Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums








hahaha, Arizona. Just like the dudes on the internet. haha




You look like a hispanic Elliot Rodger. You as much of a virgin pussy as he was?

Scrutinize me Sup Forums

might be sarcasm i think
boi :(


low quality bait

Ready for my roast :')


fkin betas all of you

steve buscemi eyes/10





here is me pls r8

ur dad hates u fer becumin a tranny u lil fag bitch cuck, ur fuckin ugly and u will never be a girl, femanon here

nice phone user are u grill or trans fag?

Prove it femanon

I am a straight male lul


The Britbong Paedo is mostly here. Every day



id rape ur dad

You're fucking cute



you look good but you need the fuckboi cut to prefect it

and ur a fuckin guy u fag

i wanna throat punch u

i know ... and?



Noice choice user

this isnt quite right

8/10 be my girlfriend pls

I won't suck your dick for money

I'll do it for free


everytime i see a girl on Sup Forums
she has a nose piercing.
Not against it, its just funny.

do you take hormones m8?


>>re-do ur nails u skank.

the fuck u doing taking pics with ur nails like that

and ur bangs? fuckin straiten them, NO ONE LIKES A BOWED ANGLE

U NEED more mascara fer them eyes

inb4 femanon here

proof or did not happen


Nice dad look
you seem chill

I have my nose pierced on both sides. Due to work not allowrd anything else. Prefer tattoos anyways.


you look like uma kompton

y u have so big breasts then wtf
show moar of those tatoos

Magyar buzi

It just looks like that in the picture ^^

húzzál mán gec kálmi vagy?

whats the tattoo, is it a horse dragon or something?
I want to get one too but i dont think that i'd have the courage to have such a big one

sideways / 10

man you look like someone i used to know, by chance from plymouth?

Its a kirin. Not fully finished.

Nah im Canadian. From south Ontario.


Ha kàlmi egy hely akkor nem.



Hi Sup Forumstards

Ah now I see it. Good choice.
atleast its not a skull or dolphins or some shit like that. Thats a lot of money you spent on this!

R8 h8 whatever

anyuka, infofakt? elfogytak a tippjeim majdnem

you look like itsoktocry

I call bs

r8: 5/10
h8: You look like a nazi
no problem mate

I don't know what that is


bs if not then its not a pic taken today


Elvis!!! or bevis

just got that from a cringe thread amirght ?



Also, nice garage.

roast me faggots

Definitely not a pic taken today

Ma boy Rodger still alive


Better updated photo of it.

faggot-haired shitskin / 10

userím ez a hely bro. Örülj, hogy találkoztál magyarral. Úgyis ritka.

Detailed this guy not too long ago
Also thx man

looks neat af

satanic cunt from hell


search him up he makes music

very nice, I like.