and fearmongering purposes.
>half a million years
>brief moment in time
Trumpfag spotted
>implying it is a true religion with real power outside of politics.
>I didn't read the article
They never said anything about God, a Creator, or classic religions. They only talked about the "religion of global warming", and why it could be a religion.
>durr my side doesn't suck, every side has to
I don't usually read vomit
the "scientists" are nothing more than "smart people" with their hands out to government looking for money, and the government is the one with the agenda that puts the money in the their hands. Its corruption.
> why not both
Because its LITERALLY impossible to convince EVER scientist to join in on the scheme and to skew EVERY number.
I coiuld litterally just trap co2 in a box and notice how it gets hotter than the one with o2 in it. And I can figure out that 7 500 000 000 000 people constantly producing c02 and cutting down the forest handling that c02 could increase temperature on earth.
how old is the earth again?
>Anyone who provides evidence is a troll
>I let others tell me what to believe and think
Climate change is most certainly real and has been going on for millenia but there's no "reputable" evidence that it is man made.
>Solar Cycle driven
Then why has solar output been steadily decreasing?
What does that have to do with you believing that a nuclear holocaust is somehow harmless to humanity?
see and not every scientists agrees.
rofl... you are also only saying that CO2 is the only greenhouse gas, and there arent other mechanisms that have the opposite effect, the planet isnt 1 dimensional like that.
The climate has been changing for the last four and a half billion years.
Get over it.
>climate change denial
>I need to control what others should think
Sad thing is so many morons buy into the hoax. Mostly left wing retards it has to be noted.
Also the government in the form of NASA and NOAA provides nearly all of the data used by these scientists. The have already been caught doing things like moving temp sensors on terra firma to questionable places like right next to AC units or on hot rooftops. They have also lied about the actual positions of oceanic sensors, leading scientists to believe that the ice caps were in much worse shape than they actually are.
Im sure government is thrilled with science telling them that they have to dismantle their trillion dollar oil industry.
ITT: Trump supporters jump on board to run the risk of destroying the planet trillions of years before it naturally would, just to MAGA.
Just to clarify, I'm no democrat. However, I'm also no fool.
>Are yoo serious???
Hello Carl.
Brief moment in the big picture.
>durr scientists r kurrupt
join if you like dicks
Climate Change is real
Humans are not the cause
ya, cuz government and scientists and as pure and clean as the wind driven snow.
You might wanna look up the East Anglia emails regarding Temperature tampering, then tell me the same thing.
>infowars told me a bunch of shit
>i believed it
considering all the smartest people on the planet seems to agree, how does that fit into your world view?
What is a graph supposed to tell me?
>No source
>anyone with some computer skill can make up a false graph.
>the East Anglia emails
>old debunked news is exciting
>posts no evidence it's man made
>I know the inner thoughts and feelings of all atheists
>therefore climate change is bullshit
you fucking mongoloid, there are other scientist than those employed by US government.
>fake news / alternative facts / right-wing propaganda
Environmental conservation is arbitrary.
Even if humans were the cause of the minuscule change in the climate, by the time it begins to actually effects the ecosystem, technology should be advance enough to make greater counter measures if development over the past decade is any indicator.
And if the advancement of technology is not fast enough, and the climate does drastically effect the fucking what?
The better question you should ask is whether or not we should stop any climate change.
>"muh grandchildren"
will probably die of various other things before it effects humans drastically
>"muh animals and trees"
will evolve and adapt like they have in the past
>"humanity's future"
call it edgy or apathetic, but it's quite literally pointless to argue whether or not "climate change" is a thing or that it's caused by human volition, because by the time it's too hot or too cold either
1. life adapts
2. humans create measures to reverse it
3. WW3 / meteor / [foreseeable apocalypse scenario here]
>considering all the smartest people on the planet seems to agree
>no source
>my ass
rofl, East Anglia is in Britain.
Why do you think I was referring to the US only?
>who is the Mongoloid now?