Does Sup Forums have any hobbies? If so, then what exactly do you fap to?
Does Sup Forums have any hobbies? If so, then what exactly do you fap to?
Hentai is my hobby. I jack off to this picture exclusively though
i'm a cook, and i jerk off to photoshopped pics of this chick i like
she's photoshopped fat
hang on i can get a pic, i dont have them on this pc
I need some sauce to go along with this.
Deviant art
Look around
deviant art is never a source you incredible faggot.
Pics were taken by a VC gook with three teeth by the name of Low Fuc. He is my karate teacher and private lover.
Overwatch is my hobby. I fap to overwatch porn.
But she's already fat, the shoop just makes it look a bit more comical.
I know, she's like THICC or whatever but I need her bbw
What's with the intentionally faulty spelling of perfectly normal English words? That and the fat obsession leads me to believe you're a nigger.
im all the nigger clichés, i like hiphop and giant fat women, also dumb af
yet im as white as they come, fuck my life
She's hot. I'll jack it to her too. Got any more befores?
Damn it, man.. I have too many hobbies. I usually say that my hobby is collecting hobbies. This is a list of hobbies that I cycle through and have completed at least two projects or can discuss with others that are into it.
>Hypnosis (both entertainment and therapeutic)
>Magic (like cards and coins. I'm gonna compete next year)
>Going innawoods, I'm currently fixing my gear
>Philosophy (got a term over from my program at uni, so I took practical philosophy)
>game design theory (have breen making a pen and paper system with my buddy for the past eight years)
>Practical special effects
Anything that makes me go "huh.. i could probably do that.."
What I fap to? Anything, I'm into depraved stuff, but I can just as likely fap to a pic from an ad. I usually fap to really depraved stuff though.
This. Fight me!
>im white, fuck my life
You disgust me
like what, circles and shit?
Rubik's cube, I just wanted to be able to learn how to solve it. So I spent a month on that, at first I wanted to go into speed cubing, but the skill plateu is ridiculous.
Fuck yeah. For what it's worth, I hope she falls for you and you plump her up to pelvis shattering proportions. Huzzah, my good man.
tumblr fag detected
thanks man, hoping so too
im convinced, she is hot as fuck
thank ya
Obese af
Oke i am going to give it too you straight.
You are masturbating way to much, /b is flooded with porn.
Nothing but lonely losers ejaculating excessively, destroying their testosterone levels.
Our only weakness , porn.
After ejaculation you are calmed you are made docile and lose all motivation.
This needs to stop, this is the reason our birth rates dwindle.
This is the reason why /b turned weak , we are all contempt wankers, drained of our manly juices that makes us /b.
We let our guard down now tumbler and reddit have grown in numbers ,they made us weak with this infection of porn.
It is time we put our sperm in nothing but jars or women, no more little swimmers waisted on webm`s.
No more ejaculation unless it is for the cause of /b.
It is time for discipline, It is time we make /b great again, It its time we stop masturbating with out a cause.
/b unite ,Abstain , Return to your natural form of frustration, hate, contempt and anger.
Your mission , no masturbation for 9 days too reach the maximum amount of testosterone in your system.
This will also flush the build up oestrogen out of your system and reduce your bitch tits.
Do not watch any porn.
Sexual stimulus causes the prostate to produce prostate fluid that over time becomes a carcinogen.
If you roll dubs or higher in this thread you get a 7/10 gf, trips gives you a 7,5/10 gf etc.
If you already have a gf you get a second one.
any more ass shots? she is thicc af
ty. youngin
haha, do you want me to reply each time or are you comfortable with dumpin?
both lol
im so lazy to reply, but that ass :(
>crotch tits
What a faggot.
any other leggings?
I'm pretty sure he's implying that you should be proud to be white.
Which you should, we're the best.
any with better lighting?
thanks so far
think thats a shop mb
Oh, I'm sorry... I'm sorry that a mare's anatomy is different from A FUCKING HUMAN FEMALE'S.
np, but yeah, the red pants one is legit
I'll need more.