How can President Trump solve the epidemic of opiate overdoses killing White America?

How can President Trump solve the epidemic of opiate overdoses killing White America?

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Trumpkin won't do shit.
Addicts are just another group for him to vilify to keep his voters scared.

By getting rid of the damn Muslims selling them to our kids and taking jobs back from China

Sounds to me like a problem that solves itself.

more OD'd young white males please

by hammering his keyboard on Twitter with caps lock on

Overdose himself to show that it can happen to anybody. This would spur community action groups to do the resr

>taking jobs back from China

This right here.

more pics like this plz

They are not "White America."

True white Americas don't use drugs nor do they blame others for their own failures.

They leave that to the niggers.

Trump talked about the opiate epidemic a lot in his campaign speeches. He can solve it.

There would be fewer overdoses if the shit was regulated. Too many dickheads selling different percentages of pure.

Legalisation would resolve the situation

Perhaps make low-dose opiates with predictable and uniform contents widely available so people aren't using heroin of indeterminate strength laced with who-knows-what? Obviously not a cure-all, but it could lower the number of deaths.

hear hear

No because that would hurt the pharmaceutical companies and Trump is nothing if not a corporate shill.

Trump once said all recreational drugs should be legal.

This. Let them remove themselves from the overpopulated gene pool. Cull the fucking weak already. No problem to solve.

Legalizing pot

holy shit that is an uncomfortable position to die in

Drugfags can nod off while sitting on a railroad spike.

It's mostly upper middle class people who got overprescribed an opiate and got hooked on it because they weren't given proper dosages or instructions on not abusing it on top of being given the wrong drug for their type of injury because doctors are incentivized to prescribe high strength opiates to patients for lingering pain

It doesn't remove them from the gene pool, a large portion of them already reproduced and most don't OD and just become a strain on their family, friends and the economy.

The reason why they're on heroin is because it's cheaper than oxys or roxys or whatever.

Fkn this! Single best pain killer and anti-spasmodic muscle relaxant for chronic pain/MS/seizure disorders. It's hypothetical over dose point is well beyond what can feasibly be taken

it doesnt kill pain not one bit. I got a prescription for a bad shoulder and believe it doesnt do a fukcking thing for pain what it does do is make you not give a shit about anything though.

Legalize it. Give it away fro free. Let the scum kill themselves off.

never understood why people said its a painkiller either... does nothing at all for any kind of pain

Have fun living in a mud hut.

Trump can't even take criticism without reacting like a small child. You think other human lives matter to him?

Here have a cookie for a good and sensible response.

True, opiates block your neurons from feeling pain. You're better off taking aspirin than smoking pot.

If they wanna die let them die kek.
How defaq is this his problem anyway if some junkie wants his fix.

>retard logic OP

You can't solve it because people are hooked, they keep taking them because they make them feel good.

>How can president trump solve the gold digging whores, and fame digging whores epidemic killing man's ability to move forward

>make them feel good.

Its the opposite. They trade the high to stave off withdrawals and to "feel normal."

I don't think donald knows anything about it

doesn't really seem like his drug type of choice either so honestly he probably doesn't even know what an opiate is

buy all of the worlds opium supply and have a massive overdose.

Overdose thread would be interesting.

Prison rehab centres.

Get caught with it at all. Get tested. If in you its a month of jail and rehad therapy. Caught again 8months. Three times two years. Fourth death penalty.

wow what a great way to make the problem even worse

>guys lets be like muslim countries xdddd

Fractured vertebrae here, I've found it a lot more effective than opiates, the apathy is easier to fight and there's no kidney damage. My pops has a similar injury and finds it better too
Now I'm curious why it didn't work for you 2
People are prescribed it by someone they feel they can trust, who knows better, but as pointed out doctors misprescibe with drugs and dosages that don't suit. This leads to addiction in people who wouldn't be likely to start otherwise. The ridiculous prices drugs cost in the states compared to Europe doesn't help and the simple step of bidding for drugs will help that, like is done in practically all other western countries

well if it works for you I cant say your lying. but it didnt help me at all.

Thinking on it, I'm a long term chronic pain sufferer, you had a once off injury (if you're shoulder guy) where anti-inflammatories were required. Maybe pot was the painkiller du jour, effectively being no better than the docs inappropriately prescribing opiates
Pain management is a bitch of a field

No true Scottsman


its good to know it works for chronic pain. Glad it helped you. My shoulder basically has degenerative arthritis its not bad pain just an annoyance.

On top of suffocating by a pillow.

A biggest help would be to get Black America to have an epidemic of opiate overdoses.

seeing as you bring him up
Shit dude, sorry to call it a once off! I've heard good stuff about this but not tried it myself NSAI so it'll address the issue without psychoactive effects

>corporate shill
>only ever worked for himself

thanks for the suggestion I'll hit my doctor up about it.

IMO, opiate or any other drug users, let them kill themselves.

Legalize it all, let idiots kill themselves. Darwinism in action.

I've done almost every drug known to man. I know enough to stay away from opiates, and when I play with them, I also know to NEVER keep doing them for any length of time.


Make them switch to marijuana at least it won't kill them.

Some get addicted after being prescribed opiates by their doctors after an injury.

And they are stupid enough to get addicted. And OK, they get addicted. And go on to what, buying heroin or oxy on the street? Fuck 'em. Still not giving enough of a shit to say it's not their fault. It IS.

They followed their doctor's order.

I understand that. But that doesn't relinquish the patient from any responsibility. Once you get to the point of "oh fuck, I need it" - wake the fuck up.

He is promoting opiate use. By reducing the population, unemployment figures will appear to be more attractive.

Scottsman, Arizona?

It starts as "oh fuck I need this to not be in pain" this is a real physical pain not a pain caused by the blocking of opioid receptors which is where it leads to, people taking these drugs need the psychiatric element of pain management which is expensive and the value of it is not appreciated either by broke patients or doctors