Girl in pink underwear

Girl in pink underwear

Those look grey to me.

That's gray

pink? those are grey u fgt

Brand fetish??

well that's why he asked for pink underwear

The brand! Cunts!!

Can you post some pics of girls actually in pink underwear not gray you faggot

Pretty sure that's gray. Some black too, but no pink there.

yeah, you tell that fucking dumb autist what's up!

Ey buddy that brand says bink tho



What about now? No need to thanks! ;)


nice hemorrhoids swine

Forty keks

Man, but PINK is actually white

Tough crowd tough crowd...Welp I'm outta here

I like pink brand underwear always those petite sluts wearing em. Decent thread idea ruined by a bunch of fags.

looks like grey "bink" brand to me


Issa trap

Oh fuckkk MOAR

Only got that one :/

Ya'll need to stop making fun of OP

Being born colorblind is a serious issue

more thong

>not pink colored
>not pink brand
>some gray shits
>brand "bink"


I found one more.

no rear view?







oops wrong pic
looks like pink brand tho


>teehee the brand is pink but the color is gray so im gonna make a joke about how instead of pink its actually gray xD

Holy fuck this thread is like the Reddit comment section

the brand is bink though so the joke doesn't work

sheeeeit nigga all dis booty nigga where da white women at

Retarded faggots that never heard of a mirror before.

Inb4 took the bate

>mirrors flip things vertically
whew lad you're a real fucking retard. it flips stuff horizontally but not vertically asstard


Retarted faggots just wont learn

Even mirrored it horizontally for you tards

I was about to ask if the brand was ironically named pink, because they don't make the color pink. And these whores think they're clever.

Nice girl shitty photo

Where are you faggot?

now she's upside down, idiot

what, so she's supposed to be on the ceiling now?

0/10 spiderman gf t b h

But what does it say, bink? :')