What's wrong with this?

What's wrong with this?
Where are you?

average and lazy

> Nothing people in the south of america are tards
>Southern Canada

How do you explain Detroit then?

>Near the great lakes

I feel like you tried to make a coherent post but then said "fuck it"

So you're trying to say that Florida is more productive than California? Lol.

Are you here?

I think I can. I have to dinner with my GF, I'll post later.

smart and productive
the epitome of society

OP is from Maine. I mean, I am.

>mfw im from wisconsin

>People in the Southeast are super productive and not lazy at all

>productive people

Kek. Pick one, faggot.


>implying Detroit has intelligent, productive, niggers
kek my sides!

Stupid productive

They do know how to nig

saw this after my Detroit post ...kek
I live literally 2 minutes from niggerland...OPs pic is total nonsense.


New England mustard race

fixed it for you Detroiter

That's pretty damn accurate

I'm in NJ, so I'm a mix of smart and hard working

Yes they do. Back in the 40s and 50s when the auto industry was booming, before all the whites moved out, OPs pic would make sense. Must be an outdated pic.

see above

>New Jersey
pick one

This is completely wrong... What makes you think Pennsylvania is smart and/or productive.

Amish mafia

>NJ Smart and Productive

lazy idiot reporting in.

Productive here, on the smart side.

Pennsylvania Master Race reporting in.



>Seattle is really smart and really lazy
Makes sense tbh.

Smart and productive
Who the fuck are you kidding?

Detroit makes sense actually. they used to make all of our fucking cars, how can they be considered lazy? Those people are dying for work you ignorant fuckwits.

the south is double the shit hole of the north, and there's good reason for it.