This man molested my sister, but I can't prove it. I'm not requesting any army, but please give me some ways I can get back at him without getting caught. I really feel like fucking up this sack of shit, but I can't especially because I already have a criminal record.
This man molested my sister, but I can't prove it. I'm not requesting any army...
Lol guys who allegedly rape girls always get arrested without any proof. Just have your sister call the cops
how old is your sister?
>This man molested my sister, but I can't prove it.
You mean your sister was being a slutty whore like usual. How about you post her pics instead?
I've tried this, I don't have any legal grounds.
Im sorry about your loss user, i am a licensed therapist do you think you can give me her number so i can help her?
She's 11
Go fuck yourself, she's 11. I'm not posting pics of her for sick fucks like you to gawk at.
Contribute or gtfo
>This man molested my sister, but I can't prove it.
This person did it, but I don't know if they did it.
Do you have any past grudges with the man?
Bump, my ex got raped about 9 months ago and the guy only went to jail for a month. Never got to take revenge. The fucker went on to live his life as a drug dealer... well I guess his life is his punishment.
sounds pretty hot to me
Your parents are cancer. They shouldn't let a fucking 11 year old be a whore. You are fucking pathetic because you can't protect your whore sister. Literally and unironically kill yourself.
As the Guy said in "The Mechanic" movie:
"don't ever shoot at someone if you've reasons to do it".
Nothing besides this. He was s friend of the family, not anymore.
How'd you deal with that? Are you still with the girl?
Gtfo pedo degenerate
The guy probably took her ball when it landed in his yard and now your sister is crying rape
did it ever occur to you that we don't really give a shit
we are not your personal army, we're just here to make fun of you for having problems.
you're not entertaining us, so instead you are the entertainment
tits or gtfo
tell us the full story
throw a rock through his window
Did you even read the op? I said I'm looking for ideas to fuck with someone who deserves it and get away with it. Not calling for s raid. So once again, contribute or gtfo please .
Use her experience to your advantage.
Calm her, console her... then fuck her yourself. You know you want to.
If he really molested your 11 yr old sister and you're feeling tight about it, then go fuck him up and deal with the charges. Providing you don't kill him the actual punishment will be light enough to live with. Certainly easier to live with than knowing you just let that lecherous old shit get away with what he did.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
cap his ass nigga
Did he lives near you ?
I've sent the mans picture and a link to the thread to the authorities on suspicion of child abuse.
He was babysitting her one day while I was at class and my parents were out, and when my parents picked her up she said she walked out pale as a ghost, but when they started asking questions she just cried uncontrollably.
It's been just over a week and she still hasn't told us anything, but when we ask her if he touched her, she starts hysterically crying again. My father and I confronted him but he denies any innapropriate behavior. We KNOW he did it, we just can't bring my sister to tell us or anyone else yet.
I already did but it was consensual. This is different, he molested her against her will.
OP maybe you should use even the slightest shred of creativity and figure out a way to fuck with him. Sugar in the gas tank? Brick in the window? Spray paint his house?
Are you literally retarded? This isn't that hard.
Give us the pedos address
Did he cum in her mouth?
get the plastic ready
Turnabout is fair play, I always say. Molest his fucking sister, user. See how he likes it.
You don't 'know' shit. Fuck off.
>I already did but it was consensual
What did he mean by that?
Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Fuck that. Molest him. Op likes stuffing his cock up shit caked assholes.
This is pasta bolognese
Really? You don't think it means something when I happy go lucky little girl suddenly becomes depressed and cries if we ask if the babysitter touched her?
This is your daily reminder that OP is a fag
op, did you fap to the idea of what you thought may have happened?
Call the LEA and make formal charges then have a child psychologist interview her. Do the right thing asswipe.
Is you sister chubby, op ??
Tears of shame because she like having a stiff cock rammed into her is just as valid a theory.
Op here. I'm fapping right now while sniffing her panties.
Early period maybe?
Not to blow your fucking mind, OP, but the police have special investigators for this particular matter. Call and report the man. They will handle this. Even say he's bragged about child porn on his computer. Otherwise, do nothing and let him go about his merry way raping young girls like your sister just as he's been doing his entire life and will continue to do.
Not OP, sick fucks.
I just wanted ideas , you guys aren't helping at all. Thanks for letting a Sup Forumsro down.
op, unless her o-ring was blown out and is still pretty gaped i'm not sure you can prove it
Yes but still I always wonder why this doesn't happen more often. You see so many stories of people nearly beating other people to death or really fucking them up bad. I am always shocked that the family or the person themselves who caught the beating doesn't go to where the perp lives and throws the guys father or mother or sister the beating of their life. Putting the perp in jail doesn't solve anything, some guys are OK with jail and will be a bully as soon as they get out which won't be long. Now seeing a family member pay for their actions, that would change them.
curious why involving LEA has never entered you or your family's mind?
>calls others creepy pedos
>had sex with 11yr old sister
I'm a gynecologist and can confirm if pics are posted.
Shoot yourself in the head on his front porch. The cops just take the body, he'll have to pick up the little bits of skull and brains himself
Dude, try to contact him via text pretending you are your sister, get the proofs, sue him
OP, go to his house every single day trick-or-treating in a costume. Just pretend you are stupid and don't know it works only one particular day a year. It will drive the guy fucking nuts.
Fucking edgelord, calm down before you cut yourself.
People gave you ideas. You're too fucking stupid to put any of them to use. Fuck it. I'm glad your sister got raped.
mother fucker you dont know who the fuck i am, you are a fag who likes sticking it in guys asses and you best believe that you'd be the one getting crammed in your fuckin rear by my Ukranian Fort-500 shotgun before i blow your fucking guts out your chest you faggit little bitch your fucking pathetic you best hope i never head to your town, i'll find yeah and shank you in your sleep, you wanna die motherfucker? faggit little cracker, hahaha I betyou aint ever even gotten and coochie, huh? ever got any pussy? i dont even keep count anymore, but it is definately past 35 cuz thats where i lost count bout a year or two ago, added a few since then, so ask yourseld, should your faggit no coochie gettin bitch ass maybe try to shut the fuck up, or do you want to hear more about how fuckin gay and lame you are? you cocksucking homo bastard go kill yourself you worthless chunk of shit, your useless and lame as fuck, and i cant wait to show your gay ass faggit no roastin abilities, you couldn't talk shit even if you ate shit, go slit your wrists you aint cool at all give up on your gay ass life
>motherfucker fuck, fag asses fuckin fucking faggit bitch fucking, motherfucker? faggit, coochie? pussy? faggit coochie bitch ass fuck fuckin? cocksucking bastard shit, fuck, ass faggit, shit shit, ass
He looks like a cool dude,are you sure your sister wasn't asking for it?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little ÂȘcleverÂș comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Sounds like you and your dead beat parents don't care enough about your sister to leave her with someone they can trust.
no one fucking cares about you op. if you think for one SECOND user is going to help you your wrong big time chump cuz annon does not care at all. i hope next time you smoke you cough so much you die durg addict looser. here at b we want you to suffer and well laugh at you the whole way so gtfo faggot and take your fail with you because we dont EVER want you here again. I am one of the big shots at b u could say and I want you fucking gone. you dont want to fuck with any annons bcause were gonna make your life hell if you do. never forget or forgive so you have been warn. stay away from Sup Forums b or your face the consequeuences and I fucking know your not gong to like them when your info is plastered on the web so fuck you NEWFAF
I know this is a lot of effort to go through, but if it bothers you so much I'd do one of the following
1.) Have her go to the cops if she hasn't already, because that's the easiest way to get him locked up.
2.) Ask around, see if this fucker has been done this before. In the process it will put a huge blemish on his reputation by getting this info out there. If anyone has, convince them to come forward to the police.
3.) This one is the most complicated: Catch him in the act. Many ways to do this, set up a fake profile or something, look up creep catchers they have many examples. Then you'll have the evidence you need to go to the police on the grounds he is trying to molest children/women.
Tl;Dr all your posts to see if he's a pedophile or just a rapist, either way I hope you get that fuck behind bars. I've known two people who have been raped by creeps like him and neither have ever gotten the punishment they deserve. Don't give up, if it means that much to you then you'll stop at nothing to put this guys away.
Oh dear god.
Fucking kill yourself.
>This kid is clearly underage.
This is a new level of pure autism. I believe you, sir, are the Newfag and should promptly leave back to your home of 9gag.
>What the fuck fucking, bitch? fuck, fucking. shit? fucker. fucking. ass, shit. fucking. goddamn. shit. fucking.
>fucking. faggot. fucking. fuck. fuck.
This exists, and the world go "Alex From Target"
Fuck you world.
*Slow clap* Sol-id meme. Kill yourself.
Nice dubs, but that still doesn't make you any less of a fucking autist.
Leave him with the ol' cobain-stain
Only a Cobain stain if he uses Kurt's Microphone: aka a shotgun.
This.. that'll learn 'im
Fantastic idea, but flawed in the fact that he may not have a chimney.
>sisters birthday last week
>her and her friends are having a party downstairs
>she begged my mom to let her do it somewhere else, but my mom said that she would make sure I wouldnt bother her and her friends
>she is 15 and her friends are around the same age
>all her friends are vapid cunts and I dont want to risk losing my virginity to anyone but my 10/10 virgin dream girl so I decide to stay in my room
>just finished watching a couple episodes of mlp
>those qt ponies always make me parched
>sneak past mother and go downstairs into the kitchen to grab another two liter mountain dew
>I crawl on the floor like a snake so I can slither by them without them see me
>their slut senses must have picked up on the fact that Im only wearing my semen stained undies
>they start to leave the kitchen revolted
>out of the corner of my eye I see the most beautiful semen demon you an imagine
>pig tails
>short shorts
>no make up
>she couldnt have been older than 12
>literally perfect
>I run over to her and grab her to take her into my room
>she starts screaming when i put my hands on that soft pale skin
>all the girls seem really scared
>lol. like I would be tainted by their gaping cunts
>i hiss at them and drag this beute up the stairs by the root of her hair
>dad must have heard the screaming and came to see what was happening
>right before I get into my room he hits me in the back of my head with a closed fist
>"user bad!" he screams
>i drop the girl, turn and hiss at him.
>barely make it into my room with my life
Didnt get any sweet loli puss, but mom and dad got a visit from the police with the girls parents. kek. those sluts wont be coming back anytime soon