What to play first

What to play first

get a pc nigger


Just platinumed Star Ocean. No regrets!

old b8


I bet you stole all of these

bc ur a nigger
but play Fallout 4 if you're at it

Trade them into gamestop for store credit and buy a 6 foot hdmi cable with it and hang yourself


DOOM faggot
best shooter of the year

RE4 it's a classic I'd you never played it. It was my sheeittt on GameCube

Those all look like shit movies and I've never even heard of any of them except for Doom.

Succumb to the darkness. Git gud faggot

Fallout 4 there's some decent mods for it.

Oh wait.

fallout 4 or doom

definitely not dark souls, cuz after it all that other garbage is going to be unbearable

>posting old Sup Forums bait

You again?

Tales of. And no switching games until you complete everything.



I thought titanfall 2 was goty shooter

Sure feels like summer in here.

>no bloodborne

the division

trade all of those in and buy bloodborne

Gundam nice mate breaker is not soo bad, try battle operation too it's a "F2P"

>He thinks bloodborne's good

I will when the fix the fps