What the fuck is wrong with my face?

What the fuck is wrong with my face?

Why do people on /soc/ call me ugly, why am I always fucking lowest rated by all the raters while everyone else is deemed good enough in rate threads? Why am I a pathetic virgin? Please help me, I'm so miserable

I used to think I looked normal, decent even. I swear

Why the fuck doesnt anybody like me

/soc/ made me suicidal

The Internet has completely fucking destroyed my pride, my self worth, my confidence, my manhood, my life...


>What the fuck is wrong with my face?

it does not have a timestamp

Tits or GTFO

you look like a boy with long hair

>my manhood

bait out of eight

mostly this

Nice copypasta

I know this is bait but i think she really is beautiful those eyes are stunning


why even post in rate threads if you didn't need the validation and thought you were good looking?
you gotta be confident man.
you do look normal or even decent, but you should probably put on a few pounds and maybe cut your hair. or maybe not i could see some girls digging it, idk, whatever makes you feel more comfortable. confidence is key if you wanna get girls. i'm also a bit skinny which i should fix and at times grow my hair out a bit because im too fucking lazy to get it cut, but i always feel so much better when i get around to cutting it. maybe that could work for you too. you do look a bit feminine with that long hair though so that might be a reason people rate you low, but i dont think the rating from a bunch of neckbeards on the internet is neccicarily a good indicator for how girls view you.

you're not ugly and should be more confident.

Eliza is perfectly looking

I agree the girl is pretty hot.

she has nudes now?

Was with you up until manhood. Kill yourself faggot

Shes cute when shes naked

There are multiple

got an archive or something?

/soc/ is full of queers what do you expect
that said, you're nothing special to look at

Until I read manhood I thought you were a girl.. You'd be loved in trap threads

boy face. massive turn off.

wait, are you a boy or a girl?

cause if boy, you're ugly.

but if girl....


I have a huge Eliza Archive, but no nudes since I dont want the police knocking on my door

Post her feet then

Pls do share it with us, we don't bite.

that's what everyone has already
too bad

Heroin-whore face.