just got this bad boy today
dubs decides what do
Just got this bad boy today
be an hero
Do what all these other faggots here don't have the balls to do. Kill yourself
If dubs, you just stop calling stuff "bad boy" and we'll be good.
Use your asshole neighbor's house for target practice.
shoot self
OP here;
how do i make webm if i need to for delivery?
I demand to see the chamber open
get dubs
Take dimensions from every part and post it
What kind of a gun is that?
go to a range and shoot it responsibly
School shooting. Don't come to Sunday school tomorrow.
shoot your toe
Check em
>You can put it in your purse faggot.
That's not a real gun.
Shoot up a place
go to range op you stupid faggot. post pics
Oh my goodness. Is that a gun???? Wow! So scared of those things. Guns kill people not people with guns.
Not sure if bait, or the average dumbass anti-gun libtard.
don't put an eye out kid......that mag extension gives it away you faggotiny....
kill nigs
dat file name
Kill yourself
i never said it was or wasnt a bb gun
Nice bait.
K to the Y to the S
Trips demand it.
jokes on u. cant die from bbs xD
Become an hero user
>remove barrel from gun
>insert barrel into rectum
>proceed to shit down barrel of gun
>immediately reassemble without cleaning
>load with blanks
>go fucking mug someone
>shoot the shit
Not sure if bait or your average dumb drumpf supporter.
Thnx baby.
Didn't vote for that reckless orange moron.
see if you can fit the barrel through your dickhole. if successful, pull trigger.
nice walther is this the ppk
i love the older ones the new ones im sure are ifficient but i love the look of older ones. this and a glock are my next purchase goals. 22 long ranger reporting in.
all i need now is suppressor